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Scholars hold different views about whether organizations consist of things or processes and about variance or process methods for conducting research. By combining these two dimensions, we develop a typology of four approaches for... more
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      SociologyOrganizational ChangeOrganization StudiesBusiness and Management
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In this master thesis, the question is explored of how complexity theory can inform and challenge the study of organizations. Complexity theory researches complex social and natural systems and the phenomena to which they give rise, such... more
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      Organizational BehaviorNormative EthicsOrganizational ChangeComplexity Theory
Indice Introduzione©7 1. La negoziazione delle estetiche organizzative©9 1.1. Negoziazione, aggregazione e discriminazione©9 1.2. Estetica organizzativa al plurale©14 1.3. Estetica come consapevolezza metodologica©17 1.4. Se l’estetica... more
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      AestheticsOrganizational TheoryOrganizational CultureOrganization Studies
"Since its very inception, social work has been considered an organizationally based profession, with the majority of its workforce employed within formal organizations. Whether in nonprofit, for-profit, or governmental agencies, the... more
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      BusinessOrganizational BehaviorManagementBusiness Administration
Rationality has since long been one of the central been issues in the discourse of management. Among the classics voices propagating a reductionist rationalism dominated and there are still many contexts where such a view is taken for... more
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      ManagementSocial SciencesOrganization StudiesDetective Fiction
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      Organization StudiesOrganizationBusiness and ManagementPhilosophy and Religious Studies
In the new millennium new technologies (should) play an ever more prominent role in the management of mass casualty incidents (MCI). Drawing on empirical datafrom a four-year research project (SOGRO), the article reflects on the impact... more
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      Computer NetworksOrganization StudiesICTDatabases
La relacion entre teoria organizacional y deporte ha presentado normalmente al deporte como un campo interesante en el cual ilustrar el fenomeno organizacional. Esta revision de la literatura se propone examinar los textos academicos e... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical ScienceSports ManagementOrganization Studies
The idea of process is prominent in organization theory but less so in research. Limited access to organizations is a likely explanation, particularly because process analysis often requires detailed data. Experimental research may... more
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      Game studiesSocial InteractionOrganization StudiesProcess Analysis
This paper contextualises before summarising a conceptual framework for virtue ethics in organizations that has been developed by drawing upon the work of the moral philosopher Alasdair MacIntyre. Conducting empirical work with this... more
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      Business EthicsVirtue EthicsOrganization StudiesAlasdair MacIntyre
We reason that agency theory's behavioral assumptions may too closely reflect the US institutional context to explain the governance heritages that exist elsewhere. We propose that what constitutes opportunistic behavior and what can be... more
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      Organization StudiesBusiness and Management
Strategic change is one of the most critical decisions that organizations make. We focus on the role of groups at the upper echelon of hierarchies and propose that concentrated power either in the CEO or the top management team is prone... more
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      Organization StudiesBusiness and ManagementTop Management Team
"All play means something" (Johan Huizinga, 1938) In recent decades, sport as a social practice has become relevant in many different spheres: in health, economy, politics, education, work and leisure. The importance of sport transcends... more
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      Sociology of SportPlayOrganizational CultureAlternative forms of management and organization
The bulk of contributions on digital business so far provide mainly descriptive analyses when it comes to the study of power-related phenomena within the gig economy. We particularly lack systematic, integrative studies which focus on... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsOrganizational TheorySociology of WorkIndustrial Relations
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      Organization StudiesUnited StatesNordic countries
In this book, sociologists, philosophers, and economists investigate the conceptual issues around the performativity of economics over a variety of disciplinary contexts and provide new case studies illuminating this phenomenon. In... more
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      ManagementEconomic SociologyOrganizational TheorySociology of Knowledge
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      EducationEducational LeadershipEthnographyLeadership
A case study for organizational behavior based on the "DownCity"episode of the fourth season of Kitchen Nightmares. This document contains (1) a summary of the series (2) a list of the cast of characters (3) an episode recap and (4) two... more
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      Organizational BehaviorOrganizational PsychologyIndustrial OrganizationOrganizational Communication
Research on the “uses of the past” in organizations and organizing is flourishing. This introduction reviews this approach to integrating history into organization studies and explores its paths forward. We begin by examining the... more
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      SociologyOrganization StudiesBusiness and Management
There has been a longstanding interest in human factors and the processes of change in manufacturing organizations. In this article attention is focused on the establishment and contribution of a processual perspective to understanding... more
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    • Organization Studies
Este artículo explora el potencial descriptivo que “enganchar”, “llamar la atención” y “acumular” en tanto prácticas feriantes ofrece para el análisis de las relaciones de comercio, comensalidad y organización de la Feria de los Patos.... more
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      Organization StudiesEconomíaAntropologíaInmigrantes en argentina
National models of social action over-privilege continuity and uniformity. They discount change -which they lack the capacity to explain (other than through exogenous shocks) -and neglect diversity within countries. This paper focuses on... more
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      Business AdministrationOrganization StudiesBusiness and Management
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      Information SystemsOrganizational CommunicationOrganization StudiesInformation Seeking Behaviour
We report the results of a longitudinal case study depicting the relationship between internal and external legitimacy at Orion, an emergent creative professional firm. We address the following questions: How do different types of... more
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      Organization StudiesBusiness and Management
May the principle of Sumaq Kawsay be used to discuss about new development and organizational thinkingfrom a Latin American perspective? The objective of this paper is to explore critically a recent developmentand management approach from... more
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      Organization StudiesSumaq Kawsay
This paper will explore the work of members of community learning Disability Services in attempting to support care organisations to work effectively with those they serve. Systemic practice has been increasingly recognised as potentially... more
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      PsychologyOrganizational TheorySocial SciencesSystems Thinking
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      Organization StudiesStructuration TheoryBusiness and ManagementSystem Theory
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      Organization StudiesBusiness and Management
Enron shows us dramaturgy gone amuck. In this article, critical theory and postmodern theory are crossed to form a critical dramaturgy resulting in two main contributions. First, critical dramaturgy is differentiated from other forms of... more
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      Organization StudiesBusiness and Management
Formal and informal organization structure have been described as “opposing poles of a duality”—one which has yet to be fully resolved. The aim of this paper is to detail an approach to treating both structures in a comparable way, an... more
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      Organizational BehaviorOrganizational CommunicationOrganizational TheorySocial Networks
Il project management non si risolve in un insieme di tecniche e metodologie operative, ha in se tutte le caratteristiche per lo sviluppo delle organizzazioni e delle persone che le compongono. Project management, una prospettiva più ampia.
