In order to classify the trophic state of detritus sink systems, instead of the conventional indicators based on inorganic nutrient availability and algal biomass and productivity in the water column, we used new biochemical descriptors... more
Changes in oceanic primary production, linked to changes in the network of global biogeochemical cycles, have profoundly influenced the geochemistry of Earth for over 3 billion years. In the contemporary ocean, photosynthetic carbon... more
Purpose: To evaluate uncertainties associated with treatment-planning computed tomography (CT) data obtained with the patient breathing freely. Methods and Materials: Patients with thoracic or abdominal tumors underwent a standard... more
For various reasons, North American crop farmers are more likely to practice limited-duration no-till than continuous no-till (NT). Little is known about effects of short-term no-till (ST-NT) on organic C and total N relative to NT and... more
Nutrient and organic carbon (OC) losses are important components of the soil degradation processes produced by continuous agriculture. It was hypothesized that coarse textured soils will be more affected by cultivation than fine textured... more
In this study, total heavy metal contents and their relationships with soil microbiological characteristics were investigated in agricultural soils which were with polluted heavy metals. Total heavy metal content of the soils varied from... more
There is greater biodiversity (in the senseof genetic distance among higher taxa) ofextant marine than of terrestrialO2-evolvers. In addition tocontributing the genes from one group ofalgae (Class Charophyceae, DivisionChlorophyta) to... more
The retention and mobility of hydrophobic organic contaminants (HOCs) in soil is mainly determined by hydrophobic partitioning to dissolved and particulate organic matter (DOM and POM, respectively). The aqueous phase, DOM, and POM... more
English broom (Cytisus scoparius) is an aggressive invasive shrub in native sclerophyll forests of South Australia. We studied its relative growth rate (RGR) and competitive ability in soils from invaded and uninvaded woodlands, in... more
The present study was conducted to investigate the effects of different forms of soil acidities on microbial biomass C, ergosterol content, microbial metabolic quotient, microbial respiration quotient, and fluorescein diacetatehydrolyzing... more
The aim of this work was to study the effect of different organic wastes, viz. cow dung, grass, aquatic weeds and municipal solid waste with lime and microbial inoculants on chemical and biochemical properties of vermicompost. Cow dung... more
In the semi-arid Horqin Sandy Land of north China, Caragana microphylla , a leguminous shrub, is the dominant plant species and is widely used in vegetation reestablishment programs to stabilize shifting sand. We collected soil samples... more
The behavior of As in the subsurface environment was examined along a transect of groundwater monitoring wells at a Superfund site, where enhanced reductive dechlorination (ERD) is being used for the remediation of groundwater... more
Several selective dissolution methods were used to differentiate Al forms in 12 soils formed from volcanic materials (64 andic, vitric and organic horizons) in Iceland, Azores (Portugal), Tenerife (Spain) and Italy. The soils differ in... more
The capacity of 36 Western Australian soils to adsorb phosphorus (P) was measured by three different methods: P retention index (PRI), P buffering capacity (PBC), and P adsorption (PA). The P adsorption values measured by all three... more
Lantana camara is a recognized weed of worldwide significance due to its extensive distribution and its impacts on primary industries and nature conservation. However, quantitative data on the impact of the weed on soil ecosystem... more
A study was conducted from 2004 to 2006 to identify and prioritise indigenous species for soil fertility improvement, and to assess soil properties, nutrient concentration and other quality characteristics of green biomass of indigenous... more
Nitrogen (N) deposition exceeds the critical loads for this element in most parts of Switzerland apart from the Alps. At 17 sites (8 broadleaved stands, 8 coniferous stands, and 1 mixed stand) of the Swiss Long-term Forest Ecosystem... more
Soil erosion coupled with productivity decline is considered a major constraint to sustainable vegetable production in Southeast Asian steeplands, yet soil conservation technologies acceptable to vegetable growers have not been developed.... more
Residue retention and reduced tillage are both conservation agricultural management options that may enhance soil organic carbon (SOC) stabilization in tropical soils. Therefore, we evaluated the effects of long-term tillage and residue... more
Zooplankton biomass can be reliably estimated by a non-destructive method based on the statistical relationship between biovolume and the contents of carbon and nitrogen. Integrated zooplankton biovolume and the corresponding organic C... more
We investigated whether long-term management of a Haplic Phaeocem (FAO) in¯uences organic C, microbial biomass and enzyme activities in the bulk soil and in particle size fractions. The following treatments were used: (1) no fertilization... more
Growing agricultural crops under Millettia ferruginea (Hochst.) Baker, a tree that is endemic to Ethiopia, is an age-old practice in the country, but the beneficial effects of the tree on crops have not been scientifically quantified. To... more
