Dersin işleyişi teorik anlatımlardan ve uygulama çalışmalardan oluşur. 1. Sınıfta teorik anlatım 2. Öğrenci sunumları Teorik anlatımlar dersin öğretim üyeleri tarafından gerçekleştirilecek, gerekli yerlerde konuların uzmanlarından sunum... more
Using samples of managers drawn from five Western countries, we tested a theoretical model linking employees' perceptions of their work environment's family-supportiveness to six different dimensions of work-family conflict (WFC), and to... more
Objective In recent years, numerous changes and developments have impacted the auditing profession and are expected to continue influencing it in the future. Advances in information technology and the impact of their tools on audits, new... more
This study explores the factors that impact teachers' a balance between work and life in Sri Lanka's educational industry, with specific focus on the ABC International School Network. Adopting a positivist and quantitative research... more
In this try to, it was pointed to survey the bond between organizational virtuousness and organizational support. This research was executed on 413 personnel working in the 24th Region State Hydraulic Works in Kars Province. Frequency... more
Bu araştırmada örgütsel erdemlilik ve örgütsel destek arasındaki ilişki incelenmek istenmiştir. Bu araştırma Kars İlinde yer alan 24. Bölge Devlet Su İşleri’nde çalışan 413 personel üzerinde yürütülmüştür. Araştırmadaki değerlendirmeleri... more
Palavras-chave: conflito trabalho-família; auto-eficácia no trabalho; identificação organizacional; teoria da conservação dos recursos; profissionais de saúde. Classificação nas categorias definidas pela American Psychological Association... more
Algılanan örgütsel destek örgütün çalışanlarına karşı vermiş olduğu değer ve bunun sonucunda çalışanın refahına yansımasının çalışan tarafından algılanmasını ifade etmekte ve bu destek çalışanı birçok yönden olumlu etkiyebilmektedir.... more
Using samples of managers drawn from five Western countries, we tested a theoretical model linking employees' perceptions of their work environment's family-supportiveness to six different dimensions of work-family conflict (WFC), and to... more
Using samples of managers drawn from five Western countries, we tested a theoretical model linking employees' perceptions of their work environment's family-supportiveness to six different dimensions of work-family conflict (WFC), and to... more
« […] les gens sont parfois victimes d'incendie, tout comme les immeubles. Sous la tension produite par la vie dans notre monde complexe, les ressources internes en viennent à se consumer comme sous l'action des flammes, ne laissant qu'un... more
Bu calisma, mutluluk ve yasam doyumunun isten ayrilma niyeti ile iliskisini incelemeyi ve elde edilecek sonuclar ile hem mutluluk arastirmalari hem de Yonetim ve Organizasyon yazinina anlamli katkilar saglamayi amaclamaktadir. Ayrica,... more
Bu çalışmada sağlık çalışanlarının yaşamış olduğu presenteizmin iş per-formansına etkisinin incelenmesi, bu etkide iş yerinde mutluluğun aracı ro-lünün belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmanın evrenini Yozgat İl Sağlık Mü-dürlüğüne bağlı... more
Historically, organizations have been provisioning flexible work arrangement (FWA) options in the workplace to help employees achieve a balance between work obligations and private obligations. We explore the utilization of FWA offerings... more
Purpose - Job insecurity exerts a significant impact on turnover intentions among employees. The association may be partly due to the influence of organizational support and the ethicality of leaders. However, there is a shortage of... more
Historically, organizations have been provisioning flexible work arrangement (FWA) options in the workplace to help employees achieve a balance between work obligations and private obligations. We explore the utilization of FWA offerings... more
Çalışanların algıladıkları örgütsel destek ve yaşadıkları stres işe ve örgüte bakışlarını etkilemektedir. İşverenler yüksek performans talep ederken çalışanlar destek ve uygun çalışma şartları talep etmektedir. Örgüt ile çalışanlar... more
Çalışanların algıladıkları örgütsel destek ve yaşadıkları stres işe ve örgüte bakışlarını etkilemektedir. İşverenler yüksek performans talep ederken çalışanlar destek ve uygun çalışma şartları talep etmektedir. Örgüt ile çalışanlar... more
Purpose - Job insecurity exerts a significant impact on turnover intentions among employees. The association may be partly due to the influence of organizational support and the ethicality of leaders. However, there is a shortage of... more
The success of organizations demands various contributing factors/elements from the employees among which the Empowerment, Participation and Socialization come at the helm. In the literature, the theoretical foundations of the employee’s... more
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of commitment on the performance of lecturers in Private Universities in Medan City. The research method used was a survey. The sample of this study is 90 PTS lecturers and taken by... more
RESUMO O Conflito trabalho-família é definido como uma forma de conflito entre papéis no qual as pressões advindas do trabalho e família são mutuamente incompatíveis. Este trabalho teve como objetivo validar para o Brasil uma medida do... more
Background The function of nurses in hospitals cannot be overemphasised among other medical personnel. Moreland and Apker (2016) asserted that nurses function as central figures of health teams and that their responsibilities include... more
The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between perceived organizational support and organizational citizenship behaviour in the Nigerian Hospitality Industry. The five measures of organizational citizenship behaviour... more
The summary review of this study it is as follows here, the main purpose of this work paper is to analyzed the causes of governance failure and the problems of mismanagement in Nigeria Government or Public Sector, and indentified the... more
Purpose: Increasing productivity in organizations is also an important function for organizational sustainability. It is seen in the literature that organizational development issues such as job stress, task performance and job... more
* La corrélation est significative au niveau 0,05 (test bilatéral) ** La corrélation est significative au niveau 0,01 (test bilatéral) Remarque : T1 (année 2004), T2 (année 2006) ombrée.
