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Possibility theory is a mathematical framework for dealing with uncertain information, focusing on the representation and reasoning of degrees of possibility rather than probability. It provides tools for modeling and analyzing situations where information is incomplete or vague, emphasizing the distinction between what is possible and what is certain.
13th International Conference of Artificial Intelligence and Fuzzy Logic (AI & FL 2025) provides a forum for researchers who address this issue and to present their work in a peer-reviewed forum. Authors are solicited to contribute to the... more
Preface vii 1 Pattern Recognition 1 1.1 Fuzzy models for pattern recognition 1 1.2 Why fuzzy pattern recognition? 1.3 Overview of the volume 8 1.4 Comments and bibliography 2 Cluster Analysis for Object Data 2.1 Cluster analysis 2.2 Batch... more
A continuous predicate on a domain, or more generally a topological space, can be concretely described as an open or closed set, or less obviously, as the set of all predicates consistent with it. Generalizing this scenario to... more
Composite plans created from different image sets are generated through Deformable Image Registration (DIR) and present a challenge in accurately presenting uncertainties, which vary with anatomy. Our effort focuses on the application of... more
In order to understand the source and extent of the greater-than-classical information processing power of quantum systems, one wants to characterize both classical and quantum mechanics as points in a broader space of possible theories.... more
This paper presents the results and the main lessons learnt from Phase V of BEMUSE, an international programme promoted by the Working Group on Accident Management and Analysis (GAMA) of OECD to address the issue of the capabilities of... more
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Fuzzy sets theory has successfully accommodated the lack of clear-cut boundaries of poverty and its gradual nature. On the other hand, uncertainties related to lack of knowledge and imprecision in poverty data need also to be accounted... more
In possibility theory, there are two kinds of possibilistic causal networks depending if possibilistic conditioning is based on the minimum or on the product operator. Similarly there are also two kinds of possibilistic logic: standard... more
Possibilistic networks are important and efficient tools for reasoning under uncertainty. This paper proposes a new graphical model for decision making under uncertainty based on possibilistic networks. In possibilistic decision problems... more
In multiple-agent logic, a formula is in the form of (a, A) where a is a propositional formula and A is a subset of agents. It states that at least all agents in A believe that a is true. This paper presents a method of refutation for... more
This paper first proposes a new graphical model for decision making under uncertainty based on min-based possibilistic networks. A decision problem under uncertainty is described by means of two distinct min-based possibilistic networks:... more
In multiple-agent logic, a formula is in the form of (a, A) where a is a propositional formula and A is a subset of agents. It states that at least all agents in A believe that a is true. This paper presents a method of refutation for... more
The paper presents a 'multiple agent' logic where formulas are pairs of the form (a, A), made of a proposition a and a subset of agents A. The formula (a, A) is intended to mean '(at least) all agents in A believe that a is true'. The... more
In possibility theory, there are two kinds of possibilistic causal networks depending if possibilistic conditioning is based on the minimum or on the product operator. Similarly there are also two kinds of possibilistic logic: standard... more
Cuevas 2 I Aristotle's "De Anima" discusses several different aspects of what type of thing the soul is, as well as the things that it can and cannot do and the attributes that it does and does not have. Aristotle outlines that the... more
Clustering techniques have always been oriented to solve classification and pattern recognition problems. This clustering techniques have been used also to initialize the centers of the Radial Basis Function (RBF) when designing an RBF... more
Acute urinary retention (AUR) in women is not uncommon. Many reports have been published discussing the possible theories and pathogeneses of this condition. AUR induced by uterine fibroid is a rare entity that has been mentioned only in... more
Emotions classification of text documents is applied to reveal if the document expresses a determined emotion from its writer. As different supervised methods are previously used for emotion documents' classification, in this research... more
A client steps into your office to discuss an immigration matter. The client, Geovanni, appears to be an effeminate gay man, but Geovanni tells you that she is transgender and considers herself to be female. 1 * The author is the legal... more
A client steps into your office to discuss an immigration matter. The client, Geovanni, appears to be an effeminate gay man, but Geovanni tells you that she is transgender and considers herself to be female. 1 * The author is the legal... more
This paper describes a logical machinery for computing decisions, where the available knowledge on the state of the world is described by a possibilistic propositional logic base i.e., a collection of logical statements associated with... more
A database represents part of reality by containing data representing properties of real objects or concepts. To many real-world concepts or objects, time is an essential aspect and thus it should often be (implicitly) represented by... more
