Optical Instrumentation
Recent papers in Optical Instrumentation
A wide-angle Michelson Doppler imaging interferometer (WAMDII) is described that is intended to measure upper atmospheric winds and temperatures from naturally occurring visible region emissions, using Spacelab as a platform. It is an... more
The camera obscura was a simple astronomical tool that evolved into an important optical instrument in the seventeenth century. During its development, the camera obscura generated various philosophical discussions about perception and... more
This paper considers the optical design of a wide-angle fixed-path Michelson interferometer consisting of two arm glasses and an air gap. It is shown that this configuration can be optimized to give (a) extra large fringes (over 50° in... more
'White light'' interferometry uses amplitude-division with a path difference much longer than the coherence length of the source. We recall some historical experiment illustrating the concept, and indicate some applications that have... more
Infrared light emitting diodes (LEOS) can replace the thermal source, bandpass filters and rotating chopper wheel of conventional infrared gas monitors. Their long-term stability, high modulation rate and compact size also provide design... more
The experimental procedures and precautions required to measure liquid-alloy reflectivities with a cw far infrared (FIR) laser are described. The output of a carefully stabilized optically pumped FIR laser was channeled to a melted sample... more
Abstract: A training session dealing with triangulation under laser plane lighting is presented. Students are asked to implement an algorithm allowing the measurement of the width of rectangular plane objects. Experimental results... more
Ryszard Romaniuk, Słowniczek światłowodowy (cz.22), Wiadomości Telekomunikacyjne, vol.XXVII, nr.10, 1987, str.33-34
Resumo—O presente trabalho apresenta o projeto de um sistema óptico para medição do nível da interface água-petróleo em tanques separadores trifásicos. Como os meios envolvidos na interface possuem diferentes índices de refração, a... more
Infrared absorption measurements allow the concentrations of specific liquids and gases to be measured. When infrared light-emitting-diode (LED) sources are employed, the infrared monitor can be made compact, low-powered and stable, and... more
This study describes the development of the technique of Fourier transform infrared technology (FTIR). Origins in Fourier analysis, Albert Michelson's interference spectroscopy, and mid-20th century physical optics, far infrared physics... more