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Effects of water inclusion in microclimate modifi cation systems for warm and cool season vegetable crops on temperature and yield N. Bumgarner and S. Verlinden (USA) Changes in inner contents of 'Kyoho' grape berry during the growth and... more
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Reservoirs have since been the earliest civilisation, being part of man kind strategy for survival. These water storage facilities have been created since time immemorial mainly by constructing dams accross rivers and are intended both... more
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Gioco di ruolo e molteplicità d'esperienza E' credenza comune tra i giocatori credere che vi sia una distinzione oggettiva tra il personaggio giocato e il giocatore stesso. Di fatto tale distinzione non esiste: la persona che gioca prova... more
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      Game TheoryAnthropologySelf and IdentitySocial and Cultural Anthropology
Welcome to you, as you join us in exploring religious pluralism-a topic both simple and complex.
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      HinduismPeace and Conflict StudiesEarly ChristianityReligious Pluralism
Social cognition has received much attention in fields such as neuroscience, psychology, cognitive science, and philosophy. Theory-theory (TT) and simulation theory (ST) provide the dominant theoretical frameworks for research on social... more
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      Artificial IntelligencePhilosophyMachine LearningSocial Representations
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Şeytan yükümüzü sırtlanan günah keçisi değilse nedir?
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      Art HistoryIndigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesPerforming Arts
Over utilization of medicinal plants from wild habitat is causing genetic diversity loss of these valuable plants. In order to determine the optimum planting date and density of oregano for successful production, a field experiment was... more
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In this presentation I explained how we arrive to grasp the pre-ontological certainty to the existence of the others, according to Sartre.
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      EpistemologyContinental PhilosophyIntersubjectivityJean Paul Sartre
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      Eighteenth-Century literatureGothic StudiesRepresentation of OthersGothic Fiction
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      American StudiesJewish StudiesTelevision StudiesVampire Literature
Livro de djanto
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check list compresora
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      OthersIngeniería Industrial
Attendance Management Software User Manual
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 Valores sensibles: Placer / Dolor / Alegría / Pena.  Valores de la civilización: Útil / Perjudicial.  Valores vitales: Noble / Vulgar.  Valores culturales: Ético / jurídico / justo / injusto.  Valores religiosos: Sagrado / profano.... more
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Basic information on the inflorescence and flower development of Thai aromatic dwarf coconut was developed. Histology of inflorescences of the Thai dwarf aromatic coconut, 'Nam Hom', was compared to that of a typical tall-type coconut.... more
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The author is trying to show the idea of unhygienic literature
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      Critical TheoryHistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
In the realm of Shakespearean drama, Othello, the Moor of Venice offers a prime example of racial Otherness. Demarcated primarily in Othello’s identity transformation over the course of the play, this Otherness is reinforced through the... more
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      English LiteratureShakespeareRace and EthnicityThe Other
Hint kıtasında yaklaşık sekiz asır süren Müslüman Türk hâkimiyeti döneminde, Hindu toplumuna yön veren düşünürler, kendi perspektiflerinden İslâm’ı ve müntesiplerini tahlil edip konumlandırmaya çalışmışlardır. Kimisi ötekileştirici bir... more
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      HinduismHistory of IndiaIndian studiesSocial Interaction
Volume curato nell'ambito del progetto "Stranierità - Foreignness - Fremdheit" (finanziato dal Bando dell’Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna "Accordi di Cooperazione Internazionale con Istituzioni di Istruzione Superiore", disp.... more
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      SociologyJurisprudenceClassicsLatin Literature
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This's a chritical study about criminal behavoir, trougth evolution of human and science, since oldest register to newer items, including some items about crime science to investigate crimes.
