Organizational Analysis

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Organizational Analysis is the systematic study of an organization's structure, processes, culture, and performance to understand its effectiveness and efficiency. It involves evaluating internal and external factors that influence organizational behavior and decision-making, aiming to identify areas for improvement and facilitate strategic planning.
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PurposeThe purpose of this study is to examine the use of tools and techniques of strategy and strategic analysis within small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as a part of the strategy formation... more
Purpose This paper aims to provide a framework with the antecedents of women managers’ resilience in SMEs. Design/methodology/approach This developmental study uses a comprehensive literature review and a set of propositions to identify... more
Traditional ethnographies do not offer the best approach to studying contemporary organizations, where organizing happens simultaneously in many places. This paper reviews some alternatives, while acknowledging the debt of organization... more
Purpose Public sectors have responded to grand societal challenges by establishing collaboratives – new inter-organizational partnerships to secure better quality health services. In the UK, a proliferation of collaboration-based... more
Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview and synthesis of the extant literature in entrepreneurship by utilizing an uncommon and unique lens. The lens focuses on studies that explore the effects of formal (social... more
Purpose -Outward foreign direct investment (FDI) of firms from Brazil, Russia, India and China has increased significantly during the last few years. Despite this trend, comprehensive research on the specific determinants and antecedents... more
In a U.S. invested enterprise in China, the receptivity of Chinese employees to a participative work environment was examined. Structural equation analysis indicated support for a model in which job satisfaction mediates the relationships... more
Emotional intelligence (El) has been embraced by many practitioners and academicians without clear empirical support for the construct. In this rejoinder and extension of an earlier comment, I highlight the importance of using... more
Purpose Employee suggestion scheme (ESS) have existed for many years and many articles have been published over the past decades. They have been studied from many perspectives to illustrate their objectives, nature, content, process,... more
Purpose To examine how two types of trust affect five key franchisee attitudes/behaviors within a setting in which franchisees have strong contractual ties to the franchisor. The five are: identification and satisfaction with the... more
This article focuses on the responses of British trade unions to the arrival of Polish workers since the 2004 enlargement of the European Union. It is argued that existing definitions and explanations of UK trade union engagement with... more
Purpose This paper aims to provide insights on the void between the needs and demands of bank finance from female entrepreneurs and the supply, as well as the approaches of banks for that finance. In addition, it creates a conceptual... more
Purpose–Research has recognized the importance of middle management in the strategy process. Nonetheless, two questions raised by the involvement of middle management remain largely unexplored; they are central to this study. The first... more
Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to propose to test a research model to gain a better understanding of the connection between perceived support, trust, satisfaction, intention to quit and citizenship at the organizational level.... more
Purpose The purpose of this study is to describe the culture of Google using memetic mapping. Design/methodology/approach Printed and online texts published about Google are coded, and 40 memes are discovered. Memes are placed into six... more
Purpose The latest research in the field of employer branding highlights a mix of marketing principles and recruitment practices, based on the concept that, just as customers have perceptions of an organisation’s brand, then so do other... more
In the global legal services market, China has some of the youngest law firms but also some of the largest. In the early 21st century, several Chinese law firms have grown into mega law firms, with thousands of lawyers in a large number... more
We are indebted to two anonymous referees for constructive and helpful comments that have improved this paper.
This multilevel investigation examined the effect of group interaction and its influence on individual-level membership variables and group assimilation. The study is based on a model of group socialization developed by and was modified... more
Purpose Negotiating effectively in multicultural contexts or others is not only a very important skill for all organizational elements but also crucial to inter-organizational relations (Adler, 2008). If defined as a process that occurs... more
Purpose -The primary goal of this study is to conduct an empirical comparison of corporate social orientation (CSO) values held by US and Japanese students. The study also aims to test the stability of CSO with an exploratory assessment... more
PurposeRecently, some biologists have argued that the time has come to replace separation between Lamarckism and Darwinism with their connection. The aim of this paper is to understand whether this paradigm shift in the interpretation of... more
Purpose The aim of this paper is to move towards a holistic model of organizational interpretation under uncertainty. This paper makes a series of novel conceptual propositions regarding the associations between state, effect and... more
How are organizational discourses enacted by people at work? In this article, instead of treating subjects as somewhat distinct from such discourses, I argue that the two are inescapably intertwined. The concept of 'ek-stasis' helps us to... more
Emerald is a global publisher linking research and practice to the benefit of society. The company manages a portfolio of more than 290 journals and over 2,350 books and book series volumes, as well as providing an extensive range of... more
Purpose Variation, replication and selection processes are acknowledged as key constructs in studies on how industries evolve, but no theoretical and empirical contributions have applied these key constructs to analyzing industries in... more
Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to propose a theoretical model for the in-depth study of organizations, producing a framework which makes it possible to clarify many propositions and to specifically test the theory. In order to carry... more
We start with the premise that organizations are processes of human behavior that are experienced as experiential and perceptual systems governed by unconscious processes. This starting point leads us to discuss psychoanalytically... more
Purpose This study aims to analyze how leadership influenced corporate responsible behavior in a complex multinational organization with ethical principles imposed by concrete actions on regulatory, environmental and international labor... more
Purpose–The purpose of this study is to use three foci of commitment (to the organization, to the colleagues, and to the superior) to improve employee retention in high turnover work environments. Design/methodology/approach–In this... more
The organic movement has its roots in a critical attitude towards the capitalist development of farming and food systems and constitutes in that sense an alternative to conventional food systems. The article aims at exploring which... more
Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to introduce a framework, based on Beer's viable system model (VSM) that enables managers of public and private organizations to cope with the complexities faced by their organizations.... more
This study explores motivational and organizational commitment factors of tipped and nontipped restaurant employees when differentiated by gender. The data collected from employees of a nationally-known, branded restaurant chain was... more
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