The act of performing music may induce a specific state of mind, musicians potentially becoming immersed and detached from the rest of the world. May this be measured? Does this state of mind change based on repetition? In collaboration... more
In the springtime of 1897, an odd event occurred in the Paris Catacombs that transformed the ossuary into a temporary concert hall. During the last week of March, several music professionals, educators, and journalists received cryptic... more
El por qué y el para qué del arte como herramienta de inclusión…………………………..….…..7 Capítulo 1: Aproximación Metodológica. "Métodos e instrumentos que nos permitirán conocer la utilización de arte inclusivo como herramienta en el... more
Todas as entradas já publicadas podem ser consultadas em: Vale lembrar que a publicação está condicionada a uma avaliação por pares, o que garante seu valor acadêmico.
This thesis explores the role of Opera North as the publicly funded opera company for the north of England, addressing the ways in which the company embodies, mediates and fulfils an agenda for access, education and innovation. A broadly... more
The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors influencing membership renewal intention of fitness center in state autonomous university. Data were randomly selected from member name listed of fitness center in the state... more
ONCEIM is a collective free improvisation ensemble consisting of 30 musicians. Beyond free improvisation, the orchestra also performs new comprovisation works, commissioned from a variety of composers such as Eliane Radigue, Stephen... more
The objectives of this research were to analyze the structural equation model of the decision making to use the service of the elderly care center among baby boomers and to propose the guidelines to use the service of the elderly care... more
This research aims to test the relationship between Gender Diversity and Corporate Social Responsibility. Listed companies in the Stock Exchange of Thailand and CSR100. Between the years 2015-2016, a total of 198 companies. Measuring the... more
ประเด็นที่นำเสนอในคลิปการสนทนาในงาน October Fest, 48 ปี 6 ตุลา
ณ หอศิลปวัฒนธรรมกรุงเทพมหานคร, 5 ตุลาคม 2567
ณ หอศิลปวัฒนธรรมกรุงเทพมหานคร, 5 ตุลาคม 2567
Vln. I (9-12) Vln. II (1-4) Vln. II (5-8) Vla. (1-4) Vla. (5-8) Vc. (1-2) Vc. (3-4) Vc. (5-6) D.B.
He worked as a human resource management consultant for Kienbaum and Ernst&Young. His research focuses on team leadership, team communication, social identities, competence management, and adaption in human resource management.
The document provides an in-depth analysis of C. P. E. Bach's "March in D Major," using various techniques to dissect its musical structure. Key methods include examining phrase structure and harmonic functions, identifying and tracking... more
This research aimed to study the Model validation of the interactive learning environment model to enhance creative problem-solving thinking for computer education students. The Developmental Research Method Type II was applied in the... more
The objectives of the research study were: (1) to teach with learning technique using service learning and reflective writing of goodness via blog to enhance moral development in the Ethics course and (2) to develop moral of the students... more
This paper examines recent studies within a general project, aimed at writing down the lexicons of a Conductor's body signals. Three observational studies focusing, respectively, on the semantic area of intensity and on the modality of... more
aberto a todos os estudantes de pósgraduação ou investigadores que ainda não tenham obtido o grau de doutor. O Post-in-progress decorre em Aveiro, Portugal, entre os dias 21 e 23 de novembro de 2019 e tem como convidados os seguintes... more
Following four annual C@merata evaluations at MediaEval, in which natural language phrases about music must be mapped to passages in MusicXML scores, we have developed a representation which captures the meaning of a text about music as a... more
Analysis of the orchestration and development of this intimate work by Wagner.
