Organic C

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Organic carbon (Organic C) refers to the carbon component of organic compounds, primarily derived from living organisms and their byproducts. It plays a crucial role in soil fertility, ecosystem functioning, and the global carbon cycle, influencing processes such as carbon sequestration and nutrient availability in terrestrial and aquatic environments.
This paper seeks to summarize the present state of organization theory. It takes as its starting-point the work of early organization theorists and demonstrates that their work has been challenged in basically four different ways, i.e.... more
Farmers are increasingly using zero tillage in Central Argentina to replace other tillage systems. Intensive tillage decreases soil organic matter content and causes physical degradation. The objective of this work was to evaluate changes... more
N-mineralization and nitrification rates were studied, during May 1996 to June 1997, at six sites in Vindhyan region (four forest and two savanna sites) differing in terms of dominant vegetation, nutrient status, topography and soil... more
An Inceptisol A-horizon from Hawaii was subjected to a series of reduction-oxidation cycles-14 d cycle length over a 56 d duration-across the ''soil-Fe'' [Fe(OH) 3 .Fe 2+ (aq) , log K o = 15.74] equilibrium in triplicate redox-stat... more
Soil organic matter (SOM) has a key role in maintaining soil fertility in weathered soils in the tropics. This study was conducted to determine the contribution of different SOM fractions to the cation exchange capacity (CEC) of a... more
Microbial community composition may be an important determinant of soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition rates and nutrient turnover and availability in agricultural soils. Soil samples were collected from six long-term tillage... more
Microbial community composition may be an important determinant of soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition rates and nutrient turnover and availability in agricultural soils. Soil samples were collected from six long-term tillage... more
Agriculture currently contributes significantly to the increase of CO2 in the atmosphere, primarily through the conversion of native ecosystems to agricultural uses in the tropics. Yet there are major opportunities for mitigation of CO2... more
Irrigation of agricultural land with wastewater will increase crop production, but also heavy metal concentrations and the rate of infection of farmers with pathogens. The risks associated with the use of wastewater are reduced by... more
The distribution of fertilizer phosphorus (P) in the soil profile affects its plant availability and the risk of P loss. We examined the P distribution and sorption in soil profiles of a field experiment initiated in 1942 on coarse sandy... more
The present publication is a compilation of the abstracts for the NJF seminar 438: Sensors for soil and plant mapping and terrain analysis, in Skara, Sweden, 27-28 October 2010. The objective of the seminar is to present a variety of... more
Pimple mounds are circular to elliptical domes with basal diameters ranging from 3 to more than 30 m, and heights of 30 cm to more than 2 m above intermound levels. For almost two centuries, the origin of these features has been... more
The methods and procedures to be employed in meeting the objectives of this study have been extensively used in the field and in various soil laboratories. The project area was located in the southwest portion of Payne County, Oklahoma.... more
Difficulties inherent in working with anaerobic microorganisms and mixed cultures have hampered efforts to detect and identify metabolites of anaerobic degradation of monoaromatic compounds. Isotope-trapping experiments and analysis using... more
Traditional models of software development like waterfall model fails to cope up with the rapid changes in business, process and technology. Hence many software organizations are now moving from traditional process models to Agile... more
A long-term experiment (LTE) on a rice-wheat system was initiated in 1963 at the Kyushu National Agricultural Experiment Station, in Fukuoka, Japan, to determine the effects of continuous application of rye grasshheat straw, rice straw... more
In NW Patagonia, Argentina, poor regeneration after fires of Nothofagus pumilio (Poepp. and Endl.) Krasser forests located in drier environments has been attributed to probable edaphic changes. We studied the long-term effects of wildfire... more
This study investigated microbial biomass-N (MB-N) and N-mineralization in soils of four different vegetation systems including forest (sal), mixed forest, savanna and cropland ecosystems in the Vindhyan region, India. A change was noted... more
Land use changes such as transformation of natural landscapes, forest degradation and increase in croplands due to human activities are considered amongst the most influential ecological disturbances affecting soil, ecosystems and... more
A field study was conducted at a dry-land agricultural farm during paddy crop season to assess the effect of fly ash (FA) and farmyard manure (FYM) amendments on the dynamics of inorganic-N (NH 4 + and NO 3 -), N-mineralization and... more
Intensive agricultural practices can determine a decline in soil fertility which represents the main constraint to agricultural productivity. In particular, the progressive reduction in soil organic matter, without an adequate... more
The present study investigates the impact of fire (low and high severity) on soil fungal abundance and microbial efficiency in C assimilation and mineralisation in a Mediterranean maquis area of Southern Italy over 2 years after fire. In... more
