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      Organizational CommunicationActor Network TheorySocial PresenceMédecins Sans Frontières
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      LawOrganizational CommunicationSocial ComplexityBusiness and Management
The field of organizational development, along with other prevalent perspectives on planned organizational change, is based in a unitary and instrumental perspective on organizational change in which leadership and change agents... more
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      Organizational CommunicationOrganizational ChangePostmodernismOrganizational Communication Research
"Since its very inception, social work has been considered an organizationally based profession, with the majority of its workforce employed within formal organizations. Whether in nonprofit, for-profit, or governmental agencies, the... more
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      BusinessOrganizational BehaviorManagementBusiness Administration
Cette quatrième partie du séminaire "Ingénierie des projets de communication)" à destination d'étudiants de langues et de lettres, s'occupe plus particulièrement à une présentation rapide des activités "techniques" dans le montage d'un... more
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      Organizational CommunicationProject ManagementMass CommunicationMarketing Communications
Effective Organisational Communication gives students from all backgrounds the tools to communicate both within and between organisations of all kinds. Its two-part structure enables readers to explore important theoretical perspectives... more
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      CommunicationInterpersonal CommunicationOrganizational CommunicationOrganisational communication
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      Organizational CommunicationInternal Communication
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People abused by angry discipline as children, may tend to abuse or overly punish other people or themselves for perceived wrongs in their adult life. In some individuals, aggressive personality traits may be genetically inherited. The... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsOrganizational BehaviorManagementCultural Studies
You care about difference. In this exigent mood we begin to rework reflexivity through disability and trauma studies. Using performative writing, we trouble you, me, and we in order to uncouple analytical rigor from individual bodies and... more
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      Organizational CommunicationFeminist TheoryViolenceDisability Studies
Intersectionality has increasing traction in interdisciplinary inquiry, yet questions remain about qualitative intersectional methods. In particular, scholars have yet to consider how to write qualitative research in the service of... more
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      Gender StudiesCommunicationOrganizational CommunicationQualitative methodology
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      Organizational CommunicationReliabilityValidity
The importance of communication, information sharing and interoperability in an emergency response scenario have risen recently based on the frequency of disasters throughout the world and the wide range of severities and degrees of... more
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      Computer ScienceOrganizational CommunicationCommunication TechnologyReal Time
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      Social WorkOrganizational CommunicationOrganizational CultureTraumatic Stress
In any organization that operates in cyberspace, it is necessary to understand the information battlespace. Defensive information battlespace knowledge can be provided by detailed analysis of carefully selected metrics using automated... more
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      Organizational BehaviorComputer ScienceOrganizational CommunicationCase Study Research
College seniors exist in a challenging period where lives previously based on linear course-planning transition into the uncertainty of the young-professional world (Daniels, Stewart, Stupnisky, Perry, & LoVerso, 2011). Academically and... more
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      CommunicationCommunicationMedia StudiesOrganizational Communication
gendered, yet we continue to neglect the ways in which it is fundamentally raced. With this article, we seek to stimulate systematic attention to the racial dynamics of organizational communication. We argue that the field's most common... more
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      Organizational CommunicationCommunication TheoryEthnic minoritiesUnited States
In this article, we analyze three cases in which subordinates' oral claims are refuted by superiors who draw on written documents of which the subordinates are the (in)direct authors. In this ventriloquization process (Cooren, 2012), the... more
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      Discourse AnalysisOrganizational CommunicationSocial InteractionSociology of Organizations
Bu çalışmanın amacı, otelcilik sektöründe çalışan personelin otellerindeki eğitim uygulamaları ve örgütsel iletişime ilişkin algılarını ortaya koyarak, işten ayrılma niyetlerini belirlemek ve eğitim uygulamaları ile örgütsel iletişimin... more
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      Tourism StudiesOrganizational CommunicationTurnover Intentionörgütsel Iletişim
This study examined the role and perceived value of public relations in institutional ethics initiatives. The findings of a survey of ethics officers in North American institutions reveal that public relations professionals are not... more
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      EthicsOrganizational CommunicationPublic RelationsLanguage Culture and Communication
This article describes a 12-month qualitative study that analyzes how a company's transition to component content management (CCM)-a set of methodologies, processes, and technologies that allows working with texts as small components... more
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      Organizational CommunicationActor Network TheoryContent ManagementWork Motivation
Social justice connects to trends in organizational communication scholarship in important ways. Some organizational communication traditions engage, explicitly and implicitly, social justice concepts, such as fairness, equity, freedom,... more
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      CommunicationOrganizational CommunicationAction ResearchImagination
Companies worldwide are turning to organizational communities of practice (OCoPs) as vehicles to generate learning and enhance organizational performance. OCoPs are defined as groups of employees who share a concern, a set of problems, or... more
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      MarketingPsychologyApplied PsychologyOrganizational Communication
This article aims at analyzing and identifying the contributions of the strategic organizational communication for the mining company Samarco sustainability policy. Based on the concepts of strategic organizational communication and... more
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      CommunicationOrganizational CommunicationSustainable DevelopmentStrategic Management
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      Organizational CommunicationProfessionalismQualitative methodologyAutoethnography
