Organic Fertilizer
Recent papers in Organic Fertilizer
Teaoil Camellia (Camellia oleifera Abel.) is a promising horticultural crop that has been cultivated for various purposes in China for more than 1000 years. It is a small tree, which grows naturally from latitudes of 18° to 34° North and... more
The aim of this study was to evaluate the possibility of the re-use of industrial orange wastes as organic soil fertilizer. The assay was performed with a lettuce variety widely produced and consumed in Portugal and, consequently, with... more
The aim of this study has been to determine the indirect and direct effects of farmyard manure and sewage sludge composts, produced in the northeastern part of Poland, on the content of 1 mol HCl⋅dm-3 soluble forms of zinc and copper in... more
The production of solid organic waste (SOW) such as sewage sludge (SS) or municipal solid waste (MSW) has been continuously increasing in Europe since the beginning of the 1990'. Today, the European Union encourages the stabilization of... more
The synergetic effect of organic (cow manure) and mineral fertilization on the development arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi was demonstateded. The length of AM mycelium and sporulation were used as sensitive markers of the physiological... more
Land spreading of dairy soiled water (DSW) may result in pollution of ground and surface waters. Treatment of DSW through sludge-supernatant separation using chemical coagulants is a potential option to reduce the negative environmental... more
Current experiment was laid out in order to compare different kinds of organic manure and chemical fertilizer application in growing spinach under the open-field conditions in two successive seasons. Matador type spinach (Spinacea... more
Two field experiments were conducted to evaluate the effect of organic fertilizer application either with or without antagonistic bacteria (Bacillus subtilis SQR-5 and Paenibacillus polymyxa SQR-21) on the control of Fusarium oxysporum f.... more
This study investigates an arable field soil with long-term (27 and 28 years) mineral (NPK) and organic (cattle manure, cattle manure with biodynamic preparations) fertilizer amendments at low, medium and high amounts. Arbuscular... more
Parque Porcino de Ventanilla has an extension of 840 ha with 2200 farmers dedicated to pig production. There is a lack of services in the area (i.e., water supply, electricity, or waste collection). Anaerobic treatment of pig manure would... more
This study examined the hypothesis that incorporation of Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Walp.) (gliricidia), a fastgrowing, nitrogen-fixing tree, into agroforestry systems in southern Malawi may be used to increase the input of organic... more
The potential toxicity of urban sewage and farmed salmon sludge, as well as their fertilizer potential, was evaluated by a battery of tests carried out with lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) and annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) cv.... more
Vermicomposting technology has been gaining attention as an environmental friendly waste management approach in both industrial and agricultural sectors. Studies have been carried out on processing various type of wastes into value added... more
The natural 15N abundance (δ15N) of different ecosystem compartments is considered to be an integrator of nitrogen (N) cycle processes. Here we investigate the extent to which patterns of δ15N in grassland plants and soils reflect the... more
This study examined the effects of agricultural intensity, various farming practices, landscape composition and vegetation cover on the abundance and species richness of wintering farmland birds, assessed simultaneously across seven... more
A field experiment was conducted during 2014-2015 season to study the effect of two soil fertilizer treatments 200 kg/ha compound fertilizer NPK 18-18-18 and organic manure (10 ton/ha of sheep manure) and their interaction with high... more
There are various biofertilizer products in the market in Nigeria and imported globally which claimed to have beneficial microbes for sustainable agriculture. Biowaste recycled in anaerobic digested (26 days) and inoculated with Plant... more
The present study was carried out during two successive seasons, 2011/2012 and 2012/2013, at the Agricultural Research Station; El-Otouria, Sheehaniya, Doha, Qatar; to investigate the response of two tomato cultivars (Isabella and Milas)... more
Nitrogen N biogeochemistry of aquaculture ponds is dominated by biological transformations of N added to ponds in the form of inorganic or organic fertilizers and formulated feeds. Nitrogen application in excess of pond assimilatory... more
This study investigated a sustainable alternative to grow crops using organic wastes as biofertilizers. Fresh fish waste (FFW) and cooked fish waste (CFW) mixed with sawdust from Tryplochyton scleroxylon wood species (Wawa) were made into... more
