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      PKI (Cryptography)IndonesiaSejarahKomunisme
Blockchain technology has revolutionized the way people conduct transactions online. The distributed ledger technology has enabled the recording and tracking of resources and information even without a trustworthy authority as a central... more
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    • PKI (Cryptography)
This article explains what is a Digital Signature, why it is an important part of the Digital Identity, and how it works. Then it describes the authenticity and social problems related to the usage of the Digital Signature. It explains as... more
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      PKI (Cryptography)Digital SignaturePublic Key InfrastructureAuthentication
El trabajo presenta la arquitectura jurídica que da sustento a la implementación del sistema de gestión documental electrónica – GDE en Argentina: el derecho de fondo sumado al derecho administrativo electrónico que está naciendo.... more
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      Public AdministrationPKI (Cryptography)ArgentinaE-Government
PKI and Certificate Authorities are software technologies used to protect SSL, TLS, and HTTP/S communication. The information in this paper can be used to create many different PKI forms, and in doing so, the reader can understand the... more
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      PKI (Cryptography)Computer SecurityEncryptionChecklist
This article provides an overview of current international e-Government practices and the role of the national identity management infrastructure program in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in supporting e-Government development. It... more
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      Information TechnologyInformation SecurityPKI (Cryptography)Public Key Infrastructure
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      Indonesian HistoryPKI (Cryptography)Indonesian StudiesIndonesia
Blockchain technology has revolutionized the way people conduct transactions online. The distributed ledger technology has enabled the recording and tracking of resources and information even without a trustworthy authority as a central... more
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      Computer ScienceHuman Computer InteractionInformation SecurityComputer Engineering
Sebuah partai komunis dengan basis massa terbesar di Asian Tenggara
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      HistoryPKI (Cryptography)Komunismesejarah Indonesia
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      Information SecurityPKI (Cryptography)CryptographyCyber Security
Millions of citizens around the world have already acquired their new electronic passport. The e-passport is equipped with contactless communication capability, as well as with an Integrated Circuit Chip enabling cryptographic... more
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      PKI (Cryptography)Applied Cryptography
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      PKI (Cryptography)Electronic Signatures
Public Key Infrastructure gives security limits on the association, for instance, encryption of data, an insistence that data are done and customer affirmation, by open key encryption, etc. PKI starts to be worked as a validation base on... more
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      PKI (Cryptography)RSA
Internet of Things(IoT), allows communication among heterogeneous devices including everyday existing objects , embedded intelligent sensors, context-aware computing, traditional computing networks and smart objects that differ in their... more
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      PKI (Cryptography)OrchestrationInternet of Things (IoT)
The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the PKI project initiated part of the UAE national ID card program. It primarily shows the operational model of the PKI implementation that is indented to integrate the federal... more
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      PKI (Cryptography)eGovernmentIdentity managementeServices
Despite significant investments in eGovernment, reported experiences show limited and struggling success cases. In the last 15 years, Governments’ efforts have been scattered, as agencies were mainly concerned with the development of... more
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      Information TechnologyPKI (Cryptography)eGovernmentIdentity management
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      SociologyPKI (Cryptography)Sejarah PKI
tài liệu giới thiệu về chữ ký số ở hàn quốc
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      PKI (Cryptography)Security PKI e-government
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      PKI (Cryptography)PrivacySurveillance StudiesInformation Security and Privacy
The current implementation of TLS involves your browser displaying a padlock, and a green bar, after successfully verifying the digital signature on the TLS certificate. Proposed is a solution where your browser's response to successful... more
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      Mathematics of CryptographyGame TheoryPKI (Cryptography)Game Theory (Psychology)
Sejarah perjalanan kehidupan bernegara di Indonesia mencatat satu babak tentang perebutan memaknai Pan casila antar berbagai kelompok ideologi di Indonesia. Pergulatan pemikiran itu secara intensif pernah terjadi dalam Majlis... more
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      PKI (Cryptography)IndonesiaIslamic HistoryKomunisme
During the last decades, information security has become a major issue. Encrypting and decrypting data have recently been widely investigated and developed because there is a demand for a stronger encryption and decryption which is very... more
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      PKI (Cryptography)SecurityPublic Key InfrastructureEncryption
In this paper an integrated Certificateless Public Key Infrastructure (CLPKI) that focuses on key management issues is proposed. The proposed scheme provides two-factor private key authentication to protect the private key in case of... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation SecurityPKI (Cryptography)Public Key Infrastructure
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    • PKI (Cryptography)
International Journal on Cryptography and Information Security ( IJCIS) is an open access peer reviewed journal that focuses on cutting-edge results in applied cryptography and Information security. It aims to bring together scientists,... more
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      Mathematics of CryptographyPKI (Cryptography)Applied CryptographyCryptography
Leyes de tercera generación: hacia el pleno reconocimiento del derecho a la administración electrónica Mercedes Rivolta
Ponencia presentada en el Congreso del Clad de 2008.