Databases model parts of reality by containing data representing properties of real-world objects or concepts. Often, some of these properties are time-related. Thus, databases often contain data representing time-related information.... more
Clustering techniques have always been oriented to solve classification and pattern recognition problems. This clustering techniques have been used also to initialize the centers of the Radial Basis Function (RBF) when designing an RBF... more
Author's Declaration I hereby declare that I am the sole author of this thesis. This is a true copy of the thesis, including any required final revisions, as accepted by my examiners. I understand that my thesis may be made electronically... more
This paper aims to provide a unified framework to deal with information imperfection and heterogeneity using possibility theory, in addition to information conflict and scarcity using Dempster-Shafer theory in order to classify... more
Data mining classification plays an important role in the prediction of outcomes. One of the outstanding classifications methods in data mining is Naive Bayes Classification (NBC). It is capable of envisaging results and mostly effective... more
Data mining classification plays an important role in the prediction of outcomes. One of the outstanding classifications methods in data mining is Naive Bayes Classification (NBC). It is capable of envisaging results and mostly effective... more
This work joins the assets of two different classification procedures for National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (NOAA AVHRR) data. The first procedure presented by Rodríguez Yi et al.... more
There is given an axiomatization of the hybrid probabilistic-possibilistic mixture, based on a pair of t-conorm S and t-norm T satisfying (CD) condition, and the corresponding S-measure.
There is given an axiomatization of the hybrid probabilistic-possibilistic mixture, based on a pair of t-conorm S and t-norm T satisfying (CD) condition, and the corresponding S-measure.
In real-world problems, input data may be pervaded with uncertainty. In this paper, we investigate the behavior of naive possibilistic classifiers, as a counterpart to naive Bayesian ones, for dealing with classification tasks in presence... more
In this paper, we address the problem of possibilistic network-based classification with uncertain inputs. Possibilistic networks are powerful tools for representing and reasoning with uncertain and incomplete information in the framework... more
Graphical belief models are compact and powerful tools for representing and reasoning under uncertainty. Possibilistic networks are graphical belief models based on possibility theory. In this paper, we address reasoning under uncertain... more
Interval-based possibilistic logic is a flexible setting extending standard possibilistic logic such that each logical expression is associated with a sub-interval of [0, 1]. This paper focuses on the fundamental issue of conditioning in... more
Possibility theory and possibilistic logic are well-known uncertainty frameworks particularly suited for representing and reasoning with uncertain, partial and qualitative information. Belief update plays a crucial role when updating... more
Possibilistic networks are graphical models particularly suitable for representing and reasoning with uncertain and incomplete information. According to the underlying interpretation of possibilistic scales, possibilistic networks are... more
Possibilistic networks are belief graphical models based on possibility theory. A possibilistic network either represents experts' epistemic uncertainty or models uncertain information from poor, scarce or imprecise data. Learning... more
Possibility theory and possibilistic logic are well-known uncertainty frameworks particularly suited for representing and reasoning with uncertain, partial and qualitative information. Belief update plays a crucial role when updating... more
Conditioning is an important task for designing intelligent systems in artificial intelligence. This paper addresses an issue related to the possibilistic counterparts of Jeffrey's rule of conditioning. More precisely, it addresses the... more
Possibilistic networks are belief graphical models based on possibility theory. This paper deals with a special kind of possibilistic networks called three-valued possibilistic networks where only three possibility levels are used to... more
In this paper, we address the problem of possibilistic network-based classification with uncertain inputs. Possibilistic networks are powerful tools for representing and reasoning with uncertain and incomplete information in the framework... more
Possibilistic networks are graphical models particularly suitable for representing and reasoning with uncertain and incomplete information. According to the underlying interpretation of possibilistic scales, possibilistic networks are... more
When do probability distribution functions (PDFs) about future climate misrepresent uncertainty? How can we recognise when such misrepresentation occurs and thus avoid it in reasoning about or communicating our uncertainty? And when we... more
Web information is too heterogeneous that users have difficulties to retrieve their needed information: text, image orvideo. In this context, the collaborative work presents one solution proposed to solve this problem. Collaborative... more
Over the last decade, the production and use of digital spatial data has increased rapidly. This strong growth has caused duplication of data collection efforts and a suboptimal uses of resources (Warnecke et al. 1998; Wehn de Montalvo... more