Origin of symbolic behaviour
Recent papers in Origin of symbolic behaviour
The origins of modern human behaviour have been constructed by some archaeologists as a question of the origins of symbolism. In this thesis I argue that consciousness is embodied and that body modifications are a key element in... more
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Im Verlauf der Evolution hat der Mensch den Gebrauch von Farbe auf eine Art und Weise kultiviert, wie es bisher in dieser Form für keine andere Spezies nachgewiesen werden konnte. Im Vergleich zu Tieren sind Menschen nicht mehr auf das... more
The authors deconstruct the basis for dating the Palaeolithic cave paintings of France and find it wanting. Only five per cent are directly dated and the remainder belong to a stylistic framework that has grown organically, and with much... more
La revisión del conjunto iconográfico de estilo paleolítico de la Cueva de La Haza permite ofrecer una visión diferente hasta la ahora considerada. La prospección intensiva de las paredes ha permitido localizar nuevos dibujos rojos, así... more
Childhood is a core stage in development, essential in the acquisition of social, practical and cultural skills. However, this area receives limited attention in archaeological debate, especially in early prehistory. We here consider... more
Body modification takes many forms, such as painting, tattooing, scarifying, piercing, shaving, hair cutting, binding and mutilation. A survey of ethnographic, historical, and contemporary literature shows that there is virtually no... more
The hand stencils of European Paleolithic art tend to be considered of pre-Magdalenian age and scholars have generally assigned them to the Gravettian period. At El Castillo Cave, application of U-series dating to calcite accretions has... more
The paper presents the results of a comprehensive study of the spatial organization, manufacturing techniques and functions of personal ornaments made from soft stone from cultural layers VI of Ushki sites (Central Kamchatka). Many years... more
The paper presents the results provided by technical research focused on personal ornaments recovered from layer 11 in the Main Chamber of Denisova Cave in 2016 and 2017. Personal ornaments and bone tools from Denisova cave are one of the... more
Social interaction evolved in humans to great complexity. Ethical and moral behaviour on the one hand, deception and cheating on the other certainly have an evolutionary psychological background. But they are also determined by specific... more
The hand stencils of European Paleolithic art tend to be considered of pre-Magdalenian age and scholars have generally assigned them to the Gravettian period. At El Castillo Cave, application of U-series dating to calcite accretions has... more
Über Ansammlungen von Geweihen auf alt- und mittelpaläolithischen Fundplätzen.
Various types of ornaments (beads, pendants, plaques and etc) from stone, bone and mammoth tusk are one of the most informative, varied and ancient manifestation of human symbolic behavior known in the Paleolithic Far Northeast Asia. The... more
1 Department of Archaeology, Durham University, South Road, Durham DH1 3LE, United Kingdom. 2 The Cantabria Institute for Prehistoric Research, University of Cantabria, Edificio Interfacultativo, Avda. Los Castros s/n, 39005 Santander,... more
The authors deconstruct the basis for dating the Palaeolithic cave paintings of France and find it wanting. Only five per cent are directly dated and the remainder belong to a stylistic framework that has grown organically, and with much... more
Portable objects with figurative decoration found at sites in the Iberian Peninsula (Hornos de la Peña, Salitre, El Castillo, Covalejos, Morín, Lumentxa, Antoliñako Koba, Les Mallaetes and El Parpalló) are presented and discussed. The... more