Optimal search path problem

26 papers
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The optimal search path problem is a mathematical and computational challenge that involves determining the most efficient route or strategy for searching through a space or dataset to locate a target or solution, minimizing time, cost, or resource expenditure while maximizing effectiveness.
Robotic systems play an important role in the development and modernization processes of production, facilitation of labor, and human life. The robotic manipulators are outstanding among such systems. Such robots can be used for various... more
The optimal search path (OSP) problem is a single-sided detection search problem where the location and the detectability of a moving object are uncertain. A solution to this N P-hard problem is a path on a graph that maximizes the... more
Objective.-Standard-of-practice search management requires that the probability of detection (POD) be determined for each search resource after a task. To calculate the POD, a detection index (W) is obtained by field experiments. Because... more
Search theory is completely dependent upon an accurate assessment of how well a search area was covered by a team or the Probability of Detection (POD). Determining the POD for auditory whistle blasts and a response to sighting lights at... more
For the first time in history, a scientifically sound yet practical method for objectively determining detection probabilities for objects of importance to search and rescue (SAR) in the land environment was successfully developed and... more
In this letter, we consider the Multi-Robot Efficient Search Path Planning (MESPP) problem, where a team of robots is deployed in a graph-represented environment to capture a moving target within a given deadline. We prove this problem to... more
Абстракт В данной работе приводится подробное описание одного вычислительного алгоритма для нахождения оптимального пути движения на сложной поверхности. Под оптимальностью понимается построение такого маршрута, который проходит по карте... more
The Cops and Robber problem is a game played between two adversary groups, in which one group (cops) attempts to capture the other group (robber). In this paper, the optimal capture time problem is addressed, which seeks the best motion... more
Solving the shortest path of 3D terrain is widely requested. However, researchers have not been able to get a good solution due to the limitations of traditional technical means. Thanks to recent development and maturation of remote... more
We consider the new game of Cops and Attacking Robbers, which is identical to the usual Cops and Robbers game except that if the robber moves to a vertex containing a single cop, then that cop is removed from the game. We study the... more
43 44 CHAPTER 3. SEARCHING NETWORKS order to gain access to local services and data. It is apparent that mobile network agents are going to undergo considerable development and become extensively used. The networked world is going to see... more
43 44 CHAPTER 3. SEARCHING NETWORKS order to gain access to local services and data. It is apparent that mobile network agents are going to undergo considerable development and become extensively used. The networked world is going to see... more
This paper describes a computer simulated artificial intelligence (AI) agent moving in 2D and 3D environments. In the presented algorithm, the agent can take two operating modes: Manual Mode and Map or Autopilot mode. The user can control... more
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with... more
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with... more
We tackle two different and complementary problems: the Coverage Path Planning (CPP) and the Optimal Search Path (OSP). The CPP is a main challenge in mobile robotics. The OSP is a classic from search theory. We first present a review of... more
Graph searching encompasses a wide variety of combinatorial problems related to the problem of capturing a fugitive residing in a graph using the minimum number of searchers. In this annotated bibliography, we give an elementary... more
The optimal search path (OSP) problem is a single-sided detection search problem where the location and the detectability of a moving object are uncertain. A solution to this N P-hard problem is a path on a graph that maximizes the... more
In search theory, the goal of the Optimal Search Path (OSP) problem is to find a finite length path maximizing the probability that a searcher detects a lost wanderer on a graph. We propose to bound the probability of finding the wanderer... more
43 44 CHAPTER 3. SEARCHING NETWORKS order to gain access to local services and data. It is apparent that mobile network agents are going to undergo considerable development and become extensively used. The networked world is going to see... more
In the Optimal Search Path problem from search theory, the objective is to find a finite length searcher's path that maximizes the probability of detecting a lost wanderer on a graph. We introduce a novel bound on the probability of... more
We introduce a novel global Markov transition constraint (Mtc) to model finite state homogeneous Markov chains. We present two algorithms to filter the variable domains representing the imprecise probability distributions over the state... more
A problem of searching with multiple searchers and scouts is presented. Unlike most search problems that terminate as soon as the target is found, successful detections by scouts only improve on the current knowledge of the moving... more
We present a methodology to construct optimal visibility graphs from vector and raster terrain data based on the integration of Geographic Information Systems, computational geometry, and integer linear programming. In an emergency... more
We present a methodology to construct optimal visibility graphs from vector and raster terrain data based on the integration of Geographic Information Systems, computational geometry, and integer linear programming. In an emergency... more
Abstract Inference in constraint programming is usually based on the deductions generated by individual constraints which are then communicated to other constraints through domain filtering. Frequently we find that this is a too... more
"The optimal search path (OSP) problem is a single-sided detection search problem from search theory where the location and the detectability of a moving object are uncertain. A solution to this NP-hard problem is a path on a graph that... more
Our main subject is search operation planning. We discuss the search for an object of unknown location in an environment with a geographic component (e.g., in search and rescue, detection or surveillance operations). This talk is divided... more
Related paper: M. Morin, “Introducing Multi-Criteria Path Planning with Terrain Visibility Constraints: The Optimal Searcher Path Problem with Visibility” in Proceedings of the XV ELAVIO, Pacoti, CE, Brazil, 2010 (extended abstract).
The optimal search path (OSP) problem is a single-sided detection search problem from search theory where the location and the detectability of a moving object are uncertain. A solution to this NP-hard problem is a path on a graph that... more
"The optimal search path (OSP) problem is a single-sided detection search problem from search theory where the location and the detectability of a moving object are uncertain. A solution to this NP-hard problem is a path on a graph that... more
The optimal search path (OSP) problem is a single-sided detection search problem where the location and the detectability of a moving object are uncertain. A solution to this NP-hard problem is a path on a graph that maximizes the... more
In the first part of this paper, we present the Optimal Searcher Path problem with Visibility, a novel path planning approach that models inter-region visibility and that uses concepts from search theory to model uncertainty on the goal’s... more
In this paper, the problem of path planning for a ground search unit looking for an object of unknown location is considered. As in the classical optimal searcher path problem, the probability of finding the search object is the main... more
How can search theory and path planning concepts be used to formulate and to solve detection search problems in the context of a ground SAR operation while taking into account practical aspects such as terrain visibility constraints? As... more