A growing number of universities are offering curricula that are labeled as Services Sciences and/or Services Engineering or that are actually oriented to Services Sciences. We here review their contents, by a specific taxonomy of... more
PurposeAlthough organizations change on a regular basis, much of what we know about the impacts of organizational change can best be described as macro‐level information. Only recently have scholars begun to examine the impact of... more
Purpose This study aims to analyze how leadership influenced corporate responsible behavior in a complex multinational organization with ethical principles imposed by concrete actions on regulatory, environmental and international labor... more
Az intézmény egy személyközpontú nevelési programmal működő budapesti általános iskola, illetve hozzákapcsolt óvoda. Az intézmény alapítványi fenntartású. Az odajáróknak tandíjat kell fizetniük. Ezeknek következtében nem feltétlenül a... more
University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. May 2012. Major: Educational Policy and Administration. Advisors: Dr. David. W. Chapman,Dr. Deanne. L. Magnusson. 1 computer file (PDF); xiv, 191 pages, appendices A-F.
This paper examines the organizational analysis of the Financial Aid Office at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. This was the final project for SAHE 733 Management and Organizational Analysis in Higher Education.
Este trabajo provee inicialmente una breve revisión de la literatura internacional en temas como las reformas del Estado, los sistemas complejos y el rol del liderazgo en la gestión pública, así como una somera descripción del contexto... more
In this paper I would like to point out the role of japanese media while investigating, uncovering and mediating (not only political) scandals. I will mention, how scandal mediations in Japan reflect the japanese mediascape, journalistic... more
The determinants of outward foreign direct investment: a firm-level analysis of Indian manufacturing
Purpose -Outward foreign direct investment (FDI) of firms from Brazil, Russia, India and China has increased significantly during the last few years. Despite this trend, comprehensive research on the specific determinants and antecedents... more
Armour Garments Company (AGC) was a manufacturer of high quality undershirts in the Philippines established on 1954. For ten years, it has been a flourishing enterprise having only 25 workers at its onset and accumulating up to 250... more
Armour Garments Company has been known for its high quality undergarments since 1954. It is the undergarments sold to wholesalers in Divisoria and has continuously grown in terms of profit and size in its first ten years. Their products... more
Carla Santos is the manager of Venus Boutiques, a string of specialty shops selling a selected line of ladies’ bags, beauty products and ladies’ wear. She went on a three week business trip outside the country and when she returned, a... more
Purpose -The purpose of this study is to propose a typology of culture and to present a hybrid model to be used as the base in organizational behavior and cross-cultural management research. Design/methodology/approach -This study... more
If you would like to write for this, or any other Emerald publication, then please use our Emerald for Authors service information about how to choose which publication to write for and submission guidelines are available for all. Please... more
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine how maternity doctors deal with anxieties generated through their interactions with patients. Design/methodology/approach – The authors juxtapose two critical stories, collected as part of... more
online). RGN publica manuscritos de alta calidad en todas las áreas de las ciencias administrativas, económicas y contables. RGN acepta manuscritos teóricos, empíricos, exploratorios y descriptivos en administración, finanzas, gerencia,... more
Emotional intelligence is a relatively new topic in the field of leadership concerns. Developed by psychologists in the 80s, it was later connected with management and leadership disciplines when research revealed how much influences the... more
Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview and synthesis of the extant literature in entrepreneurship by utilizing an uncommon and unique lens. The lens focuses on studies that explore the effects of formal (social... more
Purpose – Focusing primarily on Italian and European football, the research performs extended analyses at both the club and federation levels, compares between financial and sport achievements, and identifies correlations and... more
Three Critical Factors in the Intelligence Activity: Product, Process and Personnel (the 3P Project)
3P derives from the three very important categories / areas in defining a reform process of the national security intelligence analysis, namely : – Process (the analysis activity, with his entire set of methods or means, internal... more
If today's organizations are not able to adopt themselves with environmental changes, they will lose the competition. In such a condition, organizations are in need of leaders who are capable of turning their companies into one having... more
Purpose -This article aims to present the findings from data gathered from 1,160 individuals who participated over the course of five years in a series of workshops, university courses and business dialogue sessions on the subject of... more
The main objective of this research is to fill the gap of Public Management studies with regards to the Kurds’ issues and in particular, the position and efforts of Fedkom, in the context of transnationalism and diaspora, concerning the... more
In a U.S. invested enterprise in China, the receptivity of Chinese employees to a participative work environment was examined. Structural equation analysis indicated support for a model in which job satisfaction mediates the relationships... more
Questa è la traduzione di un saggio breve di P. S. Adler sul caso significativo della NUMMI, la joint-venture fra Toyota e General Motors sul suolo americano. La commistione del modello giapponese e l'influenza sindacale hanno dato vita a... more
This article presents an original needs-based partial theory of human injustice and shows its relationship to existing theories of human need and human liberation. The theory is based on an original typology of three social structural... more
Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to propose to test a research model to gain a better understanding of the connection between perceived support, trust, satisfaction, intention to quit and citizenship at the organizational level.... more
ENGLISH (French below): This paper investigates the main features of media scandal in contemporary Japan. This is important because it can add a fresh interdisciplinary direction in the fields of media studies, journalism, and Japanese... more
Purpose The aim of this paper is to move towards a holistic model of organizational interpretation under uncertainty. This paper makes a series of novel conceptual propositions regarding the associations between state, effect and... more
Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to propose to test a research model to gain a better understanding of the connection between perceived support, trust, satisfaction, intention to quit and citizenship at the organizational level.... more
Background: Dedicated and motivated health workers (HWs) play a major role in delivering efficient and effective health services that improve patients' experience of health care. Growing interest in HW motivation has led to a global focus... more
Emotional intelligence (El) has been embraced by many practitioners and academicians without clear empirical support for the construct. In this rejoinder and extension of an earlier comment, I highlight the importance of using... more
Traditional ethnographies do not offer the best approach to studying contemporary organizations, where organizing happens simultaneously in many places. This paper reviews some alternatives, while acknowledging the debt of organization... more
This article draws on institutional and ecological perspectives on work and organizations to develop a workplace level model of variation in voluntary counselor turnover rates across privately funded substance abuse treatment centers in... more
Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to examine and compare the validity of different operationalizations of cultural and institutional distance. Design/methodology/approach -First, a review of the theoretical background for Hofstede's,... more
Purpose -The primary goal of this study is to conduct an empirical comparison of corporate social orientation (CSO) values held by US and Japanese students. The study also aims to test the stability of CSO with an exploratory assessment... more
Purpose -Over the last few years, the wine industry has been undergoing a process of accelerated change, consequent to the constantly changing wine geography, both from the demand and the supply sides. This research is based on the 2011... more
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of loan officers’ overconfidence on risk-taking decision and solvency performance measured by z-scores in the context of Islamic and conventional microfinance institutions... more
Purpose -The aim of the study was to test the relationship of emotional intelligence (EI) to the appraisal, coping and outcomes of workplace demands. Design/methodology/approach -An online survey was used to collect data. Respondents... more
Purpose -This paper builds on the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO) Report, which examined US Accounting and Auditing Enforcement Releases (AAERs). The purpose of this paper is to provide valuable insights into the... more