Three-dimensional (3D) electron microscopy (3DEM) aims at the determination of the spatial distribution of the Coulomb potential of macromolecular complexes. The 3D reconstruction of a macromolecule using single-particle techniques... more
We applied suppression subtractive hybridization and mirror orientation selection to compare gene expression profiles of isolated Nicotiana tabacum cv SR1 zygotes and egg cells. Our results revealed that many differentially expressed... more
Visual search for a line-element target differing sufficiently in orientation from a background of line elements can be performed rapidly, effortlessly, and without eye movements. There is, however, a response asymmetry: detection is... more
In the neocortex, inhibitory interneurons of the same subtype are electrically coupled with each other via dendritic gap junctions (GJs). The impact of multiple GJs on the biophysical properties of interneurons and thus on their input... more
Inspired by optical recordings from visual cortex which show maps of orientation selectivity, and the finding that very similar patterns of population activity occur when the neurons fire spontaneously [T. Kenet, D. Bibitchkov, M.... more
Some problems of solid/liquid phase changes are presented. Attention is focused on interface modeling for numerical analysis, and one-directional growing. Microgravity relevance of some situations is emphasized.
We present a complete mean field theory for a balanced state of a simple model of an orientation hypercolumn. The theory is complemented by a description of a numerical procedure for solving the mean-field equations quantitatively. With... more
This paper systematically reviews the literature on international human resource management (IHRM) policies and practices of South Korean multinational enterprises (MNEs). It reveals that South Korean MNEs adopt an ethnocentric staffing... more
Some problems of solid/liquid phase changes are presented. Attention is focused on interface modeling for numerical analysis, and one-directional growing. Microgravity relevance of some situations is emphasized.
inwardly rectifying K+ current. Rod horizontal cells are larger with a flatter soma composed of three to five broad, radiating parts. Rod horizontal cells have a passive resistance of 6 to 10 Gohm. They have a simpler mixture of... more
We present a novel optical method for edge enhancement in color images based on the polarization properties of liquid-crystal displays (LCD). In principle, a LCD generates simultaneously two colorcomplementary, orthogonally polarized... more
The aim of this study was to investigate the development of visual callosal transfer in the normally reared cat. Two‐ to nine‐week‐old kittens and adults (used as controls) underwent section of the optic chiasm. Three days later, the... more
Since the discovery of orientation selectivity by Hubel and Wiesel, the mechanisms responsible for this remarkable operation in the visual cortex have been controversial. Experimental studies over the past year have highlighted the... more
Simple cells in primary visual cortex are believed to extract local contour information from a visual scene. The 2D Gabor function (GF) model has gained particular popularity as a computational model of a simple cell. However, it... more
A 5-layer neuromorphic vision processor whose components communicate spike events asychronously using the address-eventrepresentation (AER) is demonstrated. The system includes a retina chip, two convolution chips, a 2D winner-take-all... more
Recent neurophysiological studies in alert monkeys have revealed that the parietal association cortex plays a crucial role in depth perception and visually guided hand movement.The following five classes of parietal neurons covering... more
This paper examines the interaction between first-and second-order contours in the orientation domain. Using the simultaneous tilt illusion (TI), we show that the apparent rotation of a vertical test grating away from that of a... more
Motion in the visual scene is processed by direction-selective neurons in primary visual cortex. These cells receive inputs that differ in space and time. What are these inputs? A previous single-unit recording study in anesthetized... more
This article was published in an Elsevier journal. The attached copy is furnished to the author for non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the author's institution, sharing with colleagues and providing to... more
This article was published in an Elsevier journal. The attached copy is furnished to the author for non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the author's institution, sharing with colleagues and providing to... more
Objectives This study evaluated factors associated with vertical root fracture in endodontically treated teeth, using a cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) image database. Materials and methods The sample for this case-control study... more
