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Purpose -The research study involved an exploration of the thoughts and perspectives of Generation X aerospace engineers regarding strategies, processes, and methods to enhance the transfer of knowledge from baby boomers to Generation X... more
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      Knowledge ManagementResearch MethodologyKnowledge sharingEngineering Design
Both in theory and in practice insight is limited about how firms in dynamic environments could organize to manage concurrently the strategic processes of exploring new knowledge and exploiting existing knowledge. To contribute to this... more
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      Tacit KnowledgeLife SciencesKnowledge TransferOrganizational Knowledge
Organizational knowledge and discourse of diversity in employment Abstract Purpose Evidence suggests that the notion of diversity in employment has failed to meet expectations of increased inclusion and organizational competitiveness in... more
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      MarketingDiscourse AnalysisOrganizational ChangeHuman Resource Management
Prevailing views about what constitutes organisational knowledge need to be systematically evaluated at deep epistemological levels. We argue there is a need is to establish a new paradigm comprising of both a theoretical and an... more
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      Organizational TheoryKnowledge ManagementTacit KnowledgeAutopoiesis
This paper arises out of our extended conversations on the philosophical, historical, theoretical and practice dimensions of replication, conducted during Baden-Fuller's visits to Winter at Wharton in 2003 and 2004. We acknowledge the... more
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      Dynamic CapabilitiesOrganizational KnowledgeCase StudyPrinciples
Researchers have developed various knowledge management approaches that only focus on managing organizational knowledge. These approaches are developed in accordance with organizational KM strategies and business requirements without the... more
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      ManagementOntologyKnowledge ManagementOrganizational Knowledge
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      Knowledge ManagementKnowledge CommunicationOrganizational Knowledge
Any organization that wishes to excel at KM needs to improve its knowledge creation processes, both at the individual and at the group level. In this way, the theory of organizational knowledge creation has developed rapidly in academic... more
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      Knowledge ManagementManagement ScienceOrganizational KnowledgeKnowledge Creation
The paper argues that existing techniques for retail site evaluation ignore the useful 'soft' insights of retail executives. It outlines a technique for constructing a composite map of retail decision makers' insights into the location in... more
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      MarketingDecision MakingOrganizational KnowledgeCognitive Map
Society is becoming a great source of knowledge and innovation, the synergy of all the ideas that are coming from all the countries across the world is fostering the rise of a new kind of society where knowledge plays an important role,... more
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      Information RetrievalKnowledge ManagementTransactive MemoryOrganizational Knowledge
T his study investigates the effects of information technology (IT) on exploration and exploitation in organizational learning (OL). We use qualitative evidence from previously published case studies of a single organization to extend an... more
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      Information SystemsMarketingInformation TechnologyKnowledge Management
This paper outlines an ongoing research project on training, education and sharing of experiences among mobile people. The importance for professionals to continuously learn is widely recognized. Organizations in the new economy are... more
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      Mobile TechnologyInternet Routing ProtocolOrganizational KnowledgeCognitive Apprenticeship
Knowledge management is an emerging area which is gaining interest by both industry and government. As we move toward building knowledge organizations, knowledge management will play a fundamental role towards the success of transforming... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceExpert SystemsKnowledge ManagementKnowledge organization
This paper provides an introduction to the process of of creating a knowledge management system for a small to medium organisation. It looks at a range of strategies and policies which can be used to help capture, transfer, share and... more
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      Information SystemsKnowledge ManagementOrganizational ChangeKnowledge & Creativity Management
Knowledge management (KM) approaches have been broadly considered to entail either a focus on organizing communities or a focus on the process of knowledge creation, sharing, and distribution. While these two approaches are not mutually... more
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      Information SystemsKnowledge ManagementOrganizational CultureKnowledge sharing
On the basis of Appreciative Inquiry , we offer an interview protocol termed Feedforward Interview (FFI). FFI is designed to reveal new organizational knowledge both for managers and subordinates, which can lead to better alignment... more
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      Appreciative InquiryHuman Resource ManagementCustomer SatisfactionOrganizational Knowledge
This paper proposes a relational capability framework to investigate the main organisational patterns in managing international sourcing activities by multinational companies (MNCs). Specifically, this framework will be adopted in order... more
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      MarketingKnowledge ManagementOrganizational KnowledgeValue Chain
s funny what's happened to this word knowing . . . The actual act of apprehending, of making sense, of putting together, from what you have, the significance of where you are-this [now] oddly lacks any really reliable, commonly used verb... more
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      MarketingOrganizational KnowledgeOrganization ScienceBusiness and Management
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      Information SystemsKnowledge ManagementOrganizational LearningOrganizational Knowledge
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      Information TechnologyKnowledge ManagementKnowledge sharingOrganizational Knowledge
Purpose -This article aims to examine international studies of knowledge management (KM) and organizational learning (OL). Design/methodology/approach -The approach takes the form of a literature review of KM and OL research that focuses... more
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      MarketingKnowledge ManagementInformation ManagementOrganizational Learning
Confirmatory factor analyses were conducted to test Nonaka's ((1994) Organization Science, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 14-37) a priori model of organizational knowledge creation with data collected from 105 Japanese middle managers. The results... more
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      BusinessMarketingSocializationOrganizational Knowledge
We assessed the model of knowledge strategy and IT support proposed by Hansen, Nohria and Tierney. Their main argument is that, in order to enable effective use of knowledge, organizations should select an 80/20 knowledge strategy mix of... more
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      Information SystemsInformation TechnologyKnowledge ManagementKnowledge organization
