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As demand for computer software continually increases, software scope and complexity become higher than ever. The software industry is in real need of accurate estimates of the project under development. Software development effort... more
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      Prediction-based Decisions & PlanningProtein Structure PredictionPredictionForecasting and Prediction Tools
In order to support and supervise patients, the key detection and estimation of cancer type should establish a compulsion in the cancer research. Many research teams from the biomedical and bioinformatics fields have been advised to learn... more
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      Prediction-based Decisions & PlanningMachine LearningClassification (Machine Learning)Protein Structure Prediction
With this product, my objective was to make cryptocurrency investments simple & profitable. This product operates via an easy to use website allowing customers to buy, sell, and invest in cryptocurrencies, and in stock markets, all in one... more
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      Prediction-based Decisions & PlanningMachine LearningClassification (Machine Learning)Protein Structure Prediction
Anomaly detection refers to the problem of finding patterns in data that do not confirm to expected behaviour. The survey tries to provide a structured and comprehensive overview of the research on anomaly detection. There are grouped... more
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      Prediction-based Decisions & PlanningPlagiarism DetectionProtein Structure PredictionFraud Detection And Prevention
The Golden Ratio(aka “golden mean”, “golden section” or “divine section”: standardly denoted with the capital Greek letter Phi) is the only positive (irrational) quadratic solution of the (minimal polynomial) x^2-x-1=0 equation, so that:... more
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      PhysiologyHuman PhysiologyMathematicsApplied Mathematics
The great evolution of the data-processing tools during the last yearsallowed for the development of thecomputer aided design in the field of mechanical structures. Controlling the clearance in joints between parts, is one of the required... more
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      Optimization (Mathematical Programming)Combinatorial OptimizationOptimization (Mathematics)Process Optimization
Korea Abstract— The automated welding systems, have received much attention in recent years, because they are highly suitable not only to increase the quality and productivity, but also to decrease manufacturing time and cost for a given... more
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      EngineeringResearchSensitivity AnalysisOptimization
The fabrication of the nano-scale fine fibres from poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA)-DMF solution was completed using the electrospinning process. Significantly, fibre membranes with an average diameter of 95 (+/- 32) nm and bead number... more
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      Process OptimizationMorphologyElectrospinningInterpersonal Communication / Persuasion / Social Influence / Language and Message Variables
The suggested method helps predicting vehicles movement in order to give the driver more time to react and avoid collisions on roads. The algorithm is dynamically modelling the road scene around the vehicle based on the data from the... more
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      Prediction-based Decisions & PlanningReal Time ComputingReal-time SystemsPrediction
Submerged arc welding also known as sub arc welding has become a chief welding process because of its ability to deposit large amounts of metal with high penetration. The quality of weld depends on bead geometry of the weld which in turn... more
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    • Optimization and Prediction of Bead Geometry
ABSTRACT The fabrication of the nano-scale fine fibres from poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA)-DMF solution was completed using the electrospinning process. Significantly, fibre membranes with an average diameter of 95 (±32) nm and bead... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringApplied MathematicsNanomaterials CharacterizationPrediction
Through the years, the ability to predict the future trend of financial time series has drawn serious attention from both researchers and practitioners aiming to have better investment decisions. In this paper a fuzzy rule-based expert... more
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      Fuzzy LogicFuzzy Logic ControlFuzzy ControlForecasting and Prediction Tools