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Semiconductor technology requires perfectly flat and defect-free single crystal wafers as starting material. Any deviation from the ideal flatness can hinder processing steps or degrade process quality. Therefore, a high interest exists... more
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      Materials ScienceOptical Metrology
The paper presents our research in the field of Makyoh topography, a method based on an ancient principle. The method's application is the qualitative and quantitative study of semiconductor wafers and other mirror-like surfaces.
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      Materials ScienceOptical Metrology
Focal length of an imaging system is an important parameter as it determines its gathering power, numerical aperture and resolution. Its determination becomes very difficult as one of the planes is not physically accessible. A number of... more
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    • Optical Metrology
Ž . We report on frequency stabilization of a diode laser to the hyperfine components of the P 33 6-3 and R 127 11-5 transitions of molecular iodine at the He-Ne laser wavelength of 633 nm. Single frequency operation and wavelength... more
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      Laser SpectroscopyDiode LasersOptical physicsOptical Metrology
Digital image correlation (DIC) is an image-based optical metrology for full-field deformation measurement. In DIC technique, the test object surface must be covered with a random speckle pattern, which deforms together with the object... more
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      Digital Image CorrelationStandard DeviationDisplacementQuality assessment
Traditionally, the total measurement uncertainty (TMU) of overlay metrology focuses on dynamic precision, tool-induced-shift, and matching, while rarely examining inaccuracy. However, some researchers have recently shown that measurement... more
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      LithographyOptical Metrology
APPLIED OPTICS AND OPTICAL ENGINEERING, VOL. Xl ... Optical Sciences Center, University of Arizona and WYKO Corporation, Tucson, Arizona ... Optical Sciences Center University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona ... Sign Conventions... more
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    • Optical Metrology
Spatial light modulators (SLM) are devices used to modulate amplitude, phase or polarization of a light wave in space and time. Current SLMs are based either on MEMS (micro-electro-mechanical system) or LCD (liquid crystal display)... more
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      OpticsDigital HolographyOptical MetrologyPhase Modulation
We show how to synthesize a cw, single-frequency optical field from the frequency-dispersed, pulsed field of a mode-locked laser. This process, which relies on difference-frequency generation in an optical cavity, is efficient and can be... more
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      Applied MathematicsOptical physicsOptical MetrologyElectrical And Electronic Engineering
The paper presents an analysis of the 3D data quality generated from small-medium objects by well-known automatic photogrammetry packages based on Structure from Motion (SfM) and Image Matching (IM). The work aims at comparing different... more
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      Computer VisionDigital HumanitiesGeomaticsPhotogrammetry
Deep lamellar diffraction gratings fabricated by etching a transparent quartz plate are studied using spectroscopic ellipsometry. The rigorous coupled-wave analysis is used to calculate the optical response of the gratings. Three... more
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      MultidisciplinaryOptical MetrologySpectroscopic EllipsometryLeast Square Method
Advantages of the lensless Fourier holography setup for the reconstruction of digitally recorded holo-grams in holographic interferometry are presented. This very simple setup helps to achieve a maximum lateral resolution of the object... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringApplied OpticsOptical physicsOptical Metrology
We report on a cross-comparison of low-spatial-frequency surface slope and height metrology with a super-polished flat X-ray mirror Si substrate fabricated for the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Linac Coherent Light Source hard X-ray... more
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      OpticsSynchrotron RadiationLong-baseline optical interferometryX-Ray Optics
3-D profiles of discontinuous surfaces patterned with high step structures are measured using four wavelengths generated by phase-locking to the frequency comb of an Er-doped fiber femtosecond laser stabilized to the Rb atomic clock. This... more
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      OpticsUltrafast lasersOptical Metrology
Optical Metrology tools, especially for short wavelength (EUV and X-Ray), must cover a wide range of spatial frequencies from the very low, which affects figure, to the important mid-spatial frequencies and the high spatial frequency... more
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      Materials EngineeringAerospace EngineeringPhysicsGamma Ray Astronomy
The thickness-dependent optical properties of nickel metal and nickel monosilicide ͑NiSi͒ thin films, used for self-aligned silicidation process, were characterized using spectroscopic ellipsometry. The thickness-dependent complex... more
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      EngineeringApplied PhysicsPHOTOELECTRON SPECTROSCOPYGrain Boundaries
An International Workshop on Metrology for X-ray and Neutron Optics, the first of its kind, was held on March 16-17, 2000, at the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Laboratory. Metrology specialists, beamline engineers and... more
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      Synchrotron RadiationX RaysX-ray free electron laserOptical Metrology
The core of the paper is focused on the experimental characterization of four different 3D laser scanners based on Time of Flight principle, through the extraction of resolution, accuracy and uncertainty parameters from specifically... more
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      Computer VisionReverse EngineeringMetrologySensors
The paper presents our research in the field of Makyoh topography, a method based on an ancient principle. The method's application is the qualitative and quantitative study of semiconductor wafers and other mirror-like surfaces.