This paper is a synthesis of the use of selected trace elements as proxies for reconstruction of paleoproductivity and paleoredox conditions. Many of the trace elements considered here show variations in oxidation state and solubility as... more
This paper examines the impact of shrimp farming on rice ecosystem in a village in Southwestern Bangladesh. The village Damarpota has experienced transformation of 274 ha (79%) of its prime quality rice fields into shrimp farms during the... more
The climatic conditions of North East India are favorable for trees to produce biomass in the form of foliage and twigs that are very rich in essential plant nutrients. Effective recycling of this biomass would help meet the nutritional... more
The present study investigated the effect of cultivation with or without inorganic fertilization, and farmyard manure (FYM), paddy straw (PS), and green manure (GM) along with inorganic fertilizers on soil aggregation, array and... more
This paper reports the recycling of nutrients by vermicomposting of cow dung (CD), poultry droppings (PD) and food industry sludge (FIS) employing earthworms (Eisenia fetida). A total of six vermicomposting units were established and... more
Soil structure exerts important influences on the edaphic conditions and the environment. It is often expressed as the degree of stability of aggregates. Aggregation results from the rearrangement, flocculation and cementation of... more
This paper reports the recycling of nutrients by vermicomposting of cow dung (CD), poultry droppings (PD) and food industry sludge (FIS) employing earthworms (Eisenia fetida). A total of six vermicomposting units were established and... more
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with colleagues.
Samples of 255 noncalcareous A, Ap, and AB horizons from se-CO 2 evolved from organic matter oxidized in a high lected major land resource areas (MLRA) in the north central USA were used to develop equations for predicting organic C... more
Three pedons developed on basaltic parent materials on the Biu Plateau in the semi-arid region of Nigeria were characterized and classified. Soil pH values ranged from 6·0 to 6·6 and increased slightly with increase in profile depth. The... more
Efforts were made to decompose herbal pharmaceutical industrial waste (HPIW) spiked with cow dung (CD) using Eisenia fetida. A total of five vermibeds: T 1 -HPIW (0% + CD 100%, control), T 2 -HPIW (25%), T 3 -HPIW (50%), T 4 -HPIW (75%)... more
Rice hulls and sawdust are two common C-rich wastes derived from rice and timber agro-industries in subtropical NE Argentina. An alternative to the current management of these wastes (from bedding to uncontrolled burning) is composting.... more
SummaryÐMicrobial C (C mic ) and N (N mic ), the C mic -to-organic C (C org ) and N mic -to-total N (N t ) ratios and the speci®c respiration of microbial biomass were investigated in a southern boreal mixed forest. The forest stands were... more
We assessed soil N and C dynamics in a decomposition experiment at microcosm scale with leaf litter of evergreen shrubs and perennial grasses of the Patagonian Monte. We hypothesised that eventual changes in leaf-litter quality in arid... more
We discuss how individualistic/collectivistic orientations of employees predict affective well-being at work, and how this relationship is moderated by the perceptions of spirit of camaraderie in organizations. The sample comprises 161... more
Biochar, a co-product of thermochemical conversion of lignocellulosic materials into advanced biofuels, may be used as a soil amendment to enhance the sustainability of biomass harvesting. We investigated the impact of biochar amendments... more
The fate of carbon (C) in organisms, food webs, and ecosystems is to a major extent regulated by mass-balance principles and the availability of other key nutrient elements. In relative terms, nutrient limitation implies excess C, yet the... more
A 2-year study was conducted in three rainfall zones of Zimbabwe to explore opportunities for harnessing biological nitrogen fixation of non-cultivated herbaceous legumes, which hitherto have been regarded simply as weeds, in order to... more
In the boreal mixed forest, stand composition generally changes from deciduous to mixed to coniferous stands during postdisturbance succession. Our objective was to determine the in¯uence of forest composition on the quality of soil... more
Large tracts of land in South American native forests have been converted to monoculture for livestock production which could negatively affect soils and environmental quality. A proposed management alternative is to use agroforestry... more
The number of studies on priming effects (PE) in soil has strongly increased during the last years. The information regarding real versus apparent PE as well as their mechanisms remains controversial. Based on a meta-analysis of studies... more
Coastal hypoxia (defined here as <1.42 ml L −1 ; 62.5 µM; 2 mg L −1 , approx. 30% oxygen saturation) develops seasonally in many estuaries, fjords, and along open coasts as a result of natural upwelling or from anthropogenic... more
Biosolids, mainly from textile industries and the rest from households, were vermicomposted with Eisenia fetida, cow manure and oat straw for 2 months at three different moisture contents (60%, 70% and 80% dry weight base) in triplicate... more