Otorhinolaryngology and Head Neck Surgery

1,644 papers
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Otorhinolaryngology and Head Neck Surgery is a medical specialty focused on the diagnosis and treatment of disorders related to the ear, nose, throat, and related structures of the head and neck. This field encompasses both medical and surgical interventions for conditions affecting these areas.
Palatal perforation or oronasal fistula is an uncommon clinical entity. It may result from acquired or congenital factors. The three common acquired causes of palatal perforations are drug addiction, cancer, and infections. Appropriate... more
Background: Canal wall down mastoidectomy are still practiced in cases of chronic suppurative otitis media with cholesteatoma to ensure complete disease removal. The resulting cavity is prone to recurrent infection, chronic discharge and... more
Corresponding Author: Dr RIAHI Inès E.mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT Schwannoma is a benign common tumour of the head and neck. However, intraoral location is very infrequent (only 1-12% of all head and neck schwannomas). Tongue... more
Allergic rhinitis is one of the commonest condition that occurs in our local environment. This condition has become more prominent as can attend more than 6patients in each clinic that attend at the OPD. The reasons can lie more on the... more
Background: Reflux means return or regurgitation of fluid. When symptoms arise due to reflux of stomach contents into the pharynx and larynx it is termed as laryngopharyngeal reflux disease (LPRD). GERD and LPRD are two different entities... more
Background: Reflux means return or regurgitation of fluid. When symptoms arise due to reflux of stomach contents into the pharynx and larynx it is termed as laryngopharyngeal reflux disease (LPRD). GERD and LPRD are two different entities... more
Background: Tracheostomies are commonly performed procedures. Risk of transmission of Covid-19 is considered high during formation of surgical tracheostomy and in the post-operative period, creating a significant clinical challenge.... more
Background: It has been debated that "remote access endoscopic parathyroidectomy" requires extensive dissection, thereby, increasing the risk of complications. Hence, the aim of this study is to assess the feasibility and safety... more
Background: Vocal cord paralysis is a clinical sign caused by paralysis of intrinsic muscles of larynx due to dysfunction of recurrent laryngeal nerve or injury to the vagus nerve. One of the common and effective methods of medialization... more
Lassa fever is a viral hemorrhagic illness endemic to West Africa that poses a significant public health burden. One of its most debilitating complications is sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL), which affects up to 30% of survivors,... more
Microlaryngeal surgeries (MLS) are typically performed under general anaesthesia either by employing a microlaryngeal tube or without endotracheal intubation using high frequency jet ventilation. Recently, trans-nasal humidified rapid... more
Background: Coronavirus is emerging as a major threat to the global economy and psychology. The survey aims to know the concerns and preparedness of healthcare workers in the region of Punjab.Methods: An online anonymous survey of 22 item... more
A cricopharyngeal foreign body is a common emergency to any otolaryngologist in their clinical practice. Coins, button batteries, pencil tips, screws, tooth brush, safety pin are usually found in children but are rarely seen in adults in... more
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of our research was to analyze and compare the outcome of Endonasal Endoscopic (EE-DCR) versus Endoscopic Trans-canalicular Laser assisted Dacryocystorhinostomy (TC-DCR) for the treatment of Dacryocystitis... more
Multidrug resistance (MDR) is a global threat due to either improper diagnosis or overuse of antibiotics. Head and neck infections (HNI) are serious diseases that involve several species of microorganisms. Common complications of HNI... more
Background: To study the presence of fungus and their types in nasal swabs taken from osteomeatal complex and in cases of nasal polyp from the nearest point of osteomeatal complex under endoscopic vision from the patients of chronic... more
Background: Head and neck squamous carcinoma constitutes 30% of malignancies in our region, oral carcinoma being most common among them. Most of these tumours involve lower gingivobuccal sulcus and buccal mucosa. 80% patients present with... more
Preoperative diagnosis of small bowel perforation by sharp foreign body is difficult because of its variable clinical presentation. We report a case of a 80 year old man who presented with delayed small bowel perforation caused by a fish... more
Various methods were used to find research articles on the Hybrid cochlear implant. Initially, an online search was performed across databases such as Scopus,
Preauricular sinuses and pits are congenital anomalies located in or just in front of the ascending limb of the helix. Even though excising a sinus is a relatively minor surgical procedure, recurrence is not uncommon if an adequate... more
Melioidosis is an emerging infectious disease, caused by the gram-negative saprophyte Burkholderia pseudomallei. This paper reports an atypical presentation of Melioidosis, which had the submandibular lymph node as the only... more
Rhino-orbital-cerebral mucormycosis (ROCM) is a rare, life-threatening invasive fungal infection that often occurs in immunocompromised individuals. The condition originates in the nose and paranasal sinuses but is often seen spreading to... more
