Computer vision is an ever growing discipline whose ambitious goal is to enable machines with the intelligent visual skills humans and animals are provided by Nature, allowing them to interact effortlessly with complex, dynamic... more
The belief that Aristotle opposes potency (dunamis) to actuality (energeia or entelecheia) has gone mostly untested. This essay defines and distinguishes forms of the Opposition Hypothesis—the Actualization, Privation, and Modal—examining... more
Fuzzy numerical technique for FMEA has been proposed to deal with the drawbacks of crisp FMEA and fuzzy rule based FMEA approaches. Fuzzy numerical approaches based on de-fuzzification also suffer from the drawback of providing arbitrary... more
Bipolar argument graphs represent the structure of complex pro and contra arguments for one or more standpoints. In this article, ampliative and exclusionary principles of evaluating argument strength in bipolar acyclic argumentation... more
A possibility measure can encode a family of probability measures. This fact is the basis for a transformation of a probability distribution into a possibility distribution that generalises the notion of best interval substitute to a... more
We propose in this paper a method based, on the one hand, on possibility theory to calculate the similarity among the objects of any casebase, taking into account the imperfection and the heterogeneity of data, and based, on the other... more
introduced the concept of possibilistic mean, variance and covariance of fuzzy numbers. In this paper, we extend some of these results to a nonlinear type of fuzzy numbers called adaptive fuzzy numbers (see Bodjanova (2005, Information... more
In 1997, we proposed the fuzzy-possibilistic c-means (FPCM) model and algorithm that generated both membership and typicality values when clustering unlabeled data. FPCM constrains the typicality values so that the sum over all data... more
Anxiety disorders and sensory over-responsivity (SOR) are common in children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), and there is evidence for an association between these two conditions. Currently, it is unclear what causal mechanisms may... more
Possibilistic approach for consideration of uncertainties to estimate structural capacity of ageing cast iron water mains Tesfamariam, S.; Rajani, B. B.; Sadiq, R.
The aim of this paper is to present a fusion approach of multi-granularity linguistic information for managing information assessed in di erent linguistic term sets (multi-granularity linguistic term sets) together with its application in... more
1] Climate change impact assessment on water resources with downscaled General Circulation Model (GCM) simulation output is characterized by uncertainty due to incomplete knowledge about the underlying geophysical processes of global... more
This paper presents a discrete choice model for evaluating parking users' behaviour. In order, to explicitly take into account imprecision and uncertainty lying in user's choice process, the proposed model has been developed within the... more
Rendón, The fuzzy classifier system: motivations and first results, Proc. First Intl. Conf. on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature-PPSN I, Springer, Berlin, 1991, pp. 330-334 (scatter Mamdani fuzzy rules for control/modeling problems) M.... more
In this paper, we present a modeling approach, based on Fuzzy Data Fusion, to reproduce drivers' dynamic choice behavior under an Advanced Traveler Information System (ATIS). The proposed model uses the Possibility Theory to model... more
En los discursos actuales, el futuro oscila entre la omnipresencia un poco banal y la clausura del tiempo. A partir de la noción de futuridad, es posible pensar en una estrategia de pensamiento que permita no solo proyectar futuros, sino... more
In the twenty-first century, a company has to organize around the customers in order to be a successful and viable firm. Customers expect to get what they would like, with a side order of customization. This approach raises several... more
The compact representation of incomplete probabilistic knowledge which can be encountered in risk evaluation problems, for instance in environmental studies is considered. Various kinds of knowledge are considered such as expert opinions... more
Risk assessment is an important and significant aid in the decision making process. Risk assessment is performed using 'model' and a model is a function of parameters which are usually affected by uncertainty. Some model parameters are... more
Nous présentons dans cet article, en premier lieu, une étude comparative de trois théories mathématiques permettant de réaliser la fusion des sources d’information. Cette étude vise à dégager les caractéristiques inhérentes aux théories... more
The probabilistic and the possibilistic methods of safety evaluation of structure under uncertain parameters have been developed independently. When the structural system is defined with some of the input parameters as possibilistic and... more
Component-based software engineering has been projected off-late as an appropriate paradigm for embedded systems development. However this becomes feasible only if the dependability attributes, such as reliability, of embedded systems can... more
In several works, Deleuze carefully differentiated the virtual from the possible. In her article « Actuel / virtuel » (Vocabulaire de Gilles Deleuze), Anne Sauvagnargues insists on this distinction. Their assimilation is indeed frequent,... more
Providing cognitive assistance to Alzheimer’s patients in smart homes is a field of research that receives a lot of attention lately. The recognition of the patient’s behavior when he carries out some activities in a smart home is... more
In this paper we solve the problem of approximating a belief measure with a necessity measure or “consonant belief function” in a geometric framework. Consonant belief functions form a simplicial complex in both the space of all belief... more
At the application level, it is important to be able to define the measurement result as an interval that will contain an important part of the distribution of the measured values, that is, a coverage interval. This practice acknowledged... more
This study considers a model of road congestion with average cost pricing. Subjects must choose between two routes -Road and Metro. Travel cost on the road is increasing in the number of commuters who choose this route, while travel cost... more
In this paper, we extend the domains of armation and negation operators, and more important, of triangular (semi)norms and (semi)conorms from the unit interval to bounded partially ordered sets. The fundamental properties of the original... more
The study evaluates social acceptability of three alternative forest management regimes: state-controlled management; community-based management; and collaborative management involving multiple stakeholders. Villagers, foresters, park... more
Pages 22 2 J. Palma et al.