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      ManagementProject ManagementOrganization StudiesInternational Mangement
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      ManagementCareer ManagementCareer Guidance CounselingOrganization Studies
Palavras-chave: Criatividade. Design Thinking. Organização. INTRODUÇÃO A sociedade pós-industrial prioriza e incentiva a criatividade muito mais do que a sociedade industrial. O processo criativo se relaciona à solução de problemas e as... more
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      CreativityOrganization StudiesDesign thinking
A number of people have claimed that the ongoing financial crisis has revealed the problems with neoliberal thought and neoliberal policies in the 'Atlantic Heartland'. However, if we look at the history of the 'Heartland' economies then... more
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      BusinessBusiness EthicsFinanceSociology
The philosophical aesthetics of the Italian philosopher Luigi Pareyson is discussed in a dialogue between the two authors with reference to its importance in understanding practice in organizational life and in Practice-based Theory of... more
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      Economic SociologyPhilosophyAestheticsOrganizational Theory
This article introduces Luhmann’s theory of social systems as a prominent example of communication as constitutive of organization (CCO) thinking and argues that Luhmann’s perspective contributes to current conceptual debates on how... more
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      Organizational CommunicationOrganization StudiesLuhmannSocial Constructionism/ Constructivism
The current financial and economic crisis has negatively underlined the vital role of multinational companies (MNCs) in our daily lives. The breakdown and crisis of flagship MNCs, such as Enron, WorldCom, Lehman Brothers, Toyota and... more
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      Critical TheoryOrganizational TheoryInternational BusinessStrategic Management
For the past 20 years, the attention of human resource specialists and other stakeholders has been drawn to the usage of psychological tests and assessment instruments that give an insight into potential employees' personality,... more
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      BusinessManagementBusiness AdministrationInternational Studies
This article discusses ethnographic research on the planned transition from an all-white Dutch management towards an ethnically diverse management of an amateur football club. The article is based on a three-year period of ethnographic... more
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      ManagementSociologyCultural StudiesSociology of Sport
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      ManagementSociology of CultureAnthropologyPublic Administration
The book is structured into three parts with the purpose of giving prominence to both the concepts and methods of practice-based studies. The first part consists of five chapters which illustrate what is meant by practice-based... more
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      Economic SociologyAestheticsOrganizational TheoryPractice theory
Why do organizational members derive pleasure from being dishonest? The paper seeks to respond to this question by adopting a psychoanalytically informed approach to the analysis of how individuals perceive their own corruptness. I focus... more
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      Organizational PsychologyPsychoanalysisOrganizational TheoryCritical Management Studies
Interaction seems to be responsible in manifold ways for accidents and disasters (e.g., Perrow 2008; Mattewman 2012). We intend to delineate some peculiar ways in which this can be true. Interaction is a fatal attraction. Everyone knows... more
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      Social InteractionOrganization StudiesAviationSocio-Technical Systems
This chapter examines the extent, character, and future potential of the biotechnology industry in Norway. The biotechnology sector is not as closely connected to the historical patterns of Norwegian specialization as aquaculture,... more
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      TechnologySocial SciencesInnovation statisticsBiotechnology
Вступительная статья в книге: Папакостас А. Становление цивилизованной публичной сферы: Недоверие, доверие и коррупция/А. Папакостас;пер. с англ. Д. Жихаревича—М.:ОАО «ВЦИОМ», 2016.— 216 с. (Серия «Образ общества»). С. 5-16.
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      Economic SociologyPolitical SociologySocial TheoryOrganizational Theory
While interest in art-based interventions is growing rapidly, little is known about the aesthetic, material, and interpersonal mechanisms by which art interventions, and musical interventions in particular, operate. We address this gap by... more
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      BusinessOrganizational BehaviorManagementBusiness Administration
In this paper, we highlight the conditions under which organizations initiate changes in two distinct institutional contexts. While the focus within behavioral research has been on aspiration-driven organizational change, the effect of... more
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      Information SystemsMarketingPsychologyServices
This paper examines the complex relationship between hospitality and organisations. It is argued that a variety of organisational practices can be understood by considering how hospitality is mobilised and experienced by multiple... more
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      Organizational BehaviorCultural GeographyOrganizational TheoryHospitality Studies
A case study for organizational behavior based on the "Initiation" episode of the third season of The Office (S03E05). This document contains (a) a summary of the series (b) an episode recap and (c) four discussion questions suitable for... more
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      Organizational BehaviorManagementOrganizational PsychologyIndustrial Organization