Despite significant investments in digital transformation initiatives, many organizations struggle to achieve successful and sustainable change adoption. Traditional change management approaches often fail to create tangible value... more
Talent management has been widely discussed since the introduction of The War for Talent. This study aims to analyze factors that influence the successful implementation of talent management in the Ministry of Finance and analyze employee... more
He is the author of more than twenty-five refereed journal articles and book chapters on international relations, national security, and foreign economic policy. His book Policy Responses to the Globalization of American Banks was... more
The study looks into successful organizational transformations' effective change management techniques to extract important lessons for directing following change projects. The study uses a qualitative methodology to examine several case... more
Lean is a powerful philosophy that advocates minimization of waste within an organization. The adoption of Lean Manufacturing philosophy by major manufacturers has created a demand for qualified personnel in this area. Higher education is... more
Era Society 4.0 menuntut pemimpin organisasi untuk berinovasi menemukan metode untuk mengembangkan kapasitas gaya pimpinan. Digital leadership adalah salah satu bentuk kepemimpinan yang tepat diterapkan saat ini. Penelitian ini dilakukan... more
In the following dialogue, historian J. Thomas Wren and anthropologist Elizabeth Faier, both original members of the General Theory of Leadership group convened in 2001, embark on a journey to \u27contemplate context\u27 within a general... more
Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and... more
The digital era is an era that cannot be avoided anymore. This era is characterized by the development of technology and the rapid flow of information. This digital transformation means that employees must have digital skills to adapt to... more
The digital era is an era that cannot be avoided anymore. This era is characterized by the development of technology and the rapid flow of infor- mation. This digital transformation means that employees must have digital skills to adapt... more
Many new positions in palm oil plantations and mills are for casual laborers who are particularly vulnerable to poor earnings, lack of social security, and limited legal support. This study purpose is to identify the alternative strategy... more
Talent management has been widely discussed since the introduction of The War for Talent. This study aims to analyze factors that influence the successful implementation of talent management in the Ministry of Finance and analyze employee... more
The era of globalization presents several challenges related to human resource management. Every organization is appropriate to have qualified and highly competitive human resources to compete during dynamic changes. Employees as... more
High failure rates continue to be reported for organizational change projects in general and mergers and acquisitions in particular, with the failures most often attributed to cultural incompatibilities or other people-related issues. The... more
Space-based assets, including satellites, play a crucial role in intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, and missile defense. Integrating these assets into a cohesive SoS framework enhances the military's ability to conduct operations... more
By discussing several of the issues that complicated the Christian\u27s cohabitation and political participation in this wicked world, as Augustine saw them, the remainder of this contribution will garrison the ground we have gained... more
Big data and analytics have been credited with being a revolution that will radically transform the way firms operate and conduct business. Nevertheless, the process of adopting and diffusing big data analytics, as well as actions taken... more
Lean is a powerful philosophy that advocates minimization of waste within an organization. The adoption of Lean Manufacturing philosophy by major manufacturers has created a demand for qualified personnel in this area. Higher education is... more
Due to the increasing complexity and heterogeneity of contemporary Command, Control, Communications, Computers, & Intelligence systems at all levels within military organizations, the adoption of the Service Oriented Architectures (SOA)... more
IN RECENT YEARS, ALL OF THE MAJOR U.S. NATIONAL security agencies have conducted quadrennial strategy reviews. 1 In 1996, the U.S. Congress mandated the conduct by the Defense Department of a Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) that entails... more
This paper won Outstanding Paper Award for the Year 2020 from JOCM In the extant organizational change literature scant attention has been given to the communication and cognitive processes consequential to organizational transformation.... more
Virginia, a certified manufacturing engineer and has certification in Lean Manufacturing. His publications are in the areas of Fluid Dynamics, Advanced Manufacturing Processes, CAD/CAM, and Robotics. He has developed simulation based... more
Lean is a powerful philosophy that advocates minimization of waste within an organization. The adoption of Lean Manufacturing philosophy by major manufacturers has created a demand for qualified personnel in this area. Higher education is... more
The introduction of new concepts is a driver of organizational evolution and transformation. A newly introduced concept can introduce new meaning that is disparate to existing understanding. A new concept may also be interpreted in... more
Information Operations (IO) has become a primary war fighting capability and is now considered a military core competency. The military Services are establishing IO as a military career field equivalent to other war fighting fields and... more
For this dissertation, a deep investigation was conducted of how to change complex organisations from the inside to ensure they achieve their ambitious climate and sustainability goals in the long term, rather than rely on attractive... more
Purpose-This study aims to examine the impact of Covid19 on service ecosystem self-adjustment (SES_SA) and additionally to explore the mediating role of SES_SA on the relationship between the Covid19 pandemic and the development of... more
Lessons for Transformation include: • Clearly identifying the enemy by new emphasis on intelligence, cultural sensitivity and information processing.
