Most downloaded papers in P4c
The philosophy for children curriculum was specially written by Matthew Lipman and colleagues for the teaching of philosophy by non-philosophically educated teachers from foundation phase to further education colleges. In this article I... more
We start our paper with a critical exploration of the current “back to basics” approach in South African foundation phase teacher education with its emphasis on strengthening the teaching of subject knowledge. We claim that such a... more
In this paper I argue that insufficient attention is paid to the explicit teaching of comprehension in South African literacy policies and practices. Like elsewhere, governments reinforce the existing curriculum gap by trying to solve the... more
I was working on this essay for the excellent Routledge Guide to Philosophy for Children but it did not make the grade. I welcome suggestions on how to improve it.
The article assumes that Lipman's paradigm of 'Philosophy for Children' (P4C) as a 'Community of Inquiry' (CI) is very useful in extending the range of philosophical practices and the benefits of philosophical community reflection to... more
I wish to carry out a philosophical inquiry into contemporary intercultural public spheres. The thesis I will support is that the achievement of inclusive public spheres (namely, with respect to our European and Western experience, the... more
In this article I focus on the notion of “reflective thinking” and on its theoretical and practical relevance. What I endeavour to achieve is that those dialogic practices employing “reflective thinking” succeed in showing that... more
Problematic and complex aspects of democratic life – such as the teaching of the concept of civil liberties, the spreading of responsible participation and pluralistic dialogue, the mutual understanding of different cultures and... more
Critical thinking should not be considered an educational end because of problems with instrumentalism in reasoning practices. However, as an end-in-view subordinate to meliorist transitionalism, a 'third-wave' form of philosophical... more
Recently fiction has been given a central role in the engagement in philosophical thinking, especially within an educational setting. We find many configurations of this intersection of the narrative and the philosophical and the... more