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    • Optical Metrology
The paper presents an analysis of the 3D data quality generated from small-medium objects by well-known automatic photogrammetry packages based on Structure from Motion (SfM) and Image Matching (IM). The work aims at comparing different... more
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      Computer VisionDigital HumanitiesGeomaticsPhotogrammetry
The aim of this review paper is to enlighten some recent progresses in quantum optical metrology in the part of quantum efficiency measurements of photo-detectors performed with bi-photon states. The intrinsic correlated nature of... more
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      Quantum OpticsSpontaneous Parametric Down-conversionQuantum InformationQuantum Efficiency
Liquid lens offers a simple solution to achieve tunable optical powers. This approach, however, suffers from deteriorated resolution at high diopters. In this study, a plano-convex liquid lens with aspherical cross-section is developed.... more
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      MicroscopyBioMEMSAdaptive OpticsOptical Metrology
The X-Ray Optics Laboratory (XROL) at the Advanced Light Source (ALS), a unique optical metrology lab, has been recently moved to a new, dedicated clean-room facility that provides improved environmental and instrumental conditions... more
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      MicroscopyCalibrationX-Ray OpticsOptical Metrology
We give the optimal bounds on the phase-estimation precision for mixed Gaussian states in the single-copy and many-copy regimes. Specifically, we focus on displaced thermal and squeezed thermal states. We find that while for displaced... more
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      Mathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesPhase EstimationMinimum variance
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      Genetic AlgorithmPhase RetrievalPrior KnowledgeOptical physics
This is an introductory paper of a recent EC project dealing with research in cultural heritage and aiming to communicate new fields of application for optical metrology techniques. The project is in its initial state and more conclusive... more
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      Cultural HeritageOptical Metrology
Fabrication of diffraction grating for x-rays is a very challenging problem due to the exacting requirements of surface quality, groove position, and groove profile. Traditional fabrication techniques have significant limitations and do... more
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      OpticsAFMOptical MetrologyPlasma Etch
Spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE) is an optical metrology technique widely used in the semiconductor industry. For lithography applications SE is routinely used for measurement of film thickness and refractive index of polymer photoresist... more
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      Semiconductor DevicesInfrared spectroscopyThin FilmRefractive Index
Optical measuring devices, as well as their measurement methods, have attracted considerable attention in recent years. They belong to the category of optical vision systems, and thanks to the contactless method of measurement, the use of... more
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      Computer VisionOptical Measurement MethodsLighting Design for PerformanceLightning
We report about the implementation of the liquid crystal on silicon (LCOS) microdisplay with 1920 by 1080 resolution and 720 Hz frame rate. The driving solution is FPGA-based. The input signal is converted from the ultrahigh-resolution... more
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      Liquid Crystals Over Silicon (LCOS)Spatial Light ModulatorLCOSSLM
The LISA Technology Package (LTP), to be launched by ESA in 2008, is a technology demonstration mission in preparation for the LISA spaceborne gravitational wave detector. A central part of the LTP is the optical metrology package... more
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      Quantum GravityMathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesOptical Metrology
A novel fiber-optic probe measures the velocity distribution of an imploding surface along many lines of sight. Reflected light from each spot on the moving surface is Doppler shifted with a small portion of this light propagating... more
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      Optical DesignFiber LaserProceedingsVelocity Distribution in Open Channel
Superconducting single photons detectors (SSPDs) have emerged in recent years as a promising alternative for fast and sensitive infrared detectors working in the photon counting mode. In particular, those detectors combine very low dark... more
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      Quantum CryptographyProceedingsFailure AnalysisNanowires
This paper presents a non-contact optical metrology measuring the pistons and tip/tilt angles of the 61 hexagonal segments of a compact-sized segmented mirror. The instrument has been developed within the scope of a design study for a... more
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      NanotechnologyMetrologySensorsSystem Architecture
The LISA Mission (Laser Interferometer Space Antenna) is currently under mission formulation with a launch date planned in 2020. The purpose of the mission is the observation of gravitational waves at frequencies between 0.1 mHz and 1 Hz... more
