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      PVCPlaneacion De VidaPlaneacion De CarreraPlan De Vida Y Carrera
The extraordinary growth in the use of plastics in the last century is in response to a growing world population, with its increasing demands for more food, better health care, improved housing and numerous cheaper and abundant consumer... more
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      Polymer Blendspolymer science and EngineeringPVCPVC Properties
Guía práctica e ilustrada para construír una quena de PVC en sol mayor. Muy recomendada para construir en el aula o para uno mismo.
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      MúsicaDOCENCIA UNIVERSITARIAWind InstrumentsDocencia
To reduce the potential of flame and smoke propagation in air plenum cavities, plenum rated communication cable must meet stringent standards established by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). These standards are based on... more
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      ChemistryPVCThermal StabilityNon-Halogenated Flame Retardants
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      Wireless CommunicationsStandardsFiberGuide
Coating and lamination are the finish process designed to add or improve specific properties of fabric and it depends on the polymer used and its recipe and also nature of substrate. The polymers used for coating comes in various nature... more
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The aim of this paper is to encourage understanding and preservation of twentieth and twenty-first century fashion. It considers the use of plastics by three influential designers of modern and contemporary Western fashion and the... more
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      Materials EngineeringMaterials ScienceFashion designFashion Theory
Keywords databases data quality life-cycle assessment (LCA) polyvinyl chloride (PVC) sensitivity analysis uncertainty
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      Industrial EcologyLife Cycle AssessmentSensitivity AnalysisMultidisciplinary
A simplified technique for prediction of pressure distribution, velocity profiles, torque, and power requirements for the calendering of power-law fluids is presented. The technique assumes isothermal conditions, is based on the... more
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      PVC productionPolymer ProcessingPVC Film ProductionNon Newtonian Power Law Fluid
The morphology, orientation and mechanical studies of solvent cast poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC) /poly (styrene) (PS) blend films were carried out for various concentrations and draw ratios. Samples of pure PVC, PS and its blends were... more
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      Materials ScienceFTIRPVC
Dalam bidang olahraga tertentu material tradisional tetap bertahan dan hanya sedikit mengalami perubahan material, topik-topik yang dibahas mencakup teknik percetakan-polimer yang revolusioner. Busur panah mengalami berbagai macam... more
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      BambooBow and Arrow TechnologyEpoxy ResinsPVC
— Mechanical and thermo-analytical analysis carried out on the composites. In order to determine the relationships between structure and properties of composite, it is necessary to carry out different measurements. The tests were: tensile... more
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      EngineeringMaterials ScienceCompositesResearch
The goal of the paper is to investigate mechanical properties of hot air welded PVC plastics for different process parameter .Hot air welding technique is considered to be the most significant development in metal joining during last... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringPVC
Rigid PVC formulations containing two different stabilizer systems (tin and Ca/Zn) and TMPTMA as a crosslinking agent were treated with ionizing radiation (gamma and electron beam) at different doses and irradiation atmospheres. The... more
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      Chemical EngineeringMaterials ScienceChemistryCrosslinking
The covalent immobilization of penicillin G acylase (PGA) onto the surface of NH 2 -poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) membranes was studied. PGA was chosen because it plays a relevant role in the pharmaceutical industry, catalyzing the... more
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      Surface modificationPVCPenicillin AcylaseEnzyme immobilization
Electrospinning is a unique technology that can produce nano-woven fibrous structures with fiber diameters ranging from tens of nanometers to microns. In this work the novel application of this technique as a coating process was... more
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      ChemistryPhysical ChemistryElectrospinningPVC
Este trabalho teve como propósito avaliar um aquecedor solar de baixo custo para que pudesse servir como método alternativo na obtenção de água quente nas torneiras e chuveiros das residências e ainda reduzir custos com energia elétrica.... more
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      PVCEficiênciaResidênciasBaixo custo
A series of semi-interpenetrating polymer networks (semi-IPN) of polyurethane (PU) and poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) has been obtained by prepolymer method and characterised by FTIR; morphological features were examined by SEM–EDS. It has... more
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      Interpenetrating Polymer NetworksPVCPolyurethanesPolymer Thermal stability
The paper reports an experiment to produce polyvinyl chloride (PVC) using local (from Gunung Kidul) and imported (from Taiwan) CaCO3. The laboratory test shows that PVC produced using Taiwanese CaCO3 is superior over that using local... more
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    • PVC
Utilización del ácido aconítico extraído del citrato de calcio proveniente de la melaza de caña de azúcar como plastificante en la producción de PVC
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    • PVC
Novel lightweight and highly thermal insulative aerogel-doped poly(vinyl chloride)-coated fabric composites were prepared on woven fabrics made of polyester fibres using knife coating method, and their performances were compared with neat... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringComposite Materials and StructuresComposites
Palabras claves: Gaviota patiamarilla, Larus michahellis, reproducción, dispersión, anillamiento, PVC.