In normal observers preadaptation to a parallel grating increases the contrast threshold for a line whereas a perpendicular grating has no effect. Such orientation selectivity was not found in the amblyopic eye of two out of five... more
Curvelet transform is a promising tool for multi-resolution analysis on images. This paper explains a new approach for facial expression recognition based on curvelet features extracted using curvelet transform. Curvelet transform is... more
There are inadequate data or reviews to confirm the reliability and efficacy of cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) in evaluation of vertical root fractures (VRFs). Thus, the aim of this mini review is to discover the reliability and... more
Simultaneous presentation of multiple stimuli can reduce the firing rates of neurons in extrastriate visual cortex below the rate elicited by a single preferred stimulus. We describe computational results suggesting how this remarkable... more
Purpose: This study compared the diagnostic accuracy of cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans obtained with 2 CBCT systems with high-and low-resolution modes for the detection of root perforations in endodontically treated mandibular... more
Several researchers have used image enhancement methods to reduce detection errors and increase verification accuracy in palmprint identification. Divergent opinions exist among experts regarding the best method of image filtering to... more
Classic models of primary visual cortex (V1) reproduce orientation selectivity with sufficiently high accuracy. However, they are unable to explain phenomena that are widely studied experimentally: a single cell carry additional... more
Prolonged exposure to an oriented line shifts the perceived orientation of a subsequently observed line in the opposite direction, a phenomenon known as the tilt aftereffect (TAE). Here we consider whether the TAE for line stimuli is... more
The present study reports the microstructure evolution in multicomponent Al-Ni-X (X = Fe, Cr) alloys. The X-ray diffraction characterization technique and electron microscope attached with energy-dispersive spectroscopic analysis have... more
Crystal growth has been recognized as a paradigm for non-equilibrium pattern formation for decades. Scientific interest in this field has focused on the growth rates and curvature of branches in snowflake-like structures patterned after a... more
proposed in 1980 simultaneously by Daugman (9) in two-dimensional form and by Marcelja (lo) in one- This paper describes a neural network which detects dimensional form. the edges of different orientation and spatial frequency Watson (ll)... more
The high surface area and porosity, and limitless compound and network combinations between the metal ions and organic ligands making up metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) offer tremendous opportunities for their use in many applications.... more
1. Eleven kittens were deprived of vision in one eye until the age of between 5 and 14 weeks. Their eyes were then reverse‐sutured, they were allowed to survive for a further 3‐63 days, and their brains were then examined histologically.... more
To combat retinal degeneration, healthy fetal retinal sheets have been successfully transplanted into both rodent models and humans, with synaptic connectivity between transplant and degenerated host retina having been confirmed. In... more
In the presented paper, the face images modeling in different circumstances such as occlusion, poses, and illumination was investigated. A novel research based on a new combination of the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and wavelet... more
We present a series of calculations for the scattering of an oriented NO beam from a silver surface. The potential energy surface chosen was empirically determined to reproduce the scattering of non-oriented beams and has been used in... more
Transport processes around phase interfaces, together with thermodynamic properties and kinetic phenomena, control the formation of dendritic patterns. Using the thermodynamic and kinetic data of phase interfaces obtained on the atomic... more
Purpose: This study compared the accuracy of detection of incomplete vertical root fractures (VRFs) in filled and unfilled teeth on cone-beam computed tomography images with and without a metal artefact reduction (MAR) algorithm.... more
Human observers are exquisitely sensitive to tilt in the orientation of a line. We can detect rotations away from the vertical of 0.5°. It has been suggested [1,2] that this accuracy is a result of the orientation-selectivity of simple... more
Offprint requests to. M.G.P. Rosa bution of neurons with different degrees of OD in V1 is qualitatively similar in New-and Old World monkeys of similar sizes and suggest that common ancestry, rather than parallel evolution, may account... more
Responses of neurons in the superior colticuli and visual cortex of rabbits to a black and white boundary moving in different directions were investigated. Neurons responding clearly to presentation of the black and white boundary moving... more