Optical computing

3,354 papers
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Optical computing is a field of study focused on the use of light, particularly photons, to perform computation and data processing. It explores the development of optical devices and systems that can manipulate and transmit information using optical signals, aiming to enhance speed and efficiency compared to traditional electronic computing.
In this paper we present efficient algorithms for sorting and packet routing on the AROB (Array with Reconfigurable Optial Buses) model
The Optical Transpose Interconnection System (OTIS) is a recently proposed model of computing that exploits the special features of both electronic and optical technologies. In this paper we present efficient algorithms for packet... more
This paper briefly reviews some of the more popular parallel-computer models-pipelined optical bus, optical transpose interconnect system (OTIS), and partitioned optical passive stars (POPS) network-that employ optical interconnect. The... more
In this paper, a learning-based feedforward term is developed to solve a general control problem in the presence of unknown nonlinear dynamics with a known period. Since the learning-based feedforward term is generated from a... more
A spectral analysis of human blood serum was undertaken by fiber-optic evanescent-wave spectroscopy 1FEWS2 by the use of a Fourier-transform infrared spectrometer. A special cell for the FEWS measurements was designed and built that... more
Multiplier circuits play an important role in reversible computation, which is helpful in diverse areas such as low power CMOS design, optical computing, DNA computing and bioinformatics. Here we propose a new reversible multiplier... more
We have proposed optical tunable CNOT (XOR) and XNOR logic gates using two-dimensional photonic crystal (2DPhC) cavities. Where, air rods with square lattice array have been embedded in Ag-Polymer substrate with refractive index of 1.59.... more
Focusing on the reality and promise of optical computing.
In this paper we present an analysis of several large Internet traffic traces and focus on large transfers that are suitable to send through all-optical links featuring burst switching technologies. We analyze the payload size for such... more
The methodology predicts maximum performance of a given optical computing architecture and evaluates its feasibility. As an application example, we apply this methodology to evaluate the feasibility and performance of the optical... more
In this paper, we consider the manifold of covariance matrices of order n parametrized by reflection coefficients which are derived from Levinson's recursion of autoregressive model. The explicit expression of the reparametrization and... more
Nous considérons le problème du recalage non-rigide entre images de modalités différentes. Nous proposons un cadre général qui repose sur une formulation variationnelle, que nous appliquons sous la forme de trois algorithmes de recalage... more
Achieving computer vision on microscale devices is a challenge. On these platforms, the power and mass constraints are severe enough for even the most common computations (matrix manipulations, convolution, etc.) to be difficult. This... more
Achieving computer vision on microscale devices is a challenge. On these platforms, the power and mass constraints are severe enough for even the most common computations (matrix manipulations, convolution, etc.) to be difficult. This... more
Photonic quantum systems are among the most promising architectures for quantum computers. It is well known that for dual-rail photons effective non-linearities and near-deterministic non-trivial two-qubit gates can be achieved via the... more
We consider the paraxial model for a nonlinear resonator with a saturable absorber beyond the mean-field limit and develop a method to study the modulational instabilities leading to pattern formation in all three spatial dimensions. For... more
We consider the paraxial model for a nonlinear resonator with a saturable absorber beyond the mean-field limit and develop a method to study the modulational instabilities leading to pattern formation in all three spatial dimensions. For... more
Cavity solitons ͑CSs͒ are localized structures appearing as intensity peaks in the homogeneous background of the field emitted by a nonlinear microresonator. We experimentally and theoretically study the switch-on process of cavity... more
We consider a semiconductor microcavity driven by a coherent and stationary holding beam, in two distinct configurations. In the first, no carriers are injected in the multiple-quantum-well structure and the optical nonlinearity is... more
A series of computer experiments was performed to determine the relative performance of simulated annealing, quenched annealing, and a least-squares iterative technique for image reconstruction for Single Photon Emission Computed... more
Microphysical and optical properties of the main aerosol species on a peri-urban site have been investigated during the ESCOMPTE experiment. Ammonium sulfate (AS), nitrate (N), black carbon (BC), particulate organic matter (POM), sea salt... more
Early work in automatic problem-solving focused on what Newell has called “weak methods ” While these problemsolving strategies are quite general and are formally tractable, they are insufficient in practice for solving problems of any... more
The construction and operation of a 50-MHz 64 x 16 bit fiber-optic bit-serial delay-line memory is described. It consists of LiNbO 3 directional coupler switches, fused-fiber couplers, and a 4.17-km fiber loop. It is a subsystem of a... more
This paper exploits physical models of time-varying brightness in image sequences to estimate optical flow and physical parameters of the scene. Previous approaches handled violations of brightness constancy with the use of robust... more
We will report on the development of optical sensors based on post-processing of conventional and photonic crystal fibres. In particular possible schemes of sensor heads for harsh environment and biological analysis will be presented.