We examined the medium-term (3 year) effects of no-tillage, reduced tillage (subsoil-bedding and shred-bedding) and water regime on the soil profile distribution of organic matter and physical and microbiological soil quality indicators... more
The objective of the paper is to present information concerning sources if heavy metals to waste, harmful effects of heavy metals, the problems posed by the disposal and recycling of heavy metals and heavy metal containing products, and... more
Concentrations of major nutrients (C, N, P) and acid soluble metals (Ca, Mg, K, Al, Fe, Mn, Pb, and Zn) were determined in modern (0–1 cm) and pre-acidification (5–10 cm) sediment layers collected from 37 alpine and 3 forest lakes in the... more
ABSTRACTCertain organic C moieties of soil origin in drinking source waters of Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta (Delta) can react with chlorine to form trihalomethanes (THMs) during the disinfection process. Isolation and characterization of... more
The developments in Artificial Intelligence (AI) space have very good potential in transforming the existing Agile Product development and the way of working. It will assist the Agile Team(s) and customers to take better decisions to... more
Land use has the possibility of changing how much carbon is accumulated in the soil. The carbon balance of terrestrial ecosystems is impacted by rapid urban and agricultural expansion, which highlights the necessity of stepping up... more
Dissolved organic C (DOC) plays important roles in nutrient cycling and methane production in flooded rice ecosystem. The microcosm experiment was carried out to measure directly the contribution of photosynthates to DOC by using a 13 C... more
Mineralization of nitrogen (N) and sulfur (S) were examined over a 31-week incubation period under aerobic conditions in 13 soils selected from the mountainous district of Pertouli, central Greece. The main native plant species are turf,... more
This paper aims at understanding the effect that shrub encroachment into mesic mountain grasslands has on soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks. Thus we compared organic C and N contents in contiguous soil profiles under a conifer shrub, a... more
Field experiments were conducted at Owo, southwest Nigeria to select organic fertilizer treatments most suitable for sustaining high soil fertility and yam productivity on a nutrient-depleted tropical Alfisol. Eight organic fertilizer... more
The discovery of natural 210 Po enrichment at levels exceeding 500 mBq/L in numerous domestic wells in northern Nevada, USA, led to a geochemical investigation of the processes responsible for its mobilization. 210 Po activities in 63... more
2-Keto-4-methylthiobutyric acid (KMBA) has been identified as an intermediate in methionine-derived ethylene (C 2 H 4) biosynthesis by microbial cultures. This study was designed to assess the effectiveness of KMBA as an C 2 H 4 precursor... more
Soil-feeding termites transport soil for mound building, and this process can affect soil characteristics. To verify the influence of soil termite activity on soil characteristics, samples were collected from top, bottom and center of... more
This paper is a synthesis of the use of selected trace elements as proxies for reconstruction of paleoproductivity and paleoredox conditions. Many of the trace elements considered here show variations in oxidation state and solubility as... more
Data collected over the summer-autumn dry season in Tomales Bay, California, demonstrate that system to be exporting dissolved P and importing dissolved fixed N. A simple explanation for the observed pattern is net system heterotrophy by... more
O objetivo deste trabalho foi examinar o carvao vegetal como condicionador de solo, avaliando especificamente sua influencia sobre a materia orgânica do solo, com enfase nas substâncias humicas (SH) (acidos fulvicos-AF, humicos-AH e... more
This article explores why iteration, rather than any specific methodology, is the true cornerstone of modern software development. It discusses the evolution of software practices from traditional linear models to more adaptive and... more
SÉDIMENTOLOGIE RÉSUMÉ.-Le remplissage sédimentaire de trois lagunes du Golfe du Lion GÉOCHIMIE (Canet-S'-Nazaire, Salses-Leucate, Bages-Sigean) résulte de la transgression holocène LAGUNE qui a envahi des dépressions naturelles. Leur... more
The responses of the continental slope benthos to organic detritus deposition were studied with a multiple tracer approach. Study sites were offshore of Cape Fear (I) and Cape Hatteras (III), NC (both 850 m water depth) and were... more
Understanding of crop residue mineralization is imperative for crop residue management in crop production. Carbon (C) and Nitrogen (N) mineralization dynamics of rice and wheat residues under surface applied and soil incorporated... more
Mixtures of organic and inorganic wastes were incubated to examine the changes in organic C (OC) contents. An anaerobic sludge and a CaO-treated aerobic sludge, with OC concentrations of 235 and 129 g kg À1 , were used. The inorganic... more
Mixtures of organic and inorganic wastes were incubated to examine the changes in organic C (OC) contents. An anaerobic sludge and a CaO-treated aerobic sludge, with OC concentrations of 235 and 129 g kg À1 , were used. The inorganic... more
Living biomass contains 45 to 60Vo carbon and 0.05 to 3Vo niftogen, in dry weight. Like throughout Europe, the mount of living biomass in Finnish forests has increased on average over the last decades, largely because of \-zhanges in... more