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      Public AdministrationPKI (Cryptography)E GovernmentArgentina
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      Indonesian HistoryPKI (Cryptography)Sejarahsejarah Indonesia
Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) provides an intensive security mechanism for securing data communication over network. Generally transferring a file over a network is not secure if the network is wireless network or it consists of hubs as... more
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      Computer SciencePKI (Cryptography)Network SecurityMultidisciplinary
The project explores the use of digital documents as a response to the problems presented by physical documents, since they are at risk of partial or total loss. The solution is the digitalization that plays a very important role in... more
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      Information SecurityPKI (Cryptography)Blockchains
This paper presents a simulation model of a PKI which establishes the service of secure electronic mail exchange where users of the PKI use pull method for CRL download. It describes the method of making a simulation model of PKI in... more
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      Information SecurityPKI (Cryptography)
This article provides an overview of current international e-Government practices and the role of the national identity management infrastructure program in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in supporting e-Government development. It... more
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      EngineeringInformation TechnologyInformation SecurityPKI (Cryptography)
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      Automata Theory (Formal Languages)PKI (Cryptography)Network SecurityPublic Key Infrastructure
In this paper we are developing an algorithm to increase the security of using HMAC function (Key-Hashed Message Authentication) to insure data integrity for exchanging archival files. Hash function is a very strong tool used in... more
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      PKI (Cryptography)Digital SignatureCryptography
While X.509 Public Key Infrastructures (PKIs) and X.509 Attribute Certificates (ACs) enforce strong authentication and authorization procedures (respectively), they do not give the user management over his/her own attributes. This is... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation SecurityPKI (Cryptography)Public Key Infrastructure
In this paper an integrated Certificateless Public Key Infrastructure (CLPKI) that focuses on key management issues is proposed. The proposed scheme provides two-factor private key authentication to protect the private key in case of... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation SecurityPKI (Cryptography)Public Key Infrastructure
As communication technologies surged recently, the secrecy of shared information between communication parts has gained tremendous attention. Many Cryptographic techniques have been proposed/implemented to secure multimedia data and to... more
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      Mathematics of CryptographyPKI (Cryptography)Genetic AlgorithmsApplied Cryptography
The presence of Internet-connected navigation systems is becoming a truth that will easily lead to a significant growth in bandwidth demand by in-vehicle users like mobile user. For example the applications of vehicular communication... more
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      PKI (Cryptography)Graph TheoryVehicular Ad Hoc NetworksVehicular-To-Vehicular (V2V) Communication Engineering
In this research work we have proposed a machine to machine model of authentication. This model is applicable where multiple electronic devices are working continuously 24 hours for monitoring and periodically need to have authentication... more
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      Signal ProcessingPKI (Cryptography)Signal IntegrityInternet of Things
In this paper an integrated Certificateless Public Key Infrastructure (CLPKI) that focuses on key management issues is proposed. The proposed scheme provides two-factor private key authentication to protect the private key in case of... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation SecurityPKI (Cryptography)Public Key Infrastructure
In this research work we have proposed a machine to machine model of authentication. This model is applicable where multiple electronic devices are working continuously 24 hours for monitoring and periodically need to have authentication... more
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      Signal ProcessingPKI (Cryptography)Signal IntegrityInternet of Things
Nowadays public key infrastructure authentication mainly rely on certificate authorities and have to be trusted by both domain operators and domain owners. Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) using DNS-based Authentication... more
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      PKI (Cryptography)Network SecurityApplied Cryptographyblockchain security
Research Proposal This thesis aims at contributing to a field of End-to-End Trust Advancements in Internet communications with focusing on DNSsec. The specific research questions are: 1. Investigation of current advances in DNS and TLS... more
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      PKI (Cryptography)CybersecurityCyber SecurityDNS system
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      PKI (Cryptography)TrustManetCluster
MANET (Mobile Ad-hoc Network) is hot spot for research due to its various advantages and disadvantages. Providing safe communication between mobile nodes, recognization the position of nodes, reducing overhead, handling misbehavior and... more
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      PKI (Cryptography)TrustManetCluster
Research unveiled in December of 2008 [15] showed how MD5’s long-known flaws could be actively exploited to attack the real-world Certification Author-ity infrastructure. In this paper, we demonstrate two new classes of collision, which... more
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      Computer ScienceAutomata Theory (Formal Languages)PKI (Cryptography)Network Security
During the last decades, information security has become a major issue. Encrypting and decrypting data have recently been widely investigated and developed because there is a demand for a stronger encryption and decryption which is very... more
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      Distributed ComputingPKI (Cryptography)SecurityPublic Key Infrastructure
In distributed operation, we uses different key management schemes, authentication and many trust models, but in wireless medium having reliability problem, hidden terminal problem etc. To provide authenticated nodes and secured... more
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      PKI (Cryptography)QoS & Load Balancing in MANETsSecurity in ManetsMANETs
In this paper an integrated Certificateless Public Key Infrastructure (CLPKI) that focuses on key management issues is proposed. The proposed scheme provides two-factor private key authentication to protect the private key in case of... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation SecurityPKI (Cryptography)Public Key Infrastructure
The project explores the use of digital documents as a response to the problems presented by physical documents, since they are at risk of partial or total loss.The solution is the digitalization that plays a very important role in... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation SecurityPKI (Cryptography)Development
In this paper an integrated Certificateless Public Key Infrastructure (CLPKI) that focuses on key management issues is proposed. The proposed scheme provides two-factor private key authentication to protect the private key in case of... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation SecurityPKI (Cryptography)Public Key Infrastructure