Background: Chronic ear discharge in chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM) persisting for more than two weeks has become difficult to treat for ENT specialists due to resistance to the available antibiotics and patient's... more
Background: Septoplasty is among the most common procedure in nasal surgery, and it has some difficulties, especially at the beginning of the surgical training.Methods: A prospective study including 154 patients underwent septoplasty... more
A common peripheral vestibular disorder called vestibular neuritis (VN) results in abrupt development of vertigo symptoms without any accompanying auditory symptoms, such as tinnitus, aural fullness, or hearing impairment. The precise... more
A retrospective analysis of patients with carcinoma larynx treated at government Royapettah hospital, Chennai between January 1, 2013, and December 31, 2020, was done. Our institute gets a relatively heterogeneous population that is... more
Background: Oral cancer is associated with high morbidity and mortality and therefore it represents a grave health problem worldwide. However there is scarcity of the studies in the literature regarding the prognostic factors amongst the... more
Objective: Several studies have reported the association between benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) and vitamin D deficiency. The aim of this study was to evaluate serum 25-hydroxy vitamin D (25 (OH) D) levels in BPPV patients... more
Background: Phosphaturic Mesenchymal Tumor (PMT) is a rare type of mesenchymal neoplasm that is associated with oncogenic osteomalacia, resulting in serious musculoskeletal problems. Since it exhibits rare occurrence and random possible... more
Background: Hearing is one of the most complex systems of the human body and is a skill involved in the human social evolution. It has been estimated that around 900 million people by the end of 2050, will probably suffer from hearing... more
Background: A cochlear implant (CI) is a greatly effective therapy for severe to profound deafness. This study aims to examine the prevalence of otitis media (OM) in children after CI and its impact on the device's integrity with... more
Background: Otitis media with effusion (OME) is one of the commonest diseases causing hearing impairment in children. Hearing loss in early childhood may lead to risk of speech and language problems and psychosocial abnormalities. Aim of... more
Tonsillectomy the "bread and butter" surgery of the Otorhinolaryngologist has graduated from the Gullitone to the state of the art plasma knife technique, vis a vis patient and surgeon comfort. The excruciating post recovery pain is due... more
Deep neck infections either cellulitis or abscess are localised initially within the potential spaces and fascial planes of the head and neck. These infections should not be ignored. One should not underestimate the necessity of... more
The nasal dorsum necessitates intervention at the level of its underlying septal support, in marked deformities, to achieve an acceptable outcome. Conventional intranasal septal access gives limited correction in severe deviations and... more
The carotid sheath enclosing the common carotid artery, internal jugular vein, vagus and the deep jugular lymph nodes continues around the vessels of the superior mediastinum. This sheath formed by the investing fascia, prevertebral... more
Pisces are a delicacy on the table of almost every non-vegetarian household. Unfortunately, pharyngeal impaction of fish bones is a frequent emergency in the oto-rhino-laryngological clinics or trauma units of tertiary health care... more
The  pediatric individual is likely to present with an aspirated foreign body that maybe oriented as such that it may necessitate often an alternate route for removal. Rigid bronchoscopy with jet ventilation is the intervention undertaken... more
A stony hard rigid neck is the typical presentation in the angina of Von Ludwig. Suddenly with excruciating pain generalized severe cellulitis of the neck is noticed. It flares up quickly and extends on either side, in the submandibular,... more
Tonsillectomy the “bread and butter” surgery of the Otorhinolaryngologist has graduated from the Gullitone to the state of the art plasma knife technique, vis a vis patient and surgeon comfort. The excruciating post recovery pain is due... more
The nasal dorsum necessitates intervention at the level of its underlying septal support, in marked deformities, to achieve an acceptable outcome. Conventional intranasal septal access gives limited correction in severe deviations and... more
Deviations and deformities of the bony nasal skeleton are amenable to osteotomies in the longitudinal, transverse and the oblique planes. These interventions undertaken either intranasal or percutaneous, translocate the... more
Deep neck infections either cellulitis or abscess are localised initially within the potential spaces and fascial planes of the head and neck. These infections should not be ignored. One should not underestimate the necessity of... more
Kite flying is a sporting activity in Indian subcontinent and winters is the time of the year when rooftops are crowded and all eyes are towards the sky. The traditional glass spiked cotton threads made kite string Indian manja has been... more
Background: Nasosinus mucoceles are expansive pseudocystic formations of the sinuses of the face formed by chronic retention of mucus in a sinus cavity due to ostial obstruction.Methods: This was a descriptive study of retrospective data... more