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      Ottoman PressOttoman TradeOttoman Commercial History
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      Ottoman-Venetian relationsHistory of CommerceOttoman Commercial History
In the classical period, the Ottoman State established its political, economic and social presence through its own institutions. However, defeats in the military arena in the 19th century brought the quest for innovation. Innovations... more
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      Ottoman BalkansModern Ottoman HistoryLate Ottoman PeriodOttoman-Turkish Westernization
This article examines the body of takrirs ¬– written representations – from the British ambassadors in Istanbul to the Ottoman government in the mid- and late eighteenth century, aiming to place these diplomatic representations within the... more
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      HistoryDiplomatic HistoryOttoman HistoryBritish History
Çalışma, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda 1800-1900 arası dönemde dâhili gümrük vergileri için yapılan istisnaları ele almaktadır. Baltalimanı Antlaşması ile yerli üretici yabancı üretici karşısında rekabet etmekte dezavantajlı bir konumla karşı... more
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      Tariff PolicyOttoman Industrial HistoryOttoman Commercial History
Abstract: During the Tanzimat period new types of judicial institutions – the commercial courts are founded in the Ottoman Empire. While on their legal status there are some literiture, the functioning and practice of the provincial... more
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      Islamic LawOttoman HistoryOttoman EmpireOttoman Balkans
L’objectif que cette étude s'est donné est de retracer dans quelle mesure, pour une ville provinciale comme Alep, les réformes du droit commercial durant l’ère du Tanzimat ont mis du temps avant de pouvoir vraiment s’accomplir. Elle tâche... more
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      Tanzimat reforms Ottoman EmpireOttoman Commercial History