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    • PVC production
A simplified technique for prediction of pressure distribution, velocity profiles, torque, and power requirements for the calendering of power-law fluids is presented. The technique assumes isothermal conditions, is based on the... more
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      PVC productionPolymer ProcessingPVC Film ProductionNon Newtonian Power Law Fluid
Failure of unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) pipes and fittings may be related to many factors, such as, design, installation, abuse and/or manufacturing. A successful failure investigation may require detailed analysis of all... more
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    • PVC production
If natural leather is unkind to both the environment and animals, VEGAN leather is here to save both. Here is the whole story.
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      Ethical veganismFootwear and Leather Garments and IndustriesPVC productionLeather
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      Supply Chain ManagementScenario Based PlanningScenario planningFacility Location
PVC (polyvinyl chloride) is currently one of the most produced and used plastic materials, although its' development has been far from straightforward. This paper describes how this material, from its early commercial production on until... more
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      History of TechnologySTS (Anthropology)PVC production
One of the biggest challenges in wire insulation industries is the proper governance of its raw materials to form the standardized product. The use of plasticizers has been well investigated and their utilization is very abundant. The... more
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      PVC productionPvc Extrusion
El siguiente trabajo presentado ante la Universidad Nacional San Martin de la Argentina (UNSAM) – Instituto Petroquímico Argentino (IPA), para optar el Título de ESPECIALISTA EN INDUSTRIA PETROQUIMICA, muestra la viabilidad... more
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      Plastic TechnologyPetrochemical EngineeringPVC productionConceptual Design
Egepen Deceuninck marka, kapı ve pencere sistemleri dekorasyona uyumlu modelleri ve ses, ısı, rüzgar, hava yalıtımı özellikleri ile tasarlanan ürünlerdir. Egepen PVC kapı ve pencere sistemlerine ek olarak cam balkon uygulamaları ile her... more
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      PVC productionPVC productsManufacturinf of Pvc
A knowledge of the complete flow curve, or rheogram, of a PVC formulation depicting the variation of the melt viscosity over industrially relevant ranges of shear rate and temperature is essential in the design of polymer-processing... more
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      RheologyPolymer Engineering & RheologyPVC productionNon-Newtonian Rheology
The use of natural additives, with low toxicity and good compatibility, for PVC is becoming increasingly attractive. In this study, soybean oil additives were prepared by air oxidation reactions and blending with PVC. The oxidation... more
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      Polymer sciencePolymer BlendsPVC productionBiopolymers
The cooperation of around 200 countries agreed on climate with goal of keeping global warming below 2°C in the COP21 known as 2015 Paris Climate Conference held in Paris in year 2015. Many conditions were imparted on developing countries... more
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      Electric Power SystemsPVC productionSolar Car
This paper describes an approach for formulation of approximate, generalized field data based mathematical model (FDBM) for the process of PVC pipe manufacturing at some industries. The present work is aimed at establishing mathematical... more
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      Sensitivity AnalysisPVC production
AMA HUSAIN & CO. High Pressure Hydraulic Hose, Hydraulic Fittings, Flow Control Valves, Ball Valves, Crimped Hoses Hydraulic, Flexible Hoses Hydraulic, Flexible Pneumatic And Hydraulic Tubing, High Pressure Hydraulic Fittings Fire... more
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    • PVC production
PVC represents an important part of the cable market in Europe. It is the most widely used polymer in power and telecommunication cables, thanks to its advantages in terms of better cost / performance, sustainability and recyclability,... more
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      PVC productionCables
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      Polymer ChemistryComposite MaterialsPolymerizationPVC production
Resina Poliéster, Epóxi, Laminado Melamínico, Poliuretano (PU)
As resinas fenólicas, Poliisocianurato:
Polietileno (PE), POM, PTFE, PC
Elastômeros: Policloroprene, Polisiloxano, Butil
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      PVAPVC productionEngenhariaEngenharia Civil
Solid polymer electrolytes (SPEs) consisting of poly (vinyl chloride) complexed with MnSO4 have been synthesized by solution casting method. The ionic conductivity, dielectric response of the SPE system is studied within the frequency... more
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      PVC productionVariable Impedance ActuatorsDielectric StudiesProfessional Virtual Communities (PVCs)
ABSTRACT The use of natural additives, with low toxicity and good compatibility, for PVC is becoming increasingly attractive. In this study, soybean oil additives were prepared by air oxidation reactions and blending with PVC. The... more
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      EngineeringPolymer sciencePolymer BlendsPVC production