Orchestral Music
Recent papers in Orchestral Music
Front matter from the world-premiere edition of Margaret Bonds's orchestral masterwork, a set of programmatic snapshots of the Civil Rights movement in Montgomery, Alabama, singling out Dr. Martin Luther King, jr., the Southern Christian... more
"Terimalah di Hati-Mu" (in English: Accept it in Your heart) is catholic offering song. This is one of my favorite song which composed by Putut Pudyantoro. Mr. Putut is a songwriter also as known as maestro for catholic church music in... more
O Batuque está entre as obras mais populares de Nepomuceno. Assim como Cauchemar, de Francisco Braga, e a Congada, de Mignone, não foi escrita no Brasil. Esta peça, que faz parte da Série Brasileira, foi composta enquanto o compositor... more
This book (the second of two volumes published to date) examines the phenomenon of 'Orientalism' during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, focussing on its ramifications in musical terms. It discusses the... more
A catalogue of recordings in all available media under the diection of Czech conductor, Petr Altrichter. Published in the journal of the Dvořák Society of Great Britain, "Journal of Czech and Slovak Music".
Tesi di dottorato (cotutela Università Ca' Foscari, Venezia - Université Paris 8) L’elaborato si propone di sondare la presenza del saxofono all’interno delle partiture orchestrali francesi e italiane della prima metà del secolo XX,... more
Radion sinfoniaorkesterin kauden 2017–2018 konserttien esittelytekstit.
Tchaikovsky Marche Slav, Stravinsky Firebird Suite (1919).
Carolyn Watson Conductor,
Interlochen Arts Academy Orchestra,
April 24, 2015.
Carolyn Watson Conductor,
Interlochen Arts Academy Orchestra,
April 24, 2015.
A reappraisal of the "Generalissimo"
After the enormity of the Third Symphony, Mahler now gives us a much more manageable piece, in length and in palette, as though after two such pieces, another of this scope were simply unnecessary, or rather, it has now become necessary... more
This is an annotated bibliography of the composer/conductor Gustav Mahler's re-orchestrations of other composers' works.
The third of Ethel Smyth's six operas, The Wreckers, was her most ambitious and monumental, given its three acts and generous musical resources. It was inspired by a walking holiday of Cornwall and the Scilly Isles in 1886, during which... more
Georg Friedrich Haas, a composer known for his use of microtonality, is often associated with spectralism, but he is also heavily influenced by other microtonal traditions, as well as 12-tone atonal styles. In whatever style he is... more
Tchaikovsky, Stravinsky reminds, ”never feared to let himself go”. Paavo Järvi, ever the prepared disciplinarian, the pragmatic professional, yet identifying tactilely, physiologically, with the fibre and muscle, the calms, the sweep and... more
In recent musicology, scholars have identified the sun—and its light—as a topic of musical discourse. Despite these latest albeit brief mentions, no scholar has expounded or populated the topic beyond a few isolated cases, let alone... more
While not directly traceable to the composer, the nickname “Emperor” usually ascribed to Beethoven’s last completed Piano Concerto in E-flat major, op. 73 (originally published in England as op. 64) does have musical and historical... more
PANIC ARCHITECTURE (2017) by Jason Thorpe Buchanan for the Talea Ensemble Commissioned by the Earle Brown Music Foundation for the 2017 TIME SPANS Festival World premiere by the Talea Ensemble, Aug. 1 2017 at the TIME SPANS Festival in... more
Em colaboração com / En colaboración con: -Grupo de Investigación "Musicología aplicada al concierto clásico (siglos XVIII-XXI). Aspectos históricos, productivos, interpretativos e ideológicos" (Proyecto I+D HAR2014-53143-P concedido por... more
Smetana Die Moldau from Má vlast, Bartok Piano Concerto No. 3 ist mvt., Thurber The Three Musketeers (World Premiere).
Carolyn Watson Conductor,
Interlochen Arts Academy Orchestra,
March 13, 2015.
Carolyn Watson Conductor,
Interlochen Arts Academy Orchestra,
March 13, 2015.
