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Plane wave scattering by a planar metasurface composed of two periodically alternating rectangular dielectric rods is considered. A rigorous integral equation methodology is employed for the analysis and the accurate determination of the... more
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      Electromagnetic metamaterialsMetamaterialsOptimization techniquesVisible Light Communication
This paper presents a new variant of the Harmony Search (HS) algorithm. This Hybrid Harmony Search (HHS) algorithm follows a new approach to improvisation: while retaining HS algorithm Harmony Memory and pitch adjustment functions, it... more
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      Civil EngineeringStructural EngineeringOptimization techniquesMetaheuristics
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      ReligionPhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyPhilosophy Of Religion
People abused by angry discipline as children, may tend to abuse or overly punish other people or themselves for perceived wrongs in their adult life. In some individuals, aggressive personality traits may be genetically inherited. The... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsOrganizational BehaviorManagementCultural Studies
Abstract: This paper proves that non-convex quadratically constrained quadratic programs have an exact semidefinite relaxation when their underlying graph is acyclic, provided the constraint set satisfies a certain technical condition.... more
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      MathematicsFunctional AnalysisComputer ScienceMachine Learning
Due to complex loading and chemical conditions of the human body, the artificial replacements of the body organs demand materials with superior characteristics. Therefore, recently using composite materials have gained a lot of popularity... more
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      Applied MathematicsDesignStem cell and Regenerative medicineFinite Element Analysis (Engineering)
""Origin–destination (O–D) matrix estimation methods based on traffic counts have been largely discussed and investigated. The most used methods are based on Generalised Least Square estimators (GLS) that use as input data a starting O–D... more
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      Transportation EngineeringOperations ResearchFuzzy LogicFuzzy set theory
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      Art HistoryArtFrench StudiesOptimization techniques
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      Mechanical EngineeringMaterials ScienceOptimization techniquesMachining
[Coherent Systems A.3.C.2.]
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      PsychologyPositive PsychologyAnthropologyDepression
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      Data MiningOptimization techniquesData Warehousing and Data Mining
The concept of the energy management system, developed in this work, is to determine the optimal combination of energy from several generation sources and to schedule their commitment, while optimizing the cost of purchased energy, power... more
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      Optimization techniquesEnergy ManagementEconomic DispatchNon-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm-II (NSGA-II)
The use of intelligent optimization and modeling methods is rapidly increasing in many fields including concrete technology. In recent years, concrete mix design has been studied using intelligent models in which the artificial neural... more
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      Machine LearningOptimization techniques
The plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) are specialized hybrid electric vehicles that have the potential to obtain enough energy for average daily commuting from batteries. The PHEV battery would be recharged from the power grid at... more
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      EngineeringPower ElectronicsOptimization techniquesPlug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle
Emergency situations require specific needs in particular in terms of communications, data transmission and sharing. Of particular concern are the transmissions of the patient's medical history to the emergency physician, the transmission... more
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      CommunicationOptimization techniquesMedical HistoryeHealth
Weld quality mainly depends on the weld bead geometry and mechanical-metallurgical characteristics of the welded joint which has a direct relationship with the type of welding process being used and its input process parameters i.e.... more
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      Optimization (Mathematics)Process OptimizationOptimization techniquesLaser Welding
A prototype tool to assist architects during the early design stage of floor plans has been developed, consisting of an Evolutionary Program for the Space Allocation Problem (EPSAP), which generates sets of floor plan alternatives... more
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      ArchitectureHeuristicsSustainable Building DesignOptimization techniques
Cone programming is a joint generalization of the pozitive semi-definite programming and linear programming. The requirement that the matrix of variables must be pozitive definite or the vector of variables must be nonnegative resp., in... more
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      Operations ResearchInteger ProgrammingOptimization techniques
In many situations in numerical analysis least squares loss functions with diagonal weight matrices are much easier to minimize than least square loss functions with full positive semi-definite weight matrices. We use majorization to... more
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    • Optimization techniques
Finding optimal paths through raster databases is limited by the very nature of the raster data itself. This limitation restricts the possible directions of movement through the database from the infinite possibilities found in the real... more
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      Optimization techniquesThe shortest path problemsGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
An optimum experimental design to determine the coefficients of the Extended Taylor's Equation in machining is proposed. The technique is based on the minimisation of the ratio between maximum and minimum singular values of the matrix of... more
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      Optimization techniquesMachiningExperimental DesignManufacturing Engineering
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      Curriculum DesignLearning and TeachingStudent Achievement MotivationOptimization techniques
Many airship projects have been presented during last years. Most of them are slowed in their realization because of very high costs of Helium. This paper presents an economic and energetic comparison between Helium filled airships and... more
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      EnergyOptimization techniquesAirship Hydrogen
Cuckoo Search Strategy (CSS) is the newly developed strategy based on the Cuckoo Search Algorithm. In order to achieve best performance, a number of parameters in the CuckooSearch Algorithm needs to be tuned namely the nest size, the... more
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      Software TestingOptimization techniquesBio and Nature Inspired Algorithms
The sizing process is an important one for textile mills and affects the efficiency of the loom machine. In this study, the optimisation of multiple performance characteristics based on the grey relations analysis method, which is a new... more
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      Optimization techniquesOptimization method using Taguchi MethodSizingGrey relational analysis