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      System DesignGravitational Wave DetectorsSatellite Attitude Control SystemOptical Metrology
This review describes the production of atomic strontium samples at ultra-low temperature and at high phase-space density, and their possible use for physical studies and applications. We describe the process of loading a magneto-optical... more
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      Mathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesPhase SpaceOptical Metrology
We present a novel electronic solar compass which is able to determine the true North direction with an accuracy better than 1/100 of degree, superior to that of any other magnetic or electronic compass which do not resort to differential... more
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      Instrumentation EngineeringInstrumentation and Measurement ScienceInstrumentationMetrology
Systematic error and instrumental drift are the major limiting factors of sub-microradian slope metrology with state-ofthe-art x-ray optics. Significant suppression of the errors can be achieved by using an optimal measurement strategy... more
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      OpticsDeflectometryX-Ray OpticsOptical Metrology
A statistical approach based on the coordinated clusters representation of images is used for classification and recognition of textured images. The ability of the descriptor to capture spatial statistical features of an image is... more
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      Evolutionary ComputationGenetic AlgorithmRobotics, Computer Vision, Artificial IntelligenceThree Dimensional Imaging
The Space Interferometry Mission (SIM) requires the control of the optical path of each interferometer with picometer accuracy. Laser metrology gauges are used to measure the path lengths to the fiiducial corner cubes at the siderostats.... more
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      InterferometryOptical Metrology
The importance of research in optical nano-engineering today is comparable to that of research in semiconductors 60 years ago. Biologically inspired photoactive isomers are being engineered and incorporated into substrates to construct... more
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      EngineeringMaterials ScienceOpticsChemistry
The paper presents an analysis of the 3D data quality generated from small-medium objects by well-known automatic photogrammetry packages based on Structure from Motion (SfM) and Image Matching (IM). The work aims at comparing different... more
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      GeographyComputer ScienceComputer VisionDigital Humanities
We report on a cross-comparison of low-spatial-frequency surface slope and height metrology with a super-polished flat X-ray mirror Si substrate fabricated for the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Linac Coherent Light Source hard X-ray... more
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      OpticsSynchrotron RadiationLong-baseline optical interferometryX-Ray Optics
A number of phase-shift algorithms exist in literature. These are categorized as 3-step, 4-step, 5-step etc. with different but constant values of phase steps. In this paper, it is shown that many of them can be deduced from the... more
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    • Optical Metrology
Optical instruments are used for observation and spectroscopy apart from host of many other applications. Both in observation and spectroscopy it is important to know how closely two objects, or two spectral lines can be resolved by the... more
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    • Optical Metrology
We demonstrate phase-locking of a 2.7-THz metalmetal waveguide quantum cascade laser (QCL) to an external microwave signal. The reference is the 15th harmonic, generated by a semiconductor superlattice nonlinear device, of a signal at 182... more
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      OpticsPhotonicsFemtosecond LaserBiophotonics
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      EngineeringFluid MechanicsMathematical SciencesOptical Metrology
Preparations for the LISA Pathfinder mission have reached an exciting stage. Tests of the engineering model (EM) of the optical metrology system have recently been completed at the Albert Einstein Institute, Hannover, and flight model... more
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      Quantum GravityData AnalysisMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
For the bulk of recorded sound history the audio information was stored in mechanical media, such as a phonograph record or wax cylinder, via undulated surface incisions (grooves). The grooves' shape and position can be reconstructed... more
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      Confocal MicroscopyOptical MetrologyThree DimensionalPositional information
Aside from LISA Pathfinder's top-level acceleration requirement, there is a stringent independent requirement for the accuracy of the optical metrology system. In case of a perfectly aligned metrology system (optical bench and test... more
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      EngineeringGeometric modelPhysical sciencesOptical Metrology