Oral performance

71 papers
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Oral performance refers to the act of delivering spoken content, such as poetry, storytelling, or speeches, in a manner that emphasizes vocal expression, body language, and audience engagement. It encompasses the study of techniques, styles, and cultural contexts that influence the effectiveness and impact of spoken communication.
**The original printed version had several issues with symbol misplacement and formatting. This is the revised e-version.** This chapter offers a detailed analysis of the prosodic evolution in Du Fu's pentasyllabic and heptasyllabic... more
With its constant advancements, technology has altered teaching and learning in certain ways in the modern era. One of the most widely used technology-based teaching strategies that has been overly popular in recent years is the use of... more
Laburpena. pulunpa egitasmoa, Euskal herriko Ikastolen Elkartean garatutako egitasmo pedagogiko integrala da, ikasleen arteko euskararen erabileran eta haien euskal kulturarekiko atxikimenduan eragiteko sortua. Ikastolen hizkuntza... more
This study set out to explore the impact of three levels of task planning on the accuracy of task-based oral performance with narrative task types among sixty Iranian sophomores majoring in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) at... more
In the modern EFL paradigm, pre-task planning time is viewed as a norm. Pre-task planning time is one of the central concerns of teachers, test-developers, as well as researchers. Pre-task planning is planning a speech before performing a... more
The study of motivation is concerned with what makes people interested in learning a second language and what keeps them motivated to do so. In addition to factors which increase students' motivation, there are factors which reduce their... more
Nos complace compartir con ustedes la 2° Circular del VII Simposio EDiSo: “Transversalidades, cruces y periferias. Enfoques metodológicos en los estudios de discurso y sociedad del siglo XXI” que tendrá lugar los días 2, 3 y 4 de julio de... more
The character yín occurs with high frequency in the Quán Tángshī (QTS), where it signals a concept around which the identity, composition, performance, reception, and other aspects of Táng poetry all pivot. Reconstructing Táng poetic... more
Speaking is widely recognized as being the most important tool for communication that influences how students succeed in foreign language learning. In particular, given its importance to enhancing students’ oral performance, drama-based... more
One of the important skills assessed in the academic program in Malaysian universities is oral presentations. The purpose of an oral presentation is to speak to a live audience formally about a specific topic. Despite being competent in... more
by Nhi Do
Speaking is widely recognized as being the most important tool for communication that influences how students succeed in foreign language learning. In particular, given its importance to enhancing students’ oral performance, drama-based... more
Euskadi bezalaxe, Gales ere nazio elebiduna da eta bertako hizkuntza indigena, galesa, nazio nortasunaren eta lege-esparruaren funtsezko elementua da. Horrek inplikazioak ditu zerbitzu publikoetan, batez ere osasungintzan eta gizarte-... more
First of all, the researcher is deeply indebted to Prof. Dr. Awatef Sheir for all her generosity, kindness and motherly help. The researcher has the honour of being a poor student at this noble lady's school where she learned how to... more
This study investigates the relationship between three variables in the oral IELTS test-planning, proficiency and task-and was designed to enhance our understanding of how or whether these variables interact. The study questioned whether... more
The study aims to investigate the implementation of  the technique of Reader’s Theatre in the teaching learning process of speaking class at STKIP PGRI Jombang specially at subject of Speaking for Daily Communication. Since The objective... more
Though foreign language anxiety is widely recognized as a mental block against foreign language learning and conceived as its obvious factor, yet there are many inconsistent concepts mixing psychological and linguistic perspectives.... more
This study aimed at investigating the effect of the storytelling strategies on improving the language speaking skills of grade-six elementary school boys in Sudan. It was designated to find out the effects of using storytelling on... more
Anxiety has been the most researched emotion-related topic in second and foreign language learning. A great number of these research have concentrated on the causes of anxiety when speaking English, which is influenced by a number of... more
Laburpena. Gasteizen euskarak edo euskaran Gasteizek utzitako arrastoarekin mapa bat irudikatzea izan da lan honen helburua. Egitasmoak 2011an Topaguneak-Euskara Elkarteen Federazioak-egindako eskaera bati erantzuten dio, hau da,... more
This study aimed to examine the EFL (English as a foreign language) students’ oral presentation of storytelling. The students performed retelling of narratives such as fables, legends, myths, and fairy tales using their smartphones and... more
Speaking is widely recognized as being the most important tool for communication that influences how students succeed in foreign language learning. In particular, given its importance to enhancing students’ oral performance, drama-based... more