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Purpose: The main aim of this work is to investigate mechanical properties of plasticized PVC modified by recyclate of polylactide film and influence of aging time in humidity chamber on mechanical properties. Design/methodology/approach:... more
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      Scanning Electron MicroscopyPolymersMechanical Properties of Polymer CompositePolylactides
Poly(vinyl chloride)/poly(ε-caprolactone)/poly(ε-caprolactone)-b-poly(dimethylsiloxane) [PVC/PCL/(PCL-b-PDMS)] blends were prepared by solvent casting from tetrahydrofuran. The content of PVC was kept constant (60 wt%); the PCL and... more
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      BiomaterialsPolymersPolymer BlendsBlock Copolymer
The dielectric permittivity and losses of PVC stabilized with cadmium laurate were measured in the temperature range 300-400 K and frequency range 1 kHz-1 MHz. The relaxation behaviour was found to obey the Williams-Landel-Ferry (WLF)... more
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      PhysicsMaterials ScienceChemistryPVC
This study examines the possibility of replacing partially or totally the di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP -low molecular plasticizer) from the poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) compositions intended for medical devices, with... more
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      Materials EngineeringBiomaterialsInformation ExtractionMedical devices
This study examines the possibility of replacing partially or totally the di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP – low molecular plasticizer) from the poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) compositions intended for medical devices, with... more
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      Materials EngineeringBiomaterialsInformation ExtractionMedical devices
A 3C-2D PIV technique was applied to investigate the swirling flow generated by an axial plus tangential type swirl generator. This work is focused on the near-exit region of an isothermal swirling jet to characterize the effect of swirl... more
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      Particle image velocimetry (PIV)Swirling FlowsPVCVortex Breakdown
Thermal stabilizers such as lead, a toxic heavy metal, are incorporated in polyvinyl chloride (PVC) which is thermally unstable. Due to environmental concerns, organic thermal stabilizers like squash seed oil were used in the study.... more
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      PVCThermal StabilityPolyvinyl ChlorideSeed oil
The concurrent influence of the processing aid (Paraloid K 120N) and the carbon black ratio, as well as the nature and the ratio of the impact modifier (CPE 3615 and Kane Ace B56 A) on the main physico-mechanical characteristics of the... more
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      EngineeringPolymer BlendsMechanical Properties of MaterialsPVC
Introduction and Context The transformation of higher education over the last thirty years has had profound consequences for university management. As the scale and complexity of the management challenge grows, so does the need to appoint... more
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      Gender StudiesEducational LeadershipHigher EducationPolitical Science
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    • PVC
This paper presents a new method to analyze three specific heart diseases namely Atrial Premature Beat (APB), Left Bundle Branch Block (LBBB) and Premature Ventricular Contraction (PVC). The problem is introduced from the discussion of... more
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      Electrical EngineeringBiomedical EngineeringFractal AnalysisFractal
Introdução Os resíduos são considerados uma fonte atrativa para a produção de energia, principalmente os de base polimérica. Várias são as técnicas de valorização térmica e energética, como a pirólise, que constituem alternativas com... more
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      Waste ManagementPVCIndustrial wastes
With the increasing of plastics content in solid waste, both municipal and industrial, also increases the interest in its use as an energy source. Some of these wastes are an important potential source of energy and might be valorized... more
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      PVCPirolysisIndustrial wastesPVC Properties
This paper presents a new method to analyze three specific heart diseases namely Atrial Premature Beat (APB), Left Bundle Branch Block (LBBB) and Premature Ventricular Contraction (PVC). The problem is introduced from the discussion of... more
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      Electrical EngineeringBiomedical EngineeringPVCRescaled Range Analysis
The main aim of this work is to investigate mechanical properties of plasticized PVC modified by recyclate of polylactide film and influence of aging time in humidity chamber on mechanical properties. Design/methodology/approach: Static... more
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      Scanning Electron MicroscopyPolymersMechanical Properties of Polymer CompositePolylactides