Arts organisations rely on the willing participation of artists, managers and funding agencies. In recent years both private and public sponsors of the arts have required greater accountability and have insisted on structures that meet... more
Liebe Leserinnen und Leser, sind Sie auch immer so fasziniert von Schwarzen Löchern? Dabei muss man den Blick gar nicht so weit ins All richten, um dieses Phänomen zu entdecken. Hätte man Schwarze Löcher nicht schon im Universum entdeckt,... more
Edward Elgar's Introduction and Allegro
Part Two
Part Two
Exercises on a Sand Surface could Significantly Improve Walking Ability of Elderly After 3-week Training: A Randomized Control Trial การออกกาํลงักายบนพื้นทรายพฒันาความสามารถด้านการเดินในผู้สูงอายุได้หลงัการฝึก 3 สัปดาห์:... more
Abstract Jan Dismas Zelenka’s Masses: Fingerprinting the Fugal Technique Vesela Boyadjieva Scholarly exploration of Zelenka’s music primarily arose in modern musicology, gaining significant traction only in the latter half of the... more
In my work as a composition teacher at, among others, the Norwegian Academy of Music and later through my position as chairman of the Norwegian Composers' Association, there has gradually, in a natural way - given the diverse contexts in... more
A study of preterm less than 37 weeks in neonatal intensive care unit at Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Hospital from 2004-2009 was conducted by using the developmental care program (DC) compared with the standard care program (SC). The data of... more
Paul Everett, 'Vivaldi at Work: the Autograph of the "Gloria" RV 589', Informazioni e studi vivaldiani, 17 (1996), 68-86. An assessment and forensic analysis of the autograph manuscript of the more famous of Vivaldi's two settings of the... more
It is generally true that the more one studies a manuscript and the manuscripts of cognate provenance with which it belongs, the more information one gleans. The problem most of us face, however, is limited access to the documents... more
The articles and videos in this issue of Musimédiane are the result of a team effort by Labex GREAM* members Pierre Michel, Nathalie Hérold, Camille Lienhard and Ingrid Pustijanac (University of Pavia-Cremona, Italy) to prepare Les... more
This article has two objectives: to embolden and enable more organizations to perform Berlioz’s complete dramatic symphony Roméo et Juliette, particularly in the United States; and to report on a spellbinding performance with dancing, by... more
ฉัตรทิพย์ ชัยฉกรรจ์
ดารารัตน์ คำเป็ง
วรรณภา ทองแดง
อนุรัตน์ ฝันถึงภูมิ
ดารารัตน์ คำเป็ง
วรรณภา ทองแดง
อนุรัตน์ ฝันถึงภูมิ
espanolLa lejania y la falta de lutieres en el archipielago canario eran dos inconvenientes que afectaban directamente a la capilla de musica de la Catedral. La solicitud y la compra de instrumentos musicales y cuerdas asi como su envio a... more
The evolution of animated movement at the Disney studio during the 1930s is pivotal to the formalization of believable and authentic movement parameters. During this era, a core team of animators began to experiment with animated... more
This study examined the distribution of wealth and associations between wealth and trends in relative health inequalities after adjusting for other socioeconomic position indicators among Thai among Thai adults aged 50 and over. We... more
As a response to the rising interest in Mexico in all the analytical tools developed by Rudolf Laban and his collaborators, the authors are beginning a series of translations into Spanish of those texts that they consider are fundamental... more
Di Matteo Ploner (1770-1845) poco sappiamo oltre i dati biografici riportati nelle pagine precedenti: dove e con chi, per esempio, avesse appreso l'arte di combinare i suoni, come trascorresse i suoi giorni musicali a Castelrotto prima... more
Il presente articolo illustra il modesto corpus pianistico di Padre Davide da Bergamo, mettendone in luce le caratteristiche più evidenti e più interessanti
Most musicians and music-lovers would agree that music is a phenomenon that affects the spirit and nourishes the soul. Yet this aspect of music-making is rarely, if ever, discussed in the world of classical music. In his article Richard... more
To establish a systematic approach to human movement in all of its manifestations is a daunting task, one at which few thinkers have been successful. Such disparate fields as physical education, dance, theater, anthropology, biology,... more
Movement occurs through a sequencing between action and pause, also known as phrasing. The movement phrase is a basic and ubiquitous form of behavioral organization, but the concept and phenomenon is relatively under-studied in the field... more
Phenomenological remarks on the semiotics of conducting The following is about the "conductor's signs". But the question is whether there really is such a thing-whether the conductor makes signs at all. The most important sign is missing:... more
Conducting is a high-level form of expressive musical communication. The possibility of human-computer interaction through a conducting-based interface to a computer performance system has attracted many computer music researchers. This... more
was born in Caracas on December 7th of 1959. 1 His father, a French medical doctor, Jean-Jacques Desenne works for the Embassy of the United States of America in Caracas as well as for two private hospitals in the same city. His mother,... more