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      DentistryOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryMandibleOral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC)
Purpose: Oral fluid (saliva) meets the demand for noninvasive, accessible, and highly efficient diagnostic medium. Recent discovery that a large panel of human RNA can be reliably detected in saliva gives rise to a novel clinical... more
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      BiologyMedicineOral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC)Saliva
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      RadiotherapyProspective studiesSmokingClinical Sciences
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      Biomedical EngineeringRaman SpectroscopyConnective tissueCluster Analysis
Twenty women with recurrent squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix were treated with bleomycin followed by adriamycin and mitomycin-C. Treatment was repeated every 28 days. In 18 patients who could be assessed there was one complete... more
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      AgedDoxorubicinOral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC)Bleomycin
In a population-based case-referent study of urothelial cancer in Stockholm during 1985-87, information was obtained from 80% of 320 identified male cases and 79% of 363 selected male referents. Industrial exposures were assessed for each... more
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      EpidemiologyCancerPublic HealthSweden
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      MultidisciplinaryHematopoietic Stem CellsCell lineMice
Background The cellular regulatory protein p53 is overexpressed by almost 50% of all malignancies making it an attractive target for a vaccine approach to cancer. A number of immunotherapy approaches targeting p53 have been evaluated... more
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      ImmunologyCancer ImmunologyCancer VaccinesCell line
131 patients with stage 11-Ill-IV squamous cell carcinoma of the oropharynx or oral cavity were randomized to induction chemotherapy, consisting of bleomycin (10 mg/m*/day in continuous infusion from day 1 to day 5), methotrexate (120... more
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      Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC)Antineoplastic Agents
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      DogsOsteosarcomaDoxorubicinOral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC)
We describe an animal model to induce the histogenesis of squamous metaplasia of the cervical columnar epithelium, a condition usually preceding cervical neoplasia. This model is based on dietary retinoid depletion in female mice. Control... more
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      CancerDietTranscription RegulationImmunohistochemistry
Purpose: Locoregional recurrence is the dominant form of treatment failure in head and neck (H&N) cancer. The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is frequently amplified in this disease (<80%) and can lead to activation of... more
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      TreatmentEnzyme InhibitorsGene expressionWestern blotting
The diagnosis of Darier disease of the oral mucosa was made only after biopsying a leukoplakia-like lesion of the palate.
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      DentistryBiopsyCase ReportOral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC)
O avanço verificado no enfrentamento de neoplasias malignas por meio dos sistemas de saúde envolve melhorias nas áreas de vigilância, organização de redes de assistência, programas específicos voltados às prevenções primária e secundária... more
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      Primary Health CareBrazilHealth PolicyMedicine
The face is an unfortunate location for any type of tumor - malignant or not - with significant esthetic and functional outcomes. To reconstruct a facial defect may seem simple, but can be rather complicated. The aim of this study is to... more
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      Squamous Cell CarcinomaOral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC)Retrospective StudiesReconstructive Surgical Procedures
A case ofsquamous cell carcinoma of the lower end of the esophagus colliding with adenocarcinoma of the cardiac end of the stomach is reported. The rarity of the lesion, its diagnost# criteria, and therapeutic impl#ations are briefly... more
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      BiologyMedicineClinical SciencesOral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC)
The mechanism of human tumor resistance to the antineoplastic drug bleomycin (BLM) is not known. We now provide evidence implicating metabolic inactivation in the resistance of human Burkitt's (Daudi) lymphoma to BLM. Daudi lymphoma and... more
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      CancerTreatmentCytotoxicityDNA damage
Objectives: To review our experience in the treatment of retromolar trigone carcinoma with radiotherapy as the primary modality and to evaluate the different factors affecting locoregional control and survival.
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      Radiation TherapyMultivariate AnalysisFollow-up studiesClinical Sciences
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      Breast CancerSurvival AnalysisImmunohistochemistryExtracellular Matrix
cancer Cytologically malignant margins of wedge resected stage I non-small cell lung located on the World Wide Web at: The online version of this article, along with updated... more
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      Follow-up studiesClinical SciencesAgedOral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC)
patients with advanced primary squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of cervix (FIG0 Stages RIB, IVA or extensive nodal involvement) and 8 with recurrent disease were treated using a pilot regimen of combination chemotherapy (CT): Mitomycin C... more
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      BrachytherapyRadiation TherapyHead and NeckSquamous Cell Carcinoma
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      AdolescentChildSquamous Cell CarcinomaParanasal Sinuses
Purpose: The expression of survivin, a member of the inhibitor-of-apoptosis protein family, is elevated in many types of human cancer. High survivin expression has been associated with poor patient prognosis and tumor resistance to... more
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      FlavonoidsCell lineKinase inhibitorMitogen Activated Protein Kinase
Background: Marjolin's ulcer is a rare but highly aggressive squamous cell cancer that is most often associated with chronic burn wounds. Although many individual case reports exist, no comprehensive evaluation of Marjolin's ulcer... more
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      AdolescentTanzaniaChildYoung Adult
Background: Esophagectomy or chemoradiotherapy (CRT) are the procedures of choice for patients with superficial esophageal squamous-cell carcinoma. However, esophagectomy is highly invasive, and CRT is associated with the risk of local... more
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      Treatment OutcomeClinical SciencesCisplatinAged
This Opinions section, once again, is written by a single author but is meant to be provocative. It represents a sun1mary of a topic presented at a recent NASPAG conference. This issue did not result in a consensus of opinion at the end... more
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Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the oral cavity is an extremely invasive tumour of stratified squamous epithelium that spreads throughout degradation of the basement membrane (BM) and extra-cellular matrix. Oral verrucous carcinoma (VC)... more
