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In the last decades, several steps have been made aiming at rendering human IVF more successful on one side, more tolerable on the other side. The "mild" ovarian stimulation approach, in which a lower-than-average dose of exogenous... more
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      Reproductive BiologyBiological SciencesPregnancyOvulation Induction
Le syndrome d'hyperstimulation ovarienne : physiopathologie, facteurs de risque, prévention et prise en charge
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      GeneticsEnglish languageAcute kidney injuryStroke
Objective: To study the effectiveness of clomiphene citrate (CC) in preventing a premature LH surge during controlled ovarian stimulation in women undergoing assisted reproduction. Design: Prospective, randomized, controlled trial.... more
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      AlgorithmsTreatment OutcomePregnancyFertility and Sterility
In the present study, we examined the outcome of assisted reproductive technology cycles in patients with or without baseline ovarian cysts following gonadotrophin-releasing hormone analogs administration. Materials and Methods:... more
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      Treatment OutcomeOvulation InductionObstetrics and GynaecologyEmbryo Transfer
Objective: To compare the effectiveness of letrozole and clomiphene citrate (CC) in ovulatory patients with borderline male factor infertility, early stage endometriosis, and unexplained infertility. Design: Prospective quasi-randomized... more
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      Prospective studiesNitrilesFertility and SterilityOvulation Induction
Background: It is well known that many anurans do not reproduce easily in captivity. Some methods are based on administration of mammalian hormones such as human chorionic gonadotropin, which are not effective in many frogs. There is a... more
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      Biological SciencesDopamineSeasonalityOvulation Induction
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      Child DevelopmentTreatment OutcomePregnancyLow Birth Weight
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      British medical historyPregnancyOvulationOvulation Induction
Objective: To investigate the incidence, risk factors, and sonographic findings of maternal ovarian torsion in pregnancy. Design: Retrospective study. Setting: Department of Obstetrics/Gynecology of a tertiary referral center. Patient(s):... more
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      ObstetricsUltrasoundPregnancyFertility and Sterility
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      MedicinePregnancyOvulation InductionIncidence
Objective: To evaluate effects of simvastatin on selected biochemical parameters and reproductive outcome among patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) who undergo in vitro fertilization (IVF).
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      Life SciencesInflammationProspective studiesTestosterone
Scientists are able to advance the frontiers of human reproduction by employing a variety of molecular biological techniques to understand the biological processes intricately linked to oocyte and ovarian follicle development. Despite an... more
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      FertilityOvulation InductionDrug DesignDrug Delivery Systems
Objective: To identify dominant predictors of clinical pregnancy in IVF cycles. Design: Retrospective study. Setting: Private fertility center. Patient(s): The study included 580 fresh autologous IVF cycles with blastocyst transfer.... more
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      PregnancyProgesteroneFertility and SterilityOvulation Induction
Is there a relationship between ovarian reserve, quantified as ovarian response to stimulation, and miscarriage rate following IVF treatment.
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      PregnancyOvulation InductionMale InfertilityRisk factors
Purpose The purpose of this study was to identify trends in gonadotropin therapy in patients undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment worldwide. Methods Retrospective evaluation utilizing the results of a Web-based survey,... more
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      GeneticsMedicineOvulation InductionBirth Rate
Objective: To analyze if oocytes can be obtained in all patients before cancer treatment within 2 weeks by initiating ovarian stimulation during the follicular or luteal phase. Design: Prospective controlled multicenter trial. Setting:... more
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      CryopreservationAdolescentPregnancyFertility and Sterility
Indications for estrus induction in the bitch include missed breeding opportunities or conception failure, the treatment of primary or secondary anestrus and synchronization of ovulation for embryo transfer programs. Reported methods for... more
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      TheriogenologyBiological SciencesDogsProlactin
Transcervical embryo collection is used routinely in the bovine species throughout the world to collect Day 6 to Day 9 embryos (early embryos) for genetic selection. For research purposes, however, the collection of embryos at later... more
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      ResearchTheriogenologyBiological SciencesPregnancy
Objective: To report the pregnancy outcome of a patient with congenital lipoid adrenal hyperplasia (CLAH) due to an 11-bp deletion of the steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR) gene. Design: Case report. Setting: University-based... more
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      PregnancyFertility and SterilityOvulation InductionYoung Adult
Purpose To evaluate the impact of stimulating the endometrium with high-grade blastocyst culture supernatant (SEHB) perfusion before blastocyst transfer (BT) on implantation rate, pregnancy rate, and pregnancy outcome in ICSI cycles.... more
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      InfertilityPregnancyOvulation InductionEmbryo Transfer
The effects of estradiol benzoate (EB) and estradiol cypionate (EC) on induction of ovulation after a synchronized LH surge and on fertility of Bos indicus females submitted to timed AI (TAI) were evaluated. In Experiment 1,... more
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      TheriogenologyBiological SciencesPregnancyProgesterone
Obesity is known to interfere with reproductive outcomes in polycystic ovary syndrome. There is no consensus regarding the impact of obesity on reproductive outcomes after ovarian ablative therapy (OAT) and there is no level I evidence to... more
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      ObesityRiskTreatment OutcomeAdolescent
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) occurs in 6 to 10% of women during the reproductive age. Insulin resistance and compensatory hyperinsulinemia are currently two of the main factors involved in the etiopathogenesis of PCOS. The objective... more
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      Life StylePregnancyOvulation InductionClinical Sciences
Objective: The aim of the study was to evaluate if the diagnosis and treatment of uterine cavity abnormalities by hysteroscopy in patients undergoing IVF programme is of any value in improving clinical pregnancy outcome. Methods: 520... more
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      Prospective studiesPregnancyOvulation InductionAssisted Reproduction
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      TheriogenologyBiological SciencesPregnancyOvulation Induction
The effect of exercise on mare reproductive efficiency was evaluated by comparing rates of embryo recovery from mares assigned to either an exercise regimen or a non-exercise (control) regimen. Exercised mares were worked daily for 30 min... more
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      Biological SciencesPregnancyOvulation InductionHorses
OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study was to determine the fecundity of young women (<35 years) with an elevated day 3 follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) undergoing gonadotropin-stimulation/intrauterine insemination.