ABSTRACT Slope stability analysis of soil with a weak layer sandwiched between two strong layers is considered as a complex geotechnical problem. In this problem, the objective function is non-convex and discontinuous with the presence of... more
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      EngineeringCivil EngineeringGeotechnical EngineeringSwarm Intelligence
In the recent years we have seen many approaches to solve fractional programming problems. In this paper, the linear fractional programming problem with interval coefficients in objective function is solved by the variable transformation.... more
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      MathematicsOptimization techniques
The Graph is a powerful mathematical tool applied in many fields as transportation, communication, informatics, economy, … In an ordinary graph, the weights of edges and vertexes are considered independently where the length of a path is... more
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      Computer GraphicsSocial NetworksVirtual Reality (Computer Graphics)Combinatorial Optimization
In modern systems, electrical power distribution and actuation replace mechanical, hydraulic or pneumatic systems. An estimated 30% of world’s electrical energy was processed by power electronic systems in 2005, with a predicted increase... more
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      Power ElectronicsHeat TransferOptimization techniquesOptimisation techniques
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      Optical Fiber CommunicationsOptimization techniquesPhotonic Crystal Fibers
The reconfiguration of a power distribution system, by exchanging the functional links between its elements, represents one of the most important procedures to improve the performance in the operation of a distribution system. The... more
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      Electrical EngineeringGeneticsArtificial IntelligencePower Systems
Fused Depoition Modeling is a type of Additive Manufacturing technology, which has capability to construct final product by mean of adding layer by layer pattern automatically from data generated by Computer Aided Design (CAD) model. This... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringManufacturingOptimization techniquesAdditive Manufacturing
Mining operational telecom data has given many interesting insights about customer behavior, mobility, social interaction etc and has great business value. But to have truly unbiased analysis over a defined geographic region, we need to... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceOptimization techniquesData Warehouse
Artificial neural networks learn how to solve new problems through a computationally intense and time consuming process. One way to reduce the amount of time required is to inject preexisting knowledge into the network. To make use of... more
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      Machine LearningPopulation GeneticsGenetic AlgorithmsArtificial Life
Lantai produksi yang tidak teratur dapat membuat ongkos perpindahan barang menjadi lebih tinggi. Penelitian kali ini dilakukan di rumah produksi pakaian maketees yang berlokasi Bondosari, Hargobinangun, Pakem, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa... more
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      Operations ResearchOptimization techniquesModeling and SimulationIndustrial Engineering
Machining with milling is a common practice in manufacturing operations. Optimum surface finish in the products has always been a requirement of the manufacturer and the user. This paper is focused on identifying the optimum values of... more
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    • Optimization techniques
Diabetes comprises of noisy features. This feature hampers classification and prediction for Artificial Intelligence (AI) system. The optimization of diabetes dataset using Genetic Algorithm (GA) exploring its fundamentals identifies the... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceGenetic Algorithms Updated by Latest Bio Algorithm in Real Life FindingsDiabetesGenetic Algorithms
This paper proposes a planning approach to optimize railway operations in seaport terminals by adopting a queue-based discrete-time model of the considered system. Firstly, a mixed-integer linear mathematical programming problem is... more
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      LogisticsInteger ProgrammingShipping/ Transport LogisticsOptimization techniques
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      Supply Chain ManagementOperations ResearchOptimization (Mathematics)Logistics
The inherent dynamical in grid computing has made it extremely difficult to come up with near-optimal solutions to efficiently schedule tasks in grids. Task Scheduling plays crucial role in Grid computing. It is a challenge-able issue... more
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      BioinformaticsGrid ComputingQuantum ComputingArtificial Intelligence
Escriba una aplicación que modele en el paradigma orientado a objetos el siguiente escenario: "El departamento de inteligencia informática ha identificado que cierta posición de palabras que contengan la letra 'a' pueden representar... more
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      OpticsSDI (Spatial Data Infrastructure)Operations ResearchInternational Law
A novel approach for building an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) to reconstruct experimental design data using Levenberg-Marquardt optimizer and validating obtained model based on K-fold cross-validation is implemented. In this approach... more
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      Computer ScienceMachine LearningOptimization techniquesNeural Networks
Online reviews are a feedback to the product and play a key role in improving the product to cater to consumers. Online reviews that rely heavily on manual categorization are time consuming and labor intensive.The recurrent neural network... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer EngineeringReinforcement LearningClustering and Classification Methods
Abstrak-The Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) adalah masalah optimasi kombinatorial yang sangat populer di dunia nyata. Tujuannya adalah untuk mengetahui jalur terpendek untuk bepergian dengan salesman sementara mengunjungi setiap kota... more
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      Ant Colony OptimizationOptimization techniquesALGORITMA GENETIKA
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      Civil EngineeringHeuristicsSimulated AnnealingOptimization techniques
Electrical and Electronics Engineering: An International Journal (ELELIJ) is a Quarterly peer-reviewed and refereed open access journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of the Electrical and Electronics... more
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      Digital Signal ProcessingOptimization techniquesSemiconductor DevicesBiomedical informatics
Abstract—Artificial neural networks learn how to solve new problems through a computationally intense and time consuming process. One way to reduce the amount of time required is to inject pre-existing knowledge into the network. To make... more
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      Machine LearningPopulation GeneticsGenetic AlgorithmsArtificial Life
The problem of distribution is a classic problem in logistics. The transportation method is a method that is widely used in overcoming these problems. The optimization method is sometimes difficult if directly applied to minimize... more
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      Transportation EngineeringSupply Chain ManagementLogisticsOptimization techniques
Determining the optimum tilt angle for PV system based power plants is crucial to be considered when fixing the PV systems. Although the optimum tilt angle is normally close to the latitude value of the location, lots of other factors... more
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      PhotovoltaicsRenewable EnergyOptimization techniquesJordan