Organisational Change
Recent papers in Organisational Change
Enterprise 2.0 implementation best practices need to suit your organizational culture
This paper provides a review and synthesis of current practice in the field of Organisation Change and Development (OCD). Five key 'failings' of managers contributing to the low success rate of OCD programmes are identified. To overcome... more
Universities play a central role in addressing key challenges of social, economic and environmental sustainability. For this role to be delivered effectively it is critical to identify not only what strategies are most productive but... more
This work is focussed on the deployment of innovation in an educational charity to ensure its survival and re-growth a challenging climate. By the nature of its specialisation, the management of knowledge, learning and innovation are... more
THE INDUSTRIAL EVOLUTION OF HEALTHCARE It is a transformative fact today that most countries and their citizens draw on essential medicines and vaccines designed and manufactured and then traded across hundreds and often, thousands of... more
There is a great need for health and safety advisers/managers to act as agents of change, both in respect to the technology of the company and the design of its workplaces, and in the organisation of the company health and safety... more
In the last decade, electronic government in Europe has emerged and established itself as a viable alternative channel for public service delivery. While e-government has now matured in most developed European countries, transition... more
This report shows an analysis of the legal department of Motorola. It will illustrate the current process of the information trough all the organization and the evolution within the years.
In this study, we examined the implementation of an electronic health records (EHR) system in a small family practice clinic. We used three data collection instruments to evaluate user experience, work pattern changes, and organisational... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
In the lead up to large-scale change bought about by enterprise system implementations, there are multiple complex influences at play that impact perceptions that the organisation might not be ready for the change effort. These influences... more
In order to cope with the increasing patient load, a study was performed to identify bottlenecks in patient flow at the Infectious Diseases outpatient clinic in Kampala, Uganda on 10 January 2005. On a standardised questionnaire we... more
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate the role of preferences when SMEs are confronted with the practical problems associated with implementing frequent and large scale changes to their working policies and practices. This... more
As the world prepares for 'Rio plus 20,' questions are being asked regarding the role and impact of education in the attainment of a more sustainable future. Chapter 36 of Agenda 21, a key contribution of the 1992 Rio Earth Summit,... more
Research on Activity-Based Costing and its applications has mainly been focused on organisations in developed countries. Little has been learnt as to whether ABC techniques can be implemented successfully in organisations in developing... more
Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) can experience difficulties in adopting Information Systems (IS) and aligning them with their strategic development. Using the concept of bricolage, an improvisational approach that allows... more
One of the dilemmas faced by directors and other corporate leaders is the need to be entrepreneurial in ensuring the future success of a company which involves risk, while at the same time retaining prudent control. Transitioning... more
Executive coaching is now seen in many organisations, both private and public, as an essential professional development intervention. While in the recent past, coaches may have been engaged by individual senior managers, it is... more
Med denne artikkelen ønsker vi å vise at man ikke behøver å forstå teori og praksis som to ulike verdener. Vi argumenterer for at forskningsbasert teori må omformes til handlingsteori hvis den skal få betydning for skolens praksis, og vi... more
Since a group of McKinsey consultants coined the phrase the War for Talent in 1997 (Michaels, Handfield-Jones, & Axelrod, 2001; Axelrod, Handfield-Jones, & Michaels, 2002), the topic of talent management has received a... more
In recent management and organisational studies, researchers have explored the tensions emerging between social constructions of femininity and the identity of the ‘modern’ working woman. The fundamental insight is that the practices,... more
This article argues that desistance research should provoke a reconsideration of the essential character of interventions with adults involved in offending behaviour. It begins by discussing broad accounts of the characteristics of... more
This book explores the impact on business leadership by the changes in the new world of work and the implications of the new sciences on the way in which social systems adapt and the rising levels of awareness. Adaptive intelligence in... more
Welcome "…the process helps people think through the implications of their choices and behaviours -the risks and opportunities of current behaviours in relation to the goal of sustainability. It also means refl ecting about ourselves,... more
Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to provide a conceptual framework for the study of communication during organisational change. Although there is an enduring interest in studying (internal) communication during organisational change,... more
This paper reports a case study of implementing activity-based costing (ABC) in a Portuguese telecommunications firm. It proved problematic. Production engineers were reluctant to use ABC, being skeptical about its accuracy and... more
Since the 1990s, change management has received considerable attention as the new paradigm for the management of organisational transformations as well as behavioural and motivational changes within both for-profit and non-profit... more
In this special issue of the European Journal of Higher Education, a number of experienced scholars provide a broad picture of the most recent round of mergers involving higher education institutions in Europe and beyond. In doing so,... more
This Policy Recommendation report presents the empirical findings on case studies which were undertaken in the context of INEX Work Package 3 "Value-Dilemmas of Security Professionals".
Purpose -The New Zealand Benchmarking Club (NZBC), a multi-organisational network, aimed to improve the performance of member organisations through best practice benchmarking. The purpose of this paper is to critique the NZBC... more
This paper explores the automation of the supply of financial services on the British High Street. Its aim is to provide an historical perspective to highlight the longevity of organisational change in the financial sector and to... more
Abstract: The argument I will develop in this essay is that the foreign students are a latent human resource who can assist with overcoming English monolingualism in the Australian population. Foreign students, properly rewarded, can be a... more
Do you want to become a Super Navigator? Life Navigation is four concrete tools about time, goals, energy and spaces – each of which can provide a significant boost to your productivity and life quality. In a knowledge society it’s not... more
Organisational learning is a method of successfully dealing with continuous change. Emotional aspects of change, however, are not addressed in any detail. In this article, I explore the four branches of emotional intelligence, emotional... more
Background and purpose: The generalised assumption of health information systems (HIS) success is questioned by a few commentators in the medical informatics field. They point to widespread HIS failure. The purpose of this paper was... more
Purpose To identify and discuss the issues and success factors surrounding biometrics, especially in the context of user authentication and controls in the banking sector, using a case study. Design/methodology/approach The literature... more
This paper suggests that Chandler's (Chandler, AD, 1990. Scale and Scope: The Dynamics of Industrial Capitalism. Belknap Press of Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge, MA.) organisational capabilities framework can be modified to explain... more