This research, conducted by the author when a Senior Researcher at Newcastle University, UK, was funded by a UK governance organisation to help them assess, integrate and improve their understanding of the governed population.... more
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      Organizational BehaviorInformation SystemsManagementBusiness Administration
The purpose of this paper is to present an overview of the state-ofthe- art in organizational knowledge creation, a field of research that is expanding almost exponentially. Knowledge creation is a dynamic capability that enables firms to... more
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      Dynamic CapabilitiesOrganizational KnowledgeCompetitive advantageKnowledge Creation
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      Social PsychologyOrganizational Learning ProcessesOrganizational LearningGovernment
Facing a fierce worldwide competition in the high tech era, companies are adopting virtual teams as a strategic tool to improve coordination efficiency and to expand organizational knowledge. As the organization knowledge becomes a more... more
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      Knowledge ManagementKnowledge sharingInformal EconomyOrganizational Knowledge
Purpose -To propose and evaluate a novel management structure that encourages knowledge sharing across an organization. Design/methodology/approach -The extant literature on the impact of organizational culture and its link to management... more
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      Knowledge ManagementOrganizational ChangeOrganizational CultureKnowledge sharing
literature on organizational learning tends to be theoretically fragmented, drawing on analogies to individual learning theory or simply using organizational learning as an umbrella concept for many different kinds of organizational... more
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      Information SystemsOrganizational ChangeOrganizational LearningSociology of Knowledge
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      Knowledge ManagementKnowledge TransferOrganizational KnowledgeBest practice
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      Transformative LearningAuto-ethnographyHealth CareWriting
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      Information SystemsKnowledge ManagementKnowledge organizationKnowledge sharing
The current competitive environment is characterized by new sources of information, new technologies, new management practices, new competitors, and shorter product life cycles, which highlights the importance of organizational knowledge... more
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      EngineeringOperations ManagementAccess To InformationOrganizational Knowledge
In the knowledge economy, caracterized by complex and dynamic competitive environments, knowledge-based resources represent the true source of sustained competitive advantage for the firm. However, most of these intangible resources are... more
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      Knowledge ManagementKnowledge EconomyOrganizational KnowledgeCompetitive advantage
There is a paucity of theory for the effective management of knowledge transfer within large organizations. Practitioners continue to rely upon 'experimental' approaches to address the problem. This research attempts to reduce the gap... more
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      Information SystemsKnowledge ManagementInformation and Communication technologyOrganizational Knowledge
This paper develops four categories of knowledge management strategies used by multinational corporations (MNCs). Codification strategies involve the transformation of tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge in order to facilitate flows... more
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      Knowledge ManagementTacit KnowledgeOrganizational KnowledgeCompetitive advantage
Once discovered, each archaeological find starts a sort of new "life-cycle", throughout which it will cross several events, sometime repeatedly. Each find brings with it a lot of information (about its nature and history). Also each event... more
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      Knowledge ManagementParticipatory Action ResearchDecision MakingAction Research
In the context of a sustainable economy, knowledge has gained more and more ground, becoming an invaluable resource, the competence to generate and apply new knowledge giving the company a source of competitive advantage. Thus, the... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentOrganizational KnowledgeCompetitive advantageKnowledge Creation
The substitution of knowledge to information as the entity that organizations process and deliver raises a number of questions concerning the nature of knowledge. The dispute on the codifiability of tacit knowledge and that juxtaposing... more
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      EpistemologyOrganizational TheoryTacit KnowledgeTrust
Managing organizational knowledge and employee's competency is observed as key towards success. However, significance of intellectual capital for strategic management of knowledge and organizational competency has got limited attention in... more
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      Strategic ManagementHuman Resource ManagementIntellectual Capital ManagementOrganizational Knowledge
This paper develops four categories of knowledge management strategies used by multinational corporations (MNCs). Codification strategies involve the transformation of tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge in order to facilitate flows... more
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      Knowledge ManagementTacit KnowledgeOrganizational KnowledgeCompetitive advantage
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      MarketingKnowledge ManagementOrganizational KnowledgeKnowledge Creation
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      Information SystemsMarketingKnowledge ManagementStructural Equation Modeling
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      Organizational BehaviorKnowledge ManagementProject ManagementConstruction Management
This chapter focuses on e-learning and its relationship with organizational knowledge dissemination. We argue this requires a holistic approach that involves business processes, people and systems to deliver knowledge required by... more
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      Online LearningOrganizational KnowledgeApproaches to LearningVirtual Learning
In recent years the concepts of practice and activity have attracted the attention of academics and practitioners working on learning and knowledge in organizational and work settings. These scholars and practitioners have all begun to... more
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      Organizational KnowledgePractice Based Studies
Scholars have called repeatedly for more nuanced understandings of power and organizational knowledge, but researchers have yet to integrate available critical frameworks that could link these concepts. Moreover, existing analyses of... more
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      Organization StudiesStandpoint feminist theoryOrganizational KnowledgeCritical Organizational Communication Studies
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      Information TechnologyKnowledge ManagementKnowledge sharingOrganizational Knowledge
This paper combines ideas from disciplines ranging from physics, epistemology and philosophy of science to military affairs, to sketch a scientific framework for studying organizational learning, knowledge and memory. Threads are woven... more
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      Knowledge ManagementAutopoiesisOrganizational KnowledgeEvolutionary Epistemology
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      ManagementSociologyEvolutionary EconomicsKnowledge Management