Due to the increasing complexity and heterogeneity of contemporary Command, Control, Communications, Computers, & Intelligence systems at all levels within military organizations, the adoption of the Service Oriented Architectures (SOA)... more
Küme örtüleme problemleri 0-1 tam sayılı programlama modelinin özel bir hâlidir. Küme örtüleme problemleri oldukça fazla uygulama alanı bulmaktadır. Çalışma, Kara Kuvvetleri Lojistik Komutanlığında yapılmıştır. Amaç, 3ncü, 4ncü ve 5nci... more
Nutzungsbedingungen Die ETH-Bibliothek ist Anbieterin der digitalisierten Zeitschriften. Sie besitzt keine Urheberrechte an den Inhalten der Zeitschriften. Die Rechte liegen in der Regel bei den Herausgebern. Die auf der Plattform... more
Temmuz 2016 sonrası TSK Sağlık Komutanlığının lağıv edilip askeri hastanelerim Sağlık Bakanlığına bağlanmasıyla beraber TSK bünyesinde sağlık sisteminde büyük değişiklikler oldu. Mevcut askeri sağlık personelinin büyük çoğunluğunun da... more
FETÖPYA Yasal olan ve/veya yasa dışı yöntemlerle, açık ve/veya gizli faaliyetlerle, iktidar ve/veya muhalefet yapılarıyla, iç ve/veya dış güçlerle her nasıl olursa olsun, her ne şekilde sonuçlanırsa sonuçlansın, toplum ve ülke için... more
This paper aims to investigate the factors influencing the electronic customer relationship management (e-CRM) assimilation in Southeastern European companies. With ICT innovation in mind, a conceptual model was developed, integrating... more
The Australian Defence Force's Future Warfighting Concept 1 explains that Network Centric Warfare (NCW) "…seeks to…generate precision and combat power through shared situational awareness, clear procedures, and the information... more
L'agilité organisationnelle (aussi appelée « TransformAgilité » par l’auteur) est un sujet de discussion important depuis le début de ce siècle. De nos jours, ça semble être le Saint Graal du développement organisationnel pour la plupart... more
Document sous forme de présentation .ppt (format .pdf) qui présente un modèle de ce que c'est la TransformAgilité, soit la culture agile et la capacité organisationnelles d'une entreprise à se transformer en continu. Cette culture agile... more
Command and control is a primary function of military operations. The NATO definition is ""The organization, process, procedures and systems necessary to allow timely political and military decision-making and to enable military... more
Big data has managed in a very short time to dominate the interest of researchers and managers, vastly changing the way information is generated and used in decision making. Nevertheless, there has been disproportionate focus on the... more
En collaboration avec Luc Tremblay et Charlotte Goudreault, cet article est une reformulation et une bonification du contenu d’un webinaire présenté par Claude Emond et Luc Tremblay pour l'Institut d'administration publique du Québec... more
As future threats increase in number and capability, the future CG(X) combat system must provide the ability to respond across the spectrum of conflict. In this paper, we present the principles and concepts needed to achieve an agile... more
This paper discusses the C4I Support Plan (C4ISP) recently drafted for the CVNX program as a part of its Milestone I documentation requirements. The C4ISP provides insights into the requirements on the DoD command, control,... more
In a world that is getting increasingly globalized and competitive, organizations are struggling to keep up amidst internal and external competing factors such as was the case with Covid-19 pandemic. The strength of an organization to... more
• Describe the DoD Unclassified Information Sharing (UIS) environment as an important contributor to achieving Edge C2 • Illustrate how DoD's UIS can complement and enable C2 systems with the most relevant information available in the... more
Cultural data gathered by researchers has provided militaries across the globe with intelligence and a unique insight into a category of analysis that is not normally given primacy in military strategic planning. Such data has been used... more
Karşıt kuvvet (OPFOR-Opposing Force), NATO'nun gelecekteki gerçek ve potansiyel bir çatışmada karşı karşıya kalabileceği çok çeşitli olası rakipleri temsil eden zorlu ve gerçekçi bir düşmana karşı eğitilmesine olanak tanıyan bir eğitim... more
Ophillia Ledimo and Nico Martins (2014). A longitudinal study of employee satisfaction during the process of transformation in a water utility organization. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 12(4-1) RELEASED ON Wednesday,
Seeking to more effectively respond to campus initiatives and user expectations, the University of Kansas (KU) Libraries underwent a process of significant organizational review and transformation. Guided by a purposeful, open process, a... more