Operations Strategy
Recent papers in Operations Strategy
This research sets out to test some yet unanswered questions from the literature on cumulative capabilities, as well as addressing some of the shortcomings in prior research on cumulative capabilities. Multiple regression analysis is used... more
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In much of the current literature on supply chain management, supply networks are recognized as a system. In this paper, we take this observation to the next level by arguing the need to recognize supply networks as a complex adaptive... more
The TerraSAR-L system is currently being designed in a Phase B definition study. The platform is optimized for and built around the 11 m x 2.9 m active phased array antenna of the L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (L-SAR). The L-SAR... more
Ž . This research examines the relationship between product customization a key aspect of flexibility and organizational Ž structure. Four aspects of organizational 'structure' are considered. They are formal control encompassing the... more
We study a firm selling two products/services, which are differentiated solely in their prices and delivery times, to two different customer segments in a capacitated environment. From a demand perspective, when both products are... more
Companies attempt to companies are attempting to find ways to improve their flexibility and responsiveness and in turn competitiveness by changing their operations strategy, methods and technologies that include the implementation of... more
A taxonomy not only provides a parsimonious description of strategic groups that is useful in discussion and research, but also aids theory building. However, taxonomic studies in the operations strategy literature are scarce. Major... more
Purpose -This study aims to investigate differences among Chinese manufacturers-cum-suppliers in their logistics services provided to different local and foreign customers and assess the management areas that they must address in order to... more
Wastewater collection and treatment is quite important for sustainable management. It would be uneconomical and impractical to provide sewer systems and separate wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) for small communities. The decision... more
The supernatant from mesophilic anaerobic digestion of piggery wastewater is characterised by a high amount of COD (4.1 g COD L À1 ), ammonium (2.3 g NH þ 4 -N L À1 ) and suspended solids (2.5 g SS L À1 ). This effluent can be efficiently... more
Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle technology holds much promise for reducing the demand for petroleum in the transportation sector. Its potential impact is highly dependent on the system design and in particular, the energy storage system.... more
This paper presents a sizing methodology and optimal operating strategy for a battery energy storage system (BESS) to provide a peak load shaving. The sizing methodology is used to maximize a customer's economic benefit by reducing the... more
Introduction This paper's purpose is to illustrate the relationship of profitability to intermediate, customer-related outcomes that managers can influence directly. It is predominantly a general management discussion, consistent with the... more
In recent years, numerous approaches have been proposed to improve operations performance. Three in particular, just in time, supply chain management, and quality management, have received considerable attention. While the three are... more
Some extant theoretical studies and different empirical results have demonstrated that firms' behaviour explains several notable competitiveness microeconomic foundations, based on a wide bundle of elements. Firms can directly control... more
The purpose of this article is to understand the impact service innovation has on customers' choices within the hotel and leisure industry. The article also discusses the influence the creation of new service innovation has on both... more
The difficulties encountered in managing the tool flow in flexible manufacturing systems for the manufacture of prismatic parts indicate the requirement to handle operational issues such as tool assignment. The choice of operational... more
The subject of modern plant design as related to the fully automated Pertigalete plant is discussed. The successive steps of the introduction of process automation in the light of plant integration are sketched. A general description of... more
Enterprises’ operations systems and environments, characterized by their complexity and dynamics, are challenging operations strategic management models. The study presented in this paper develops a process to integrate operations... more
Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to act as a meticulous conceptual paper probing the contemporary view towards lean and illustrate that, despite its discernible benefits, the implementation record suffers as the prevailing opinion... more
This paper explores the effect that unions have on a firm's ability to reengineer manufacturing processes. We begin by exploring the various effects that a union may have in a manufacturing environment. Next, we briefly review how unions... more
In a turbulent environment characterized by unexpected events, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, a sharp oil price decline, and dramatic economic crises, many organizations face not only challenges but also an “identity crisis” as they are... more
In this paper we present a case study where an e-business platform (OPERATIONS) has to be built in order to manage the operational strategies of a high volume coastal company. The platform is intended to support multiple operational... more
Hospitals in the US are faced with challenges in how to compete and remain viable in an increasingly competitive environment. Using data from a primary survey of hospitals and from various secondary sources, we investigate the incremental... more
This research investigates the relationship between manufacturing strategy, business strategy and firm performance in a mature industry. Past research is synthesized, and a parsimonious conceptual framework is developed. The framework is... more
. The use of field-based empirical methodologies in the production and operations management POM area has been steadily increasing over the past several years. One of the most prominent among these is the survey research methodology which... more
Increasingly, manufacturers are making radical changes in management practices and investing heavily in advanced technologies as they attempt to achieve sustainable competitive advantage. Organizations seeking to implement these changes... more
T THE ENVIRONMENTAL AND ECONOMICAL BENEFITS OF THE MICROGRID, AND consequently its acceptability and degree of proliferation in the utility power industry, are primarily determined by the envisioned controller capabilities and the... more
The concept of focus has been proposed as a method for operations to achieve superior performance by concentrating its resources on accomplishing one strategic task. Since its development by Skinner [1974. The focused factory. Harvard... more
Customer-brand relationships do not just exist, they develop over time and through multiple service experiences, yet the literature typically discusses customer-brand relationships as being a largely static phenomenon. Very limited... more
This paper introduces an air cargo supply chain operations reference (ACSCOR) model to examine the integrated impact of airport operating strategies and industrial forces on airport performances, and quantifies the economic benefits of... more
Presentation on Operations strategy of Potato Chips Company
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by http://expertpreviews.com/
Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to investigate the strategies and competitive advantages of Emirate Airlines that have led to exceptional performance while the overall airline industry globally has faced multibillion-dollar losses... more
The movement of production systems to deepwater and subsea environments in recent years has increased the importance of fluid property related flow assurance issues. Asphaltene precipitation and deposition is one of these potential... more
This article addresses the context and content of a generic supply strategy and discusses its strategy-making process. Building mostly on fundamental strategic management theories, the authors explain the role of supply strategy in its... more
Supply chain management (SCM) is the 21st century global operations strategy for achieving organizational competitiveness. Companies are attempting to find ways to improve their flexibility and responsiveness and in turn competitiveness... more
A heated debate continues over the need for trade-offs in operations strategy. Some researchers call for plants to focus on a single manufacturing capability and devote their limited resources accordingly, while others claim that advanced... more