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      DentistryImmunohistochemistryBasement MembraneBehaviour
The addition of cetuximab (CTX) to the combination of cisplatin and 5-fluorouracil increases the overall survival (OS) in recurrent/metastatic head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Only a few patients are eligible for this treatment... more
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      Monoclonal AntibodiesPaclitaxelCisplatinOral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC)
BACKGROUND/METHODS: This study evaluated human papillomavirus (HPV) type prevalence in 370 Scottish invasive cervical cancers (ICCs) using HPV genotyping and HPV mRNA detection. RESULTS: HPV 16 and/or 18 was detected in 72% of cancers... more
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      EpidemiologyMedicineHUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUSScotland
This study examined whether recurrent nerve chain node metastasis serves as an indicative factor for cervical lymph node dissection in thoracic esophageal cancer. The association of recurrent nerve chain lymph node metastasis and cervical... more
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      Survival AnalysisProbabilityPlant tissue Culture TechniquesEsophageal Cancer
Laryngeal dysplasia is a common clinical concern. Despite major advancements, a significant number of patients with this condition progress to invasive squamous cell carcinoma. Osteopontin (OPN) is a secreted glycoprotein, whose... more
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      ImmunohistochemistrySquamous Cell CarcinomaP-glycoproteinGlycoproteins
Background Stereotactic radiosurgery is frequently used for the treatment of brain metastases. This study provides a retrospective evaluation of patients with secondary lesions of the brain treated with stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) at... more
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      CancerQuality of lifeRadiosurgerySurvival Analysis
Thalidomide is an immunomodulatory, antiangiogenic drug. Although there is evidence that it might be more effective in combination with chemotherapy the exact mechanism of action is unclear. Therefore, we investigated its effect in... more
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Objective: Though the surgical treatment of esophageal cancer is increasingly accepted for elderly people defined as aged over 70 years, less is reported about the results in patients over 75. This study is a single institution... more
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      Treatment OutcomeStratificationRisk AnalysisElderly People
It is well established that genetic alterations may be associated to prognosis in tumor patients. This study investigates chromosomal changes that predict the clinical outcome of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) and correlate... more
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      GeneticsMolecular MedicineBreast CancerSurvival Analysis
Background. In esophageal cancer, circumferential resection margins (CRMs) are considered to be of relevant prognostic value, but a reliable definition of tumor-free CRM is still unclear. The aim of this study was to appraise the clinical... more
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      Follow-up studiesEsophageal CancerAgedOral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC)
In order to examine the associations between sinonasal cancer and occupational exposures other than wood dust and leather dust, the data from 12 case-control studies conducted in seven countries were pooled and reanalyzed. The pooled data... more
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      CoalLogistic RegressionAsbestosSilica
To determine the prevalence rates of the different HPV types in cervical cancer lesions in Chile to facilitate the development of prophylactic human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines effective for that country. Method: Biopsy samples of 312... more
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      ChileHUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUSGynecology and ObstetricsPolymerase Chain Reaction
Background: Important advances in the management of cancer of the esophagus and esophagogastric junction have occurred in the last decades, making treatment possible even in elderly patients. Unfortunately there is little information on... more
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      Palliative CareEsophageal CancerOral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC)Survival Rate
The expression of proteins related to cell proliferation and apoptosis in oral lichen planus and epithelial dysplasia was analyzed to evaluate the true potential for malignant transformation of this disease. Twentyfour cases of each... more
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      DentistryImmunohistochemistryApoptosisOral Lichen Planus
The combination of a myocutaneous flap with a three dimensional, bendable reconstruction plate has provided very satisfactory results in restoration of mandibular defects following surgical resections in irradiated patients. Twenty-four... more
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      AdolescentProspective studiesFollow-up studiesClinical Sciences
BACKGROUND: Genetic polymorphisms of vitamin D receptor gene (VDR) and genes involved in vitamin D metabolism pathway, CYP27B1 and CYP24B1, may affect individual susceptibility to oral squamous cell carcinoma. The purpose of this study... more
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      DentistryVitamin D receptorAgedOral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC)
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s u m m a r y Surgery remains the frontline treatment for oral cancer. Factors affecting the surgical management are related to the staging of the primary disease and the presence of regional or distant metastasis. Histopathological... more
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The choice of palliative treatment and the prognostic factors in unresectable head and neck cancer cases continue to be controversial. In the present study we compared the survival rates of untreated stage IV head and neck cancer patients... more
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      Palliative CareProspective studiesHead and Neck CancerHead and neck squamous cell carcinoma
Background. Many methods of glottic reconstruction have been described for patients undergoing vertical partial laryngectomy to reestablish the glottic integrity.
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      DentistrySurgeryClinical TrialTreatment
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      Wound HealingNuclear medicineRadiotherapyCardiovascular disease
The common consequences of radiotherapy (RT) to the head and neck are oral mucositis, xerostomia, and severe pain. The aim of this study was to verify how laser phototherapy (LPT) used for oral mucositis could influence xerostomia... more
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Cyclin D1, p16, and Rb genes play a critical role in the regulation of the G1-S transition of the cell cycle and are frequently altered in several neoplastic entities. Analysis of the protein products of these genes by molecular and... more
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      Cell CycleImmunohistochemistryWestern blottingMutation
Background. To evaluate transthoracic needle aspiration biopsies of pulmonary lesions in patients with squamous cell cancer of head and neck.
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      DentistryComputer assisted orthopaedic surgeryHead and Neck CancerClinical Sciences