Prokofiev Montagues and Capulets from Romeo and Juliet, Holst Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus from The Planets, Tchaikovsky Marche Slave.
Carolyn Watson, Conductor,
Interlochen Arts Academy Orchestra,
May 28, 2015 .
Carolyn Watson, Conductor,
Interlochen Arts Academy Orchestra,
May 28, 2015 .
Статья посвящена исследованию музыки Д. Шостаковича к пьесе "Клоп" В. Маяковского - рассмотрены история написания, особенности инструментовки (оркестровки), использование жанровых моделей
This article reproduces a Polonaise for clarinet by Johann Ignaz Stranensky of the Stockholm Court Orchestra who in 1794 performed a "Romance with a Rondo à la Polonaise" on a "Clarinette Fagott" or bassoon-shaped bass clarinet. This... more
Prokofiev Selections from Romeo and Juliet and Mussorgsky (arr. ravel) Pictures at an Exhibition.
Carolyn Watson Conductor,
Interlochen Arts Academy Orchestra
November 15, 2014.
Carolyn Watson Conductor,
Interlochen Arts Academy Orchestra
November 15, 2014.
Tobias Hofstetter & Steve Muriset Français : Livret pour une comédie en musique à l'attention d'un ensemble instrumental de jeunes musicien.nes Cette comédie en musique met en scène deux orchestres rivaux (l’un physiquement présent... more
University this past year, but the rental fee of over $1,000 greatly compromised my repertoire selections for the remaining concerts of the 2019-2020 academic year.
Saint-Saens Danse Macabre and Berlioz Symphonie Fantastique.
Carolyn Watson Conductor,
Interlochen Arts Academy Orchestra,
October 25, 2014.
Carolyn Watson Conductor,
Interlochen Arts Academy Orchestra,
October 25, 2014.
While programming and repertoire selection form the majority of a conductor's artistic duties, collegiate orchestra directors have an additional consideration as to how orchestral experiences shape and inform students' music... more
Tchaikovsky: The Sleeping Beauty
Carolyn Watson, Conductor
Interlochen Dance Company
Interlochen Arts Academy Orchestra
December 13, 2014.
Carolyn Watson, Conductor
Interlochen Dance Company
Interlochen Arts Academy Orchestra
December 13, 2014.
Comisiynwyd Agorawd ‘Torri’r Garreg’ gan Brifysgol Bangor fel rhan o’u dathliadau can mlwyddiant a chwarter yn ystod 2009. Perfformiwyd y gwaith am y tro cyntaf gan Gerddorfa Genedlaethol Gymreig y BBC dan arweiniad Garry Walker yn Neuadd... more
Imbapara foi escrita para ser um bailado coreográfico, gênero muito adotado na primeira metade do século XX no Brasil.
Arguably more quintessentially ‘Hungarian’ than the compositions of his esteemed colleague Béla Bartók, the orchestral works of Zoltán Kodály are in and of themselves a study in the Hungarian folk music idiom. This notion was one... more
Nel 1872 la banda musicale di Pianella ottenne il riconoscimento pubblico del Municipio trasformandosi in un ente dotato di Statuto riconosciuto che ne organizzava la vita artistica ed organizzativa. Tra i firmatari, promotori ed... more
for piano and orchestra
The current internship report concludes the module of Supervised Practice of Teaching – a professional internship that belongs to the Masters’ program of the course Music Education from the University of Minho. This internship took place... more
The purpose of this monograph is to provide a conductor’s guide to the preparation, performance, and programing of Efrain Oscher’s composition for orchestra “Los Viajes de Humboldt” since there has been no other research done on this... more
Extended composer interview and CD review [of "Polyhymnia: String, Choral and Orchestral Works of Jonathan Little"] by the UK music producer, publisher and the founder/director of Toccata Classics & Toccata Press, Martin Anderson.... more
In Polyhymnia (one of the Nine Muses series) – a searing, many-layered “Lamentation for String Orchestra” (with soloists) – the melos or “melodic thread” often weaves between all parts, and is slow-moving throughout. Initially, it emerges... more
Undergraduate Course for Non-Musicians on the Tradition of Classical Music in the West