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      EconomicsTransnationalismBorder StudiesInternational Migration
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INDICE INTRODUZIONE……………………………………………………………p.2 CAPITOLO I -UN ESISTENZIALISMO ATEO…………………………p.6 1. Una vocazione mancata…………………………………………………p.6 2. Le Mosche. Il passaggio dalla disperazione all'azione……………p.9 3. L'etica in un mondo senza... more
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      AtheismJean Paul SartreBad FaithTemporality
«¿Cómo puedo seguir siendo yo mismo, respetar la alteridad del otro y, con todo, ser capaz de saltar la verja del aislamiento y tocar al otro por dentro?» Esta pregunta es la que inicia y dirige el presente escrito. En él, se ahonda en la... more
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      Jewish StudiesPhenomenologyÉmmanuel LévinasEdmund Husserl
is a test
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This essay attempts to demonstrate the role of contextualisation and background knwoledge in understanding English-speaking African literature. It takes the example of three short stories "Certain Winds from the South" by Ama Ata Aidoo,... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
The paper analyses M. Seel’s aesthetic theory in connection with the problem of the content of aesthetic experience and the tendencies for its reexamination in contemporary aesthetics. We demonstrate that Seel’s „aesthetics of appearing“,... more
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      AestheticsArt TheoryModernityThe Other
Bu çalışmada, Levinas’ın düşüncesini etkileyen felsefi ve dini kaynakların yanısıra hem onun düşüncesini daha iyi anlamamızı sağlayan temel kavram ve sorunları hem de ilk felsefe olarak etik anlayışını ve ahlâk siyaset ilişkisini... more
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      EthicsCorporate Social ResponsibilityPhenomenologyThe Other
Advances in understanding of Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) molecular biology are reviewed. TSWV, a type species of the genus Tospovirus, is an enveloped virus that causes high economical losses in many crops worldwide. It is... more
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A study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of Public Awareness Programme (PAP) on prevention of female foeticide and female infanticide in terms of knowledge and attitude of adults in a selected community in Ambala, Haryana. The... more
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      Social PsychologyHuman RightsGenderPublic Health
Alevi Diasporası ve 'resmi din' olarak Alevilikte çoklu kimlik Zeynep Arslan  Özet Mevcut çalışma, Anadolu Alevilerinin önemli ölçüde dışarıdan gelen tanımlamalara maruz kalmalarına ve Türkiye siyaset konjonktüründe daima " Şeriat... more
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      Religion in TurkeyIslam in TurkeyDiaspora StudiesSubaltern Studies
Au travers de cet article nous verrons comment Husserl tente d'établir dans la phénoménologie un nouveau statut du rapport à autrui pour sortir de la conception solipsiste du cartésianisme où autrui est envisagé à partir du seul cogito.... more
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The paper discusses Derrida's concept of hospitality which perfectly describes the experience of loosing the sense of feeling at home and reveals the disintegrating entrance of the Otherness into a coherent home space. Jacques Derrida's... more
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      Critical TheoryLanguagesBiochemistryBioinformatics
Il contributo intende ripensare l'intreccio di carenza ed eccedenza proprio del desiderio all'interno di una cornice antropologico-filosofica. Tale ripensamento prende le mosse dalla tematizzazione dell’interesse sempre maggiore che va... more
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      Philosophical AnthropologyGilles DeleuzeJacques LacanCapitalism
Ethnicity plays a strong role in niche market development, and the market for specialty Asian crops is currently under-served. As Asian populations continue to grow in the southern United States, especially along the Gulf Coast, it is... more
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Autoevaluacion DS 594 Chile
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ÖZ Kimliğin (yeniden) oluşumu, günlük hayatın tüm mekânlarında ger-çekleşmektedir. Dolayısıyla mekânlar sosyo-kültürel dinamiklerin sürekli olarak yeniden müzakere edilmesi ile yapılandırılmalıdır. Ancak Türkiye'de bazı gruplar... more
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Although scholars of Somali Studies have engaged themselves in examining the Somali society from several perspectives, colonial and early Somali writers mainly observed the Somali people as homogenous, egalitarian and nomadic pastoral.... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisHistoryCultural History
no abstract
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Armenians had compiled some church law collections until the 12th century, but they did not have any national law code (codex) regulating social life. The law code written by Mkhitar Gosh in 1184 aimed to fulfill this need and became the... more
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      Medieval HistoryAnatolian StudiesAnatolian HistoryArmenian History
Othering is the construction and identification of the self or in-group and the other or out-group in mutual, unequal opposition by attributing relative inferiority and/or radical alienness to the other/out-group. The notion of othering... more
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      Social PsychologyCultural GeographyPolitical Geography and GeopoliticsPhilosophy
Mountains were always a convenient region, which could be profited from as both a safe refuge protecting from the enemy as well as an opportune starting point of an attack against the enemy's territory. An analysis of works left by... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine Studies
The present investigation has been carried out to determine the anatomical features of whole plant of Cassia occidentalisis an important medicinal plant used in traditional systems of medicine. It shows anatomical peculiarities like... more
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The Bulgarians’ settlement in the Lower Danube area constituted one of the most sig- nificant events in the history of the Balkan Peninsula in the Middle Ages. The Danube Bulgaria’s rise and its territorial expansion changed the political... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies