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To investigate the short-term optical, chemical and morphological changes in Invisalign appliances. One 'as-received' Invisalign aligner, one 'as-received' Invisalign aligner immersed in artificial saliva for 14 days and... more
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      DentistryFourier transform infrared spectroscopyTime FactorsGas Chromatography/mass Spectrometry
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      OrthodonticsOrthodontic ResearchMalocclusionDentistry and Orthodontics
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      OrthodonticsBiomechanics in OrthodonticsAesthetics in OrthodonticsOrthodontic Research
Minimally and Non-Invasive Approaches to Accelerate Tooth Movement: Micro-osteoperforations. Patients are always attracted to decreasing the time it takes to complete orthodontic treatment. Recent advances in the understating of bone... more
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      OrthodonticsPeriodonticsCombined Orthodontic-Surgical TreatmentOrthodontist
Background: Although orthodontic white spot lesions (WSLs) are one of the most often and most evident adverse effects of comprehensive fixed appliance treatment, the efficacy of interventions for WSLs has not yet been adequately assessed... more
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      OrthodonticsEvidence Based MedicineClinical TrialsClinical Trial
Papageorgiou SN, G€ olz L, Jäger A, Eliades T, Bourauel C. Lingual vs. labial fixed orthodontic appliances: systematic review and meta-analysis of treatment effects. Eur J Oral Sci 2016; 00: 000–000. © 2016 Eur J Oral Sci The aim of this... more
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      OrthodonticsMeta-Analysis and Systematic ReviewMeta-analysis and systematic review (Health Sciences)Orthodontic and surgical treatment outcome predictions
Background: Although the headgear appliance has been used extensively to correct anteroposterior discrepancies, its treatment effects have not yet been adequately assessed in an evidence-based manner. Objective: Aim of this systematic... more
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      OrthodonticsClinical TrialsClinical TrialMeta-Analysis (Statistics)
Alumina has received considerable attention and has been historically well-accepted as biomaterials for dental and medical applications. This article reviews the applications of this material in dentistry. It presents a brief history,... more
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      DentistryOrthodonticsProsthodonticsOrthopedic Surgery
Background: Permanent canines are amongst the teeth most affected by impaction and ectopic eruption. Although impacted canines are often subjected to surgical exposure and alignment with either the open or the closed technique for many... more
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      OrthodonticsEvidence Based MedicineMeta-Analysis (Statistics)Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review
Abstract Purpose Although several prescriptions and techniques exist for comprehensive fixed appliance treatment, their treatment effects have not yet been adequately assessed in an evidence-based manner. The aim of this systematic review... more
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      OrthodonticsEvidence Based MedicineEvidence Based PracticeMeta-Analysis (Statistics)
Review Soft tissue changes following extraction vs. nonextraction orthodontic fixed appliance treatment: a systematic review and meta-analysis Konstantonis D, Vasileiou D, Papageorgiou SN, Eliades T. Soft tissue changes following... more
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      DentistryRestorative Dentistry And EndodonticsOrthodonticsEvidence Based Medicine
Objectives Aim of this systematic review was to assess the effect of orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances on the tooth color of patients. Methods Nine databases were searched up to May 2017 for clinical cohort studies on the effect... more
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      OrthodonticsDental ResearchMeta-Analysis (Statistics)Bone and tooth
Introduction: Aim of this study was to assess the registration of orthodontic systematic reviews in PROSPERO. Method: Seven databases were searched for orthodontic systematic reviews published in 2012-2016. After duplicate study selection... more
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      OrthodonticsEvidence Based MedicineEvidence Based PracticeMeta-Analysis (Statistics)
Background: Although Rapid Maxillary Expansion (RME) has been used for over a century, its effect on upper airways has not yet adequately been assessed in an evidence-based manner. Objective: To investigate the volumetric changes in the... more
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      OrthodonticsOrthodontic and surgical treatment outcome predictionsBiomechanics in OrthodonticsOrthodontic Research
Aim: The validity of meta-analysis is dependent upon the quality of included studies. Here, we investigated whether the design of untreated control groups (i.e. source and timing of data collection) influences the results of clinical... more
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      OrthodonticsMeta-Analysis (Statistics)Meta-Analysis and Systematic ReviewMeta-analysis (Social Sciences)
The traditional technique for the correction of Class II malocclusion in a growing patient is by growth modification with functional appliances. In adults Class II malocclusions are treated either by orthodontic camouflage or by... more
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    • Orthodontic
To compare palatal height index, arch width, and arch length characteristics in Iranian patients presenting with palatal and buccal canine impaction with a matched control group. The casecontrol study examined 53 patients with canine... more
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      DentistryNonparametric StatisticsAdolescentIran
The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the skeletal and dentoalveolar effects of Jasper Jumper (JJ) and activator-headgear (AcHg) combinations and an untreated control group. Materials and Methods: The sample comprised 37 Class... more
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    • Orthodontic
Purpose: The objective of this 2-arm, parallel, single-center trial was to compare the skeletal, dental, and periodontal effects of tooth-borne (TB) and hybrid devices in surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion (SARME). Materials... more
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      DentistryOrthodonticsSurgeryPlastic Surgery
Rapid palatal expansion (RPE) has been used primarily to treat dental crossbites or for space gaining to prevent extractions with little or no attempt made to coordinate or normalize the transverse skeletal pattern. Traditionally,... more
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      OrthodonticsPeriodonticsPeriodontologyBiomechanics in Orthodontics
Obesity is a widespread chronic inflammatory disorder characterized by an increased overall disease burden and significant association with periodontitis. The aim of this prospective clinical cohort study was to investigate the effect of... more
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      OrthodonticsObesityChildhood ObesityOrthodontic and surgical treatment outcome predictions
Summary Objective: To assess the treatment effects of removable functional appliances (RFAs) in treated versus untreated patients with Class II malocclusion by means of lateral cephalometric radiographs. Search methods: Unrestricted... more
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      OrthodonticsMeta-Analysis and Systematic ReviewOrthodontic ResearchClass II division 2 malocclusion
Objective: The aim of this systematic review was to assess the occlusal outcome and duration of fixed orthodontic therapy from clinical trials in humans with the Objective Grading System (OGS) proposed by the American Board of... more
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      OrthodonticsEpidemiologyEvidence Based MedicineEvidence Based Practice
Objective The aim of this report is to present an interdisciplinary treatment involving periodontics, orthodontics, dental implant placement, and prosthodontics with a fully digital dentistry approach. Clinical Considerations The patient... more
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      DentistryRestorative Dentistry And EndodonticsOrthodonticsPeriodontics
Background: Torque of the maxillary incisors is crucial to occlusal relationship and esthetics and can be influenced by many factors. The aim of this study was to assess the relative influence of the material of the orthodontic appliance... more
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      Biomechanical EngineeringOrthodonticsFinite Element MethodsBiomechanics
This article describes the orthodontic treatment of an adolescent patient presenting a class II skeletal, convex profile, mesofacial biotype, upper dental midline deviated 1 mm to the left, Class I bilateral molar, canine distoclusion of... more
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      OrthodonticsBiomechanics in OrthodonticsOrthodontic ResearchDentistry and Orthodontics
Effect of long-term orthodontic treatment on salivary nickel and chromium has not been quite assessed except in few retrospective studies with controversial results. The aim of this prospective study was to measure salivary levels of... more
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Background: The aim of this study was to compare the torque efficacy of square and rectangular wires in 0.018- and 0.022-in. conventionally ligated brackets. Methods: Brackets of the same prescription were evaluated in both slot... more
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      OrthodonticsBiomechanics in OrthodonticsOrthodontic ResearchDentistry and Orthodontics
Objectives: To compare the failure pattern of four different bracket types and to assess its effect on treatment duration. Materials and Methods: A total of 78 white patients (28 male, 50 female) with a mean age of 12.6 years were... more
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      OrthodonticsEvidence Based MedicineEvidence Based PracticeSurvival Analysis
+5 0 +5 0 +8 0 +8 0 +6 0 +6 0 Key 2-Crown Angulation Relation Key 2-Crown Angulation Relation • Crown angulation (tip) Normal occlusion is dependent upon proper distal crown tip, especially of the upper ant. teeth (longest crowns). Degree... more
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      OrthodonticsOrthodontic ResearchDentistry and OrthodonticsOrthodontic
A priori registration of randomized clinical trials is crucial to the transparency and credibility of their findings. Aim of this study was to assess the frequency with which registered and completed randomized trials in orthodontics are... more
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      OrthodonticsEvidence Based MedicineRandomizationRandomized Evaluation
Patients of Dr. Hutta were generally impressed and gave good reviews for the “honest, skilled” dentist, the “no hidden or extra costs with services”, and the “friendly, helpful” front desk staff and assistants. Other patients gave praise... more
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      OrthodonticsBiomechanics in OrthodonticsAesthetics in OrthodonticsDentistry and Orthodontics
Introduction: Biomechanical analysis of orthodontic tooth movement is complex, as many different tissues and appliance components are involved. The aim of this finite element study was to assess the relative effect of material... more
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      OrthodonticsBiomechanics in OrthodonticsAesthetics in OrthodonticsOrthodontic Research
The variable prescription is widely described under the clinical aspect: the clinics is the result of the evolution of the state-of-the-art, aspect that is less considered in the daily literature. The state-of-the-art is the key to... more
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      OrthodonticsOrthodontic ResearchDentistry and OrthodonticsOrthodontic
Introduction: The aim of this study was to examine the effect of Allium sativum (garlic) extract on the biofi lm formation by Streptococcus mutans on the surface of orthodontic mini-implants. Materials and Methods: Three brands (Dentos,... more
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    • Orthodontic
fine details like in Intraorals; reduced sharpness (due to increased object-film distance). •Proximal surfaces of premolar overlap. •Uneven magnification and geometric distortion. •Clinically important objects may be outside focal trough... more
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      OrthodonticsOrthodontic ResearchDentistry and OrthodonticsOrthodontic
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      DentistryRe-treatments (Restorative Dentistry And Endodontics)Orthodontic
Objective: To determine if text messaging reminders regarding intra oral elastic wear have any influence on the level of compliance in an orthodontic population. Materials & Methods: Eighty orthodontic patients were considered out of... more
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    • Orthodontic
It has been claimed that the opus loop is capable of delivering a constant and optimum M/F ratio without the need for gable bends. To compare the forces, moments and moment/force (M/F) ratios of the opus loop, L-loop, T-loop and vertical... more
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      DentistryFinite Element AnalysisComputer SimulationThree Dimensional Imaging
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      OrthodonticsClinical TrialsClinical TrialClinical Epidemiology
Introduction: Torque of the maxillary incisors is essential in esthetics and proper occlusion, while torque expression is influenced by many factors. The aim of this finite element study was to assess the relative effect of tooth... more
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      OrthodonticsFinite Element MethodsFinite Element Analysis (Engineering)Finite Elements methods
Background and objectives As the most common complication of orthodontic treatment, pain can negatively impact quality of life and cause patients to discontinue treatment. However, few studies have evaluated pain during orthodontic... more
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      PsychologyHealth PsychologyHealth SciencesDentistry
Objective: The aim of the present study was to make an evaluation of inter-canine width before and after the stage of levelling and alignment in the mandible using three different orthodontic arch wires. Subjects and methods: Thirty... more
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      Health SciencesMedical SciencesDentistryMedical Education
 ABSTRACT  Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) in accelerating tooth movement in adult male subjects. Materials and methods: The sample in this clinical trial study consisted of 18... more
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      DentistryOrthodonticsOrthopedic SurgeryDental Research
Ingin tampil lebih percaya diri dengan pasang behel gigi atau kawat gigi di Jogja? Disini tempatnya untuk pasang behel gigi di Yogyakarta. Kami melayani pemasangan behel gigi permanen, gigi lepasan, behel gigi metal, behel gigi damon,... more
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      OrthodonticsDental HealthDental ImplantsAesthetics in Orthodontics
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      OrthodonticsOpen AccessHealth And Clinical ResearchOpen Data
Pregnancy is a special period in a woman's life, during which the restructuring of all its organs and systems of the body happens. Every year increases the number of women aged 18-35 years, looking to cosmetic dentistry to improve the... more
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Autotransplantation of teeth, if carried out successfully, ensures that alveolar bone volume is maintained due to physiological stimulation of the periodontal ligament. Autotransplantation has been carried out for many years, but with... more
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Objective The aim of this report is to present an interdisciplinary treatment involving periodontics, orthodontics, dental implant placement, and prosthodontics with a fully digital dentistry approach. Clinical Considerations The patient... more
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      DentistryRestorative Dentistry And EndodonticsOrthodonticsPeriodontics
Background: Fluoride content in saliva and dental plaque plays a key role in the prevention and control of dental caries. Fluoride varnish adheres to the tooth surface for longer period and prevents its immediate loss, thus acting as... more
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      Health SciencesDentistryDental Public HealthPreventive Dentistry