Recent papers in PHONICS
CELTA second assignment.
Abstract Learning to read is one of the most important skills to acquire, and elementary schools all place a high value on learning to read. In Christian elementary schools, reading at a high level is very important because it not only... more
The present essay aims at investigating the relationship between dyslexia, phonologi-cal awareness, and the development of reading skills, both in a first language (L1) and in a foreign language (FL)-and especially in the English... more
" This paper aims to present a critical analysis of the Year 1 Phonics Screening Check (PSC), with special focus on the relationship between the UK Department for Education's policy-making and the evidence considered in the process of... more
This 1-minute mini-lecture describes a pre-reading, pre-lesson strategy called semantic impression. Dr. Andy Johnson, Reading Specialist,
" This paper aims to present a critical analysis of the Year 1 Phonics Screening Check (PSC), with special focus on the relationship between the UK Department for Education's policy-making and the evidence considered in the process of... more
This study investigated whether two groups of 6-year-old beginning readers taught to read by a phonics and by a “book experience” non-phonics approach would differ in reading comprehension as well as the processes of word recognition.... more
This chapter excerpt provides a brief overview of synthetic and analytic approaches to phonics instruction. Related mini-lectures are included.
Review of The New-England Primer, 1991 reprint of the Boston 1777 edition. The New-England Primer was the most popular elementary reading textbook in America in the late 1600s and the 1700s. Reprints allow our generation of Americans to... more
The results of deciphering the middle text of the Rosetta Stone point to the fact that there are many details which cannot be found in the text written (inscribed) in ancient Greek alphabet. This conclusion proves the science awareness... more
In modern societies, the role of reading is becoming increasingly crucial. Hence, any impairment to the reading ability can seriously limit a person's aspirations. The enormous importance of reading as an essential skill in modern life... more
Phonics is used to develop one of three cueing systems the brain uses to create meaning with print (semantic, syntactic, and grapho-phonological). Too often struggling readers are force fed a diet of phonics while the other two cueing... more
It is commonly assumed that children with dyslexia are slower at handwriting than other children. However, evidence of slow handwriting in children with dyslexia is very mixed. Thirty-one children with dyslexia, aged 9 years, were... more
AWEJ Volume.5 Number.2, 2014 Pp.54-69 Investigating EFL... more
A comparison was made of 10-year-old boys and girls who had learnt to read by analytic or synthetic phonics methods as part of their early literacy programmes. The boys taught by the synthetic phonics method had better word reading than... more
This 1-minute mini-lecture describes three simple strategies to develop grammar as well as the syntactical cueing system used to identify words during reading. Dr. Andy Johnson, Reading Specialist,
A number of studies have shown, counter-intuitively, that skilled adult readers find it difficult to correctly relate phonemes to graphemes in written words. In most adults this is of little consequence. However, teachers are required to... more
Participants: 190 (Study 1) and 31 (Study 2) children (aged 10) had been taught to read by a synthetic phonics approach and were matched with 203 (Study 1) and 33 (Study 2) children who had been taught to read by a mixed method approach... more
The study investigated the effect of phonics strategy on Lower Basic 3 struggling readers' performance in reading comprehension in Education Zone B of Benue State, Nigeria. One research question and one hypothesis guided the study. The... more
When integrated within a holistic literacy program, phonics applications can be used in classrooms to facilitate students’ self-directed learning of letter-sound knowledge; but are they designed to allow for such a purpose? With most... more
In modern societies, the role of reading is becoming increasingly crucial. Hence, any impairment to the reading ability can seriously limit a person's aspirations. The enormous importance of reading as an essential skill in modern life... more
This PowerPoint describes three approaches to phonics, and makes the case for large unit phonics instruction
Each section of the literacy module is designed to be a stand-alone but is connected to an overall module. The sessions are based not only on multidisciplinary literature review (applied linguistics, education, TEFL and psychology) but on... more
In this paper I argue that insufficient attention is paid to the explicit teaching of comprehension in South African literacy policies and practices. Like elsewhere, governments reinforce the existing curriculum gap by trying to solve the... more
The publication is easy in read through safer to comprehend. It is actually loaded with wisdom and knowledge Its been printed in an extremely simple way and is particularly simply right after i finished reading through this pdf where... more
Background: At present, there is little research examining the relationship between young children's attitudes to reading, confidence in the reading skills and reading attainment. Furthermore, research exploring the relationship between... more
Abstract This research examines phonics instruction on multi-touch display technology for collaborative learning. The paper provides a brief discussion of technology, collaborative learning and literacy instruction and then focuses on the... more
Phonics skills are considered to be the predictors of reading disability, which is off late viewed as a language based disorder. The aim of the present study is to compare the phonics skills of high and low academic achievers... more
Does the type of reading instruction experienced during the initial years at school have any continuing effect on the ways in which adults read words? The question has arisen in current discussions about computational models of mature... more
La “Scuola estiva internazionale in Toscana di Studi leopardiani, pascoliani e montaliani” (II edizione, 2016) è un’iniziativa accademica che vede coinvolto il settore contemporaneistico del “Dipartimento di Italianistica e... more
A straight forward introduction to phonics with suggestions for struggling readers.
Basic reading skills need to be acquired early in a target language to allow students to make full use of the educational opportunities given to them in all their subjects. Children with low literacy skills entering the primary level at... more
International posture/ Learning motivation/ Communication confidence/ Willingness to communicate / English communication
Smart Interactive Comprehensive Learning Aid (SICLA) is learning and teaching aid, implemented based on Bruner's theory on the development of the children (1996), in education. The main objective is to provide an automated interactive... more