Recent papers in Openness
Based on a brief overview of the history of ontology and on some philosophical problems of virtual reality, a new approach to virtuality is proposed. To characterize the representational (information, cognitive, cultural, communication)... more
Tradicionalmente, las instituciones que ofrecen educación a través de la Red han tendido al uso de plataformas educativas (learning management systems, o LMS) que ofrecen al alumno una gama de servicios tales como repositorios de... more
- by Enrique Dans
- Web, Openness, Ojs
Entrepreneurial curiosity is an entrepreneurial-psychology related construct that measures a level of entrepreneurial curiosity among entrepreneurs. Key research objectives of the study were to empirically test how two independent... more
This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly... more
This contribution tests for causality between financial deepening, trade openness and economic development for 16 Sub-Saharan African countries. An advanced econometric methodology is used to add to existing empirical evidence. Only... more
A partire dagli anni Novanta del secolo scorso, la proliferazione di episodi artistici intesi come citazioni di esperienze estetiche pregresse, ha aiutato a introdurre il concetto di re-enactment negli studi performativi e... more
Traditional resource-based theories explain competitive advantages and resulting rents of firm through their ability to protect valuable resources. We discuss deficiencies of these theories with regard to accounting for firm’s success... more
Analizy otwartych dzieł sztuki zmierzały do wykrywania technik generujących wielość znaczeń. Otwartość w takim rozumieniu to przede wszystkim polisemiczność. Siłą rzeczy, w badaniach nad tak rozumianą otwartością centralnym zagadnieniem... more
This study assesses the perceived level of Open Access (OA) awareness, challenges, and opportunities in context of university libraries of Pakistan. The differences between public and private sector university libraries in terms of their... more
More and more governments are considering Open Educational Resources as a public good that requires being legislated and considered when funding education. Moreover, higher education institutions and bodies are also reviewing their... more
L’opera affronta, con l’apporto pratico-operativo dei numerosi contributi che la compongono, il tema del diritto di internet muovendo dai principi costituzionali della materia fino a quelli di matrice finanziaria e tributaria. Il tutto... more
Scand J. Caring Sci; 2001; 15; 339±346
Using textual analysis methodology with Hofstede's cultural dimensions as basis for cross-national comparison, the manuscript explores the influence of cultural values of trust, transparency, and openness in Nordic national artificial... more
A central part of the innovation process concerns the way firms go about organizing search for new ideas that have commercial potential. New models of innovation have suggested that many innovative firms have changed the way they search... more
Este estudio se llevó a cabo para determinar si la personalidad narcisista y la apertura mental son un motivo por el cual las personas inician su participación en la cultura geek. Se reclutó una muestra de alumnos de cómic (n = 23) que... more
The present research investigates the cognitive and conative profile underlying scientific creativity in psychology. An innovative creativity test including both divergent and convergent thinking was used. Intelligence and personality... more
Was macht gute Führung aus? Wer eignet sich als Führungskraft und warum? Und welche Motive stehen dahinter? All dies könnten Fragen sein, mit denen Personalreferenten und Diagnostiker regelmäßig konfrontiert werden. Obwohl der Großteil... more
Considering new media technologies as starting point for disruptions in current models of higher education, this thesis analyzes innovative pedagogies and learning strategies in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Mainly created by... more
Personality and learning styles are both likely to play significant roles in influencing academic achievement. College students (308 undergraduates) completed the Five Factor Inventory and the Inventory of Learning Processes and reported... more
We tested whether there exist differences in the personality traits of anime fans who cosplay as compared to non-cosplaying anime fans. With regard to the Big Five personality traits, cosplayers scored higher than non-cosplayers on... more
We characterize Openness/Intellect as motivated cognitive flexibility, or cognitive exploration, and develop a neuropsychological model relating it to dopaminergic function and to the functions of the prefrontal cortex (PFC). Evidence is... more
[EDIT: Update October 28th 11:47 UTC: Yesterdays 5-10% drop in numbers has been fixed for me, within 24 hours! Kudos to Support, and good luck to everyone else] A summary of events that have unfolded in between March 11th... more
À partir du milieu des années 1930, Heidegger définit l’orientation de sa pensée, de manière de plus en plus affirmée, en prenant pour point de repère la parole poétique. S’il est vrai que l’expérience poétique ouvre un horizon de sens... more
Uncertainty is a pervasive feature of our times. In this paper I argue that an age of uncertainty is not a reason for despair, but rather an opportunity to develop and mobilize our capacities for creativity, complexity, and collaboration.... more
In today’s world, open science and open government matter. When combined, many agree, they strengthen science and democracy. Yet opening up – whether in the name of open science, open data, open source or open government – is rarely... more
El progreso tecnológico y el desarrollo de sistemas informáticos de las últimas décadas, unido a su impacto en nuestra vida cotidiana, ha favorecido el surgimiento de distintas formas de enseñanza y aprendizaje, como es el caso de los... more
Attachment theory has been extremely successful at stimulating research on the formation and quality of emotional bonds and the complex interplay between individual-level and relationship-level processes in all phases of the lifespan . In... more
يسعي البحث الراهن إلي طرح النقاش