Animal fleshing (ANFL) is the major proteinaceous solid waste generated during the manufacture of leather, which requires to be disposed of by environmentally sound manner. This study reports about the treatment of ANFL into an organic... more
— A field experiment was conducted during rainy season 2015 at experimental farm of the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, University of Gadraif in Sudan. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of... more
The study was conducted to observe the effects of different organic fertilizers on the growth and yield of lettuce in the field conditions during the period from October 2011 to January 2012. The experiment was performed by randomized... more
A field experiment was conducted on sweet pepper for yield and quality of fruits using different types of organic and inorganic fertilizers at the farm of Patuakhali Science and Technology University. Inorganic and organic fertilizers... more
Organic fertilizer is a good source of nutrients for the soil. It improves the soil's physical, chemical and biological characteristics. This study was conducted to evaluate the growth and yield performance of pechay applied with... more
Background The utilization of organic fertilizer is an effective method in organic culture of medicinal plants because of its beneficial effects on soil structure, reduction of environmental problem and improvement in plant growth. The... more
This paper aims to (1) examine the challenges in the compost facilities of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), (2) optimize the composting techniques using indigenous natural zeolite and locally produced biochar from agricultural residues... more
Farm land in Indonesia, both dry land and wet land, generally have low soil organic content, of less than 2%. Therefore, adding organic matter to the soil in order to improve soil productivity is recommended. Crop residues and animal... more
... climatic conditions Ana Meijide & Laura M. Cárdenas & Laura Sánchez-Martín & Antonio Vallejo Received: 7 December 2008 /Accepted: 15 July 2009 /Published online: 1 August 2009 © Springer... more
Fusarium wilt disease in melon (Cucumis melo L.) is widespread, responsible for serious economic losses. Pot and field experiments were performed to investigate the effects of different bio-organic fertilizers (BIOs) made from organic... more
Purpose Field experiment was carried out in Akure in the rainforest zone of Nigeria to determine the effect of poultry manure, wood ash and rice bran on the soil fertility improvement, growth and head yield of cabbage (Brassica oleraceae... more
Since soil management systems infl uence soil physical fertility, it is important to determine the effect of long-term organic fertilizer amendments on soil physical properties such as water-holding capacity. Addition of organic materials... more
Agricultural practices, such as mineral nitrogen fertilization, have an impact on the soil's ability to oxidize methane, but little is known about the shifts in the methanotrophic community composition associated with these practices.... more
Application of large amounts of mineral and organic fertilizers in intensive agricultural regions of Hamadan-Bahar watershed in western Iran contributes to excessive nutrient loads in soils and groundwater bodies. Groundwater supplies... more
Background: Palm oil mill effluent and palm press fiber are problematic wastes generated by the palm oil mill industries in Malaysia. This study has endeavored to assess the possibility of the vermicomposting of residue from the palm oil... more
Purpose A lots of poultry litter (PL) is being generated every day from poultry industries and improper management leads to different environmental problems. Production of biochar from PL is a new management strategy of PL which is a... more
The effect of different treatments on the fate of applied P was investigated in a long-term field experiment started in 1972-1973 following a maize-wheat sequence. The soil samples were collected after 29 years of continuous addition of... more
Citrus trees (Citrus spp.) considered one of the major fruit worldwide, due to continuous and excessive use of synthetic fertilizers, there is a severe hazard to human health and to environment. The integrated fertilizing system in citrus... more
This study examined the hypothesis that incorporation of Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Walp.) (gliricidia), a fast-growing, nitrogen-fixing tree, into agroforestry systems in southern Malawi may be used to increase the input of organic... more
Following the national policy, the Department of Agriculture of Thailand has implemented a crop diversification program in several provinces of the country. This study, which was conducted in Nakhon Pathom Province, analyzed the extent of... more
Traducido y adaptado del Capítulo 8 del libro “THE BIOGAS HANDBOOK, SCIENCE, PRODUCTION AND APPLICATIONS”, , editado por ARTHUR WELLINGER, JERRY MURPHY & DAVID BAXTER, publicado en el año 2013. La parte inicial del capítulo se publicó en... more