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      Treatment OutcomeLinear modelsMultivariate AnalysisPregnancy
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      InfertilityIVFOvulation InductionAnovulation
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      InfertilityOvulation InductionPrevalenceDefinitions
Objective: To evaluate gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist/antagonist conversion with estrogen priming (AACEP) in low responders with prior IVF failure. Design: Descriptive. Setting: Private practice. Patient(s): Women aged %42... more
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      PregnancyFertility and SterilityOvulation InductionDrug Resistance
The aim of this review paper is to provide a scientific basis for the development of ovarian stimulation (OS) protocols for in vitro fertilization (IVF) in baboons. Firstly, the evidence available regarding OS for assisted reproduction in... more
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      UltrasoundAnimal reproductionBiological SciencesPapio
La stimulation ovarienne et la ponction folliculaire en AMP présentent des risques qui doivent être envisagés afin de mieux les prévenir. Ces complications sont l'hyperstimulation ovarienne, les risques thromboemboliques et... more
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      PregnancyOvulation InductionThromboembolismRisk factors
BACKGROUND: Approximately one in six couples experiences problems with their fertility at some point in their reproductive lives. The economic implications of the use of assisted reproductive techniques require consideration. Herein, the... more
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      EpidemiologyHealth EconomicsPublic HealthCryopreservation
Control of reproductive function in captivity is essential for the sustainability of commercial aquaculture production, and in many fishes it can be achieved by manipulating photoperiod, water temperature or spawning substrate. The fish... more
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The use of medicinal plants is an option for livestock farmers who are not allowed to use allopathic drugs under certified organic programs or cannot afford to use allopathic drugs for minor health problems of livestock.
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      Veterinary MedicineParticipatory ResearchFolk MedicineMedicinal Plants
Objective: To reevaluate ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) prevention techniques and provide a classification system for grading OHSS and evidence-based treatment strategies for preventing OHSS. Design: A literature search was... more
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      ObstetricsEvidence Based MedicinePreventionFertility and Sterility
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      Growth HormonePregnancyOvulation InductionGonadotropin Releasing Hormone
Depuis les débuts de l'Assistance médicale à la procréation (AMP), la connaissance du moment de l'ovulation a toujours été une nécessité. Initialement, cette surveillance se faisait en détectant le pic urinaire de la luteinizing hormon... more
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Developments in the use of drugs to improve reproduction and embryo production have focused on estrus and ovulation synchronization protocols and embryonic survival. Protocols for synchronization of ovulation eliminate the need for... more
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      ReproductionTheriogenologyBiological SciencesGrowth Hormone
To critically discuss the current protocols for the management of controlled ovarian hyperstimulation in assisted reproduction technology. Design: Review of the literature and presentation of our experience. Main Outcome Measure(s):... more
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      PregnancyFertility and SterilityOvulation InductionIn Vitro Fertilization
Previous studies have shown that existing antral follicles in the luteal phase enable ovarian stimulation. In a pilot study, the efficacy of double stimulations during the follicular and luteal phases in women with poor ovarian response... more
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      CryopreservationPregnancyOvulation InductionFertilization in Vitro
The prediction of extremes of ovarian response to stimulation and the irreversibility of reduced ovarian reserve remain important clinical and basic science research issues of IVF treatment. Recommending commencement of ovarian... more
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      Ovulation InductionAndrogensReproductive medicineCost Benefit Analysis
Objective: To systematically review the literature to identify randomized controlled trials, which evaluate interventions aiming to improve the probability of pregnancy in poor responders undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF). Design:... more
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      ObstetricsEvidence Based MedicineTreatment OutcomeProbability
Two experiments were conducted in ewes in order to develop an oestrus-ovulation short time synchronization protocol based on combined FGA, PGF 2␣ , GnRH, eCG treatments, for use in dairy sheep before natural service (Experiment 1) or for... more
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      BreedingBiological SciencesTime SynchronizationSheep
This prospective observational study aimed to assess ovarian reserve after three different methods for induction of ovulation in 60 women between 30 and 40 years old with polycystic ovary syndrome. Women were equally divided into three... more
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      Prospective studiesOvulation InductionPolycystic Ovary SyndromeFemale Infertility
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      PregnancyOvulation InductionEmbryo TransferOvarian Follicle
Gonadotropin therapy plays an integral role in ovarian stimulation for infertility treatments. Efforts have been made over the last century to improve gonadotropin preparations. Undoubtedly, current gonadotropins have better quality and... more
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      InfertilityOvulation InductionLuteinizing HormoneClinics
Patients undergoing IVF/ICSI frequently experience substantial treatment burden, risk and psychological distress. These three related elements contribute to a negative patient experience that can lead to treatment discontinuation if... more
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      TreatmentBirthPregnancyOvulation Induction
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a heterogeneous disorder characterized by hirsutism, obesity, hyperandrogenism and insulin resistance. The syndrome is often accompanied by infertility because of anovulation. Many approaches have been... more
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      Ovulation InductionAnovulationPolycystic Ovary SyndromeFemale Infertility