Nonprofit organizations are increasingly using Internet-based technologies to address accountability. This article presents a set of conceptual, theoretical, and empirical innovations to help understand this phenomenon. First, this... more
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      Public AdministrationCommunicationNew MediaSocial Work
A case study for organizational behavior based on the "DownCity"episode of the fourth season of Kitchen Nightmares. This document contains (1) a summary of the series (2) a list of the cast of characters (3) an episode recap and (4) two... more
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      Organizational BehaviorOrganizational PsychologyIndustrial OrganizationOrganizational Communication
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    • Organizational Communication
This article examines the ethical implications of Ian Mitroffls scholarly contribution to the study of Organizational Communication. Mthough Mitroff does not specifically ground his work in ethics, this article considers an "ethic of... more
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      MarketingBusiness EthicsApplied EthicsOrganizational Communication
This is a theoretical and empirical research, qualitative, whose object is the non-governmental organization Centro de Defesa dos Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente Padre Marcos Passerini (Center for the Defense of the Rights of... more
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      Organizational CommunicationMemory StudiesOrganizational MemoryComunicação
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      Organizational CommunicationLiterary CriticismGramsci and Cultural HegemonyModels
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      Critical TheoryCommunicationOrganizational CommunicationSocial Identity
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      Information SystemsOrganizational CommunicationOrganization StudiesInformation Seeking Behaviour
This paper attempts to blend the literature on professionalism with the literature of community, thus positing a framework for a school-based professional community. Sociologists have long distinguished between occupations--even high... more
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      Organizational CommunicationCommunityOrganizational Climate
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      Organizational CommunicationSocial IdentityDisability StudiesPublic Relations
Practical in focus, grounded in social interaction, and written in a strong narrative style replete with concrete examples, Intercultural Communication: Pathways to Better Interactions provides readers with an examination of diverse... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationInterpersonal CommunicationOrganizational CommunicationLanguage and Social Interaction
In view of the paucity of research in Philippine higher education institutions (HEIs), the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) has provided policies and mandates that are largely geared towards the improvement of research productivity.... more
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      Organizational CommunicationHigher EducationResearch FundingWorking Conditions
This is the second part of the essay "The Measurement of Trust in Communication Research" (continued from Part 1 published in December 2020). The aim of the essay was to review the last 100 years of the measurement of trust in... more
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      Interpersonal CommunicationOrganizational CommunicationTrustAdvertising
In this paper we describe the information, communication, and acceptance issues in a telemedical workflow, taking a pre-hospital emergency medical service (EMS) as an example. EMS workflows are extremely time-critical, impose a high... more
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      Organizational CommunicationInformation and Communication technologyDiagnostic ImagingEmergency medical service
We are confronted by a world filled with complex social issues, extensive interdependencies, and vast numbers of diverse stakeholders with competing interests. Globalization and unprecedented access to information have eroded the... more
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      Organizational CommunicationCollaboration
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      Organizational CommunicationActor Network Theory
La métaphore du dark side ou du côté obscur des organisations fait référence aux travaux académiques, qui s'intéressent aux aspects organisationnels problématiques, négatifs ou contreproductifs, du point de vue du management, ou encore... more
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      Organizational BehaviorOrganizational CommunicationCritical Management StudiesOrganisational communication
Good analysis alone may not achieve the goals of decision analysis (DA) engagements. Good communication of the results of that analysis can help stakeholders understand, accept, and implement the recommended course of action.... more
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      MarketingOrganizational CommunicationModelingDecision Analysis
La comunicación organizacional, con sus tipos interna y externa, aparentemente da solución a diversas necesidades en cuanto a comunicación en el amplio espectro de las actividades corporativas; no obstante, existe un público flotante y... more
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      Organizational CommunicationInternal CommunicationOrganizational Communication ResearchCritical Organizational Communication Studies
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      Information SystemsManagement Information SystemsOrganizational CommunicationHigher Education
O texto define o processo de construção de uma Política de Comunicação por instituições públicas como uma instância de legitimação da comunicação pública no Brasil. Para tanto, resgata o conceito e os atributos básicos da comunicação... more
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      Organizational CommunicationCommunication PolicyPublic Communication. Political Communication
Formal and informal organization structure have been described as “opposing poles of a duality”—one which has yet to be fully resolved. The aim of this paper is to detail an approach to treating both structures in a comparable way, an... more
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      Organizational BehaviorOrganizational CommunicationOrganizational TheorySocial Networks
Research on punk culture often falls prey to two main dilemmas. First, using a Marxist economic lens, the underlying implication is fieldwork reveals already known conceptions of class and culture. Second, an ageist bias exists in most... more
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      Cultural StudiesCommunicationOrganizational CommunicationSelf and Identity
Out-of-classroom communication (OCC) in the form of email has increased considerably in the past few years. This study uses Interaction Adaptation Theory (IAT) to inform and frame the impact of using overly casual email messages with... more
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      Organizational CommunicationICT in EducationComputer Mediated CommunicationHypothesis testing
"Purpose: This article describes how trust emerged as an issue in one school district and the processes by which central office administrators enhanced trust with its school site leaders. Method: This exploratory participant observer... more
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      Organizational CommunicationEducational LeadershipTrust