Teaching social studies requires more engaging and more student-centered strategies. The use of technology as pedagogy in this digital era is a typical picture in teaching social studies courses. Technology-integrated teaching is also a... more
Speaking is widely recognized as being the most important tool for communication that influences how students succeed in foreign language learning. In particular, given its importance to enhancing students’ oral performance, drama-based... more
This study determined the respondents’ level and causes of their anxiety and the strategies that they use in the context of English language learning (ELL). Also, it identified the language strategies that predict success in overcoming... more
Conducted in a semi-public school in Chile, this action research study aims at determining the change in 18 English as a foreign language young learners’ performance regarding their understanding of instructions after being exposed to an... more
The study examined 128 non-English majors who had finished one year of intensive English at university. The findings show that EFL students at Thai Nguyen University are at moderate level of speaking anxiety (M=67.45; n=128). The findings... more
The Present study aimed at improving EFL preparatory school students' reading skills using constructivism-based reading modules. The study adopted the Quasi experimental design using 60 students of the second year preparatory school... more
by nhi do
Speaking is widely recognized as being the most important tool for communication that influences how students succeed in foreign language learning. In particular, given its importance to enhancing students’ oral performance, drama-based... more
The aim of this study was to investigate the implementation of Storytelling with Puppets in introducing English to Kindergarten B of Al Azhar School Pontianak and also to overcome the children's barriers in learning English. The research... more
There are many psychological factors negatively affecting English language learners. This research aims to investigate the psychological factors, negatively affecting 85 English Second Language (ESL), University of Bahrain, Department of... more
Laburpena. Arrue proiektuak EAEko ikasleen eskola-giroko hizkuntza-erabilera aztertzea helburu nagusi duen proiektua da. Eusko Jaurlaritzako Hezkuntza, Unibertsitate eta Ikerketa Sailaren eta Sozio-linguistika Klusterraren arteko... more
The aim of this study was to determine the effects of different types of language tasks performed in Second Life (SL) on the oral performance of beginners of Chinese as a Second Language (CSL), focusing on oral accuracy. The 30 CSL... more
EuskaraElkarlanean idatzitako artikulu honen abiapuntua 2015eko IkerGazte kongresuaren izen bereko mahai-inguruan kokatzen da, non ikerlariei haien ikerketa esparru eta esperientziatik bost galdera komunei erantzuteko eskatu zitzaien.... more
Lanak adituek berrikusi dituzte, itsu bikoitzeko sistemaren bidez/Los trabajos han sido revisados por pares doble ciego. Diseinua eta maketazioa/Diseño y maquetación: Kö estudio Imprimaketa/Impresión: Linegrafic
Although research and pronouncements have identified the increased relevance of ‘soft’ skills for future professionals in accounting, graduates continue to exhibit deficiencies in those skills. Employers and practitioners emphasize that... more
Laburpena. kolonbiako Chocóko enberek XX. mendearen amaieran erabaki zuten euren hizkuntza idazterako bidean jartzea, eskolan hobeto txerta dadin. Lehenago, alboratuta zuten idaztearen aukera, gizartea eta kultura babestearren. Chocóko... more
The purpose of the article is to offer an explanation of the intertextual density characteristic of the poetry of Russian modernism. Intertextuality is viewed from two perspectives — the reader’s and the author’s. In terms of perceiving... more
At present, emerging technologies, such as machine learning, deep learning, or various forms of artificial intelligence are penetrating different fields of education, including foreign language education (FLE). Moreover, the current young... more
As technology advances, the teaching-learning process becomes more robust. In addition to technological possibilities and opportunities, the functions that academics give to technology have an impact on its effective application in the... more
A number of studies in the field of language testing emphasized the vital role of an achievement test positively or negatively on English language teaching and learning (washback). The study sets out to analyze the test papers of the... more
This study aimed at bridging CSL students' learning both inside and outside the classroom. Mobile seamless learning technology was used to enhance their Mandarin performances. Forty-one overseas Chinese students participated in this... more
This study aimed at exploring whether a language learner's level could influence the effectiveness of using a mobile device on the oral output and the attitudes of learning Mandarin Chinese. The participants were 34 overseas Chinese... more
The aim of this study was to determine the effects of different types of language tasks performed in Second Life (SL) on the oral performance of beginners of Chinese as a Second Language (CSL), focusing on oral accuracy. The 30 CSL... more