This study outlines and tests a high commitment model of human resource (HR) practices and its association with outcomes through a path including employee perceptions and attitudes, thereby seeking a new way of opening the so-called... more
This study aims to examine the relationship between employee engagement, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior. With the help of literature, current study developed two hypotheses regarding employee engagement,... more
Previous research in organizational behavior has reported many variables serving as either mediators or moderators in the predictive relationship between justice perceptions and turnover intentions. So far, none of the studies seems to... more
The nurse practitioner (NP) workforce in Australia plays a vital role in helping the country meet the current demand for health care. Data from Australian NPs using the Nurse Practitioner Primary Care Organizational Climate Questionnaire... more
This study seeks to examine how and when job crafting trickles down from leaders to followers in a team context. Drawing on social learning theory, we hypothesize that team leaders' job resources mediate the relationship between team... more
This study seeks to examine how and when job crafting trickles down from leaders to followers in a team context. Drawing on social learning theory, we hypothesize that team leaders’ job resources mediate the relationship between team... more
The increasing interest of organizations in innovating and surviving during stressful work environments has led scholars to ponder ways to increase employee’s creativity. The study aims to empirically examine the relationship between... more
This study aims to determine the relationship between Perceived Organizational Support (POS) and Job Satisfaction (Job Satisfaction). This study used a quantitative approach and used the Quota Sampling technique with 100 respondents. The... more
Bu çalışmanın amacı mesleki özdeşleşme ve psikolojik sahiplenme düzeyinin çalışanların iş biçimlendirme davranışlarındaki etkisini ortaya koymaktır. Yöntem-Araştırmamızın evreni Türkiye'deki hizmet sektörü çalışanları, örneklemini ise... more
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pelatihan kepemimpinan transformasional pada atasan untuk peningkatan komitmen organisasi karyawan di hotel X Yogyakarta. Subjek penelitian adalah 34 karyawan Hotel X Yogyakarta yang... more
Objective: This research aims to examine the various factors and elements that influence the cognitive dissonance experienced by auditors in their roles and responsibilities, and to propose a model for the development of responsible... more
Organizational support is based on the observation that when the leadership and management of an organization show concern about the commitment of the employees towards the organization. With organizational support, nurses are able to... more
Introduction: The topics of the Toxic Work Environment (TWE), Employee Well-Being (EWB), and Emotional Intelligence (EI) are becoming more relevant in today's workplace. However, there is a lack of research examining the moderating role... more
Introduction: The topics of the Toxic Work Environment (TWE), Employee Well-Being (EWB), and Emotional Intelligence (EI) are becoming more relevant in today's workplace. However, there is a lack of research examining the moderating role... more
Bu araştırmanın amacı; yabancılaşmanın, öncülleri ile örgütsel bağlılık arasındaki aracılık etkisinin belirlenmesidir. Nicel araştırma yöntemi aracılığıyla gerçekleştirilen araştırmada veriler, Ankara ilinde hizmet veren 399 çalışandan... more
Background: Self-management skills (SMS) are vital for all managers to increase managerial performance and Well-Being (WB), yet few studies have been conducted in Nepal regarding this topic. Purpose: The main aim of this paper is to... more
Introduction: The topics of the Toxic Work Environment (TWE), Employee Well-Being (EWB), and Emotional Intelligence (EI) are becoming more relevant in today's workplace. However, there is a lack of research examining the moderating role... more
Employee work attachment has been found to predict many important work attitudes and behaviours. In this article, we hypothesize that job crafting will be positively associated with work attachment as indicated by psychological ownership... more
The purpose of this research was to compare perceived organizational justice and workplace violence emergence on the basis of demographic variables. The research method was ex post facto and statistical population consisted of men... more
Work engagement is one of the critical factors at an organization, so considering some factors such as leadership styles and organizational support is important. Lack of attention to these factors can lead to undesirable environments for... more