Classical approaches of Information Retrieval treat documents and queries as "bags of words" with no syntax and no semantic. This representation is based on the co-occurrence of words in a text and does not take into account the semantic... more
This paper addresses the problem of edge restoration in digital images. Taking advantage of an ensemble approach, multiple type-1 fuzzy filters are combined to reach a decision. The fuzzy logic concept for linguistic variables and... more
Intelligent agents require methods to revise their epistemic state as they acquire new information. Jeffrey's rule, which extends conditioning to probabilistic inputs, is appropriate for revising probabilistic epistemic states when new... more
In the setting of possibility theory, a tool named 'fuzzy pattern matching' (FPM) has been proposed in the eighties, and then successfully used in flexible querying of fuzzy databases and in classification. Given a pattern representing a... more
In this paper we argue that early warning systems for engineering facilities can be developed by combining and integrating existing technologies and theories. As example, we present an efficient integration of fuzzy expert systems, fault... more
This paper presents a new approach to the problem of designing Radial Basis Function Neural Networks (RBFNNs) to approximate a given function. The presented algorithm focuses in the first stage of the design where the centers of the RBFs... more
ecises Abstract: The problem of expert opinions representation and ag- gregation has long been adressed in the only framework of probability theory. Nevertheless, recent years have wit- nessed many proposals in other uncertainty theories... more
AbstraetmBoth certainty factors and possibility theory have been successfully used to represent uncertainty in expert systems. Both of these methods were investigated during the development of a rule-based expert system for selecting... more
Conditioning is crucial in applied science when inference involving time series is involved. Belief calculus is an effective way of handling such inference in the presence of uncertainty, but different approaches to conditioning in that... more
Risk theory is usually developed within probability theory. The aim of this paper is to propose an approach of the risk aversion by possibility theory, initiated by Zadeh in 1978. The main notion studied in this paper is the possibilistic... more
Purpose -Research on the use/disclosure of intellectual capital (IC) information by sell-side analysts, using content analysis of their reports, is growing. The objectives of this paper are to establish the importance of this perspective... more
In order to design effective advanced traffic information systems (ATIS) suitable mathematical models have to be defined to simulate the effects of information on users route choice behaviour and then to incorporate it into traffic... more
This paper is a first step in laying down a theoretical foundation for asset allocation under uncertainty, based on possibility theory. First, fuzzy financial knowledge representation is treated. Then, some issues relevant to financial... more
When clustering produces more than one candidate to partition a finite set of objects O, there are two approaches to validation (i.e., selection of a "best" partition, and implicitly, a best value for c, which is the number of clusters in... more
A fuzzy morphological approach is here presented to retrieve structural properties of images considered as fuzzy sets. The basic concepts of the possibility theory and of the mathematical morphology are brie y illustrated, together with... more
Naïve Bayesian network classifiers have proved their effectiveness to accomplish the classification task, even if they work under the strong assumption of independence of attributes in the context of the class node. However, as all of... more
This study attempts to apply a management science technique to improve the efficiency of Hospital Administration. We aim to design the performance of the surgical services at a Public Hospital that allows the Decision-Maker to plan... more