Reversible logic is emerging as an important research area having its application in diverse fields such as low power CMOS design, digital signal processing, cryptography, quantum computing and optical information processing. This paper... more
This paper presents a new model for prediction of wave propagation in indoor and outdoor environments. The method is based on twodimensional ray-tracing techniques using image theory to determine all valid paths. The computation of fields... more
A new optical binary pixel pattern recognizer for optical symbolic substitution (OSS) digital computation is proposed. Using optical spatial shift and optical phase-conjugate AND operations, input symbolic pattern recognition can be... more
The design, construction, and operational testing of a five-stage, fully interconnected 32 x 16 switching fabric by the use of smart-pixel (2, 1, 1) switching nodes are described. The arrays of switching nodes use monolithically... more
We consider a traffic-groomed optical network consisting of N nodes arranged in tandem. This optical network is modeled by a tandem queueing network of multi-rate loss queues with simultaneous resource possession. Two approximation... more
This paper is concerned with the design of optical and optoelectronic circuits. In particular new designs for an exclusive-OR circuit, set-reset trigger flip-flop, and a programmable logic array (PLA) are proposed. The PLA utilizes... more
We discuss various aspects of building an integrated optoelectronic system that is based on the concept of planar optics. A particular optical interconnection system has been fabricated and demonstrated. It provides parallel... more
Alcohol abuse is a major problem in the United States. The most common measurement tool used in law enforcement for the determination of alcohol concentration in subjects is the breath analyzer (BrAC), and subjects know when they are... more
In this paper we assess the benefits of using statistical techniques to ascertain the shareability of protection channels when computing shared mesh restored lightpaths. Current deterministic approaches require a detailed level of... more
Distributed, IP-based control architecture has been proposed for switched optical mesh networks, as a means to automate operations, enhance interoperability and facilitate the deployment of new applications. While distributed control in... more
A feed-forward backpropagating neural network is trained to achieve and maintain control of the unstable periodic orbits embedded in a chaotic attractor. The controlling algorithms used for training the network are based on the now... more
Architectures for optical processors designed to solve bounded instances of NP-Complete problems are suggested. One approach mimics the traveling salesman by traveling beams that simultaneously examine the different possible paths. The... more
Architectures for optical processors designed to solve bounded instances of NP-Complete problems are suggested. One approach mimics the traveling salesman by traveling beams that simultaneously examine the different possible paths. The... more
Two architectures for optical processors designed to solve instances of NP-Complete problems, trading space for time, are suggested. The first approach mimics the traveling salesman by an exponential number of traveling beams, that... more
In this paper, we study a class of VLSI organizations with optical interconnects for fast solutions to several image processing tasks. The organization and operation of these architectures are based on a generic model called OMC, which is... more
An optical setup fur the computation of the sector transfurm is presented in this paper. The device is based on pinhole imaging and processing with the computer generated mask. Computation of the transform does not require image rotation,... more
The registration of cardiac images is relevant for the diagnosis of cardiac pathologies. In the case of SPECT (Single Photon Emission Computer Tomography) datasets, this is difficult because of the low resolution of the images. In this... more
We present a new optical method for solving bounded (input-length-restricted) NP-complete combinatorial problems. We have chosen to demonstrate the method with an NP-complete problem called the traveling salesman problem (TSP). The power... more
We study families of Boolean circuits with the property that the number of gates at distancet fanning into or out of any given gate in a circuit is bounded above by a polynomial in t of some degreek. We prove that such circuits require... more
Optical computing elements offer benefits over traditional CMOS-based electronic logic gates such as increased performance and reduced power. Using polarization to encode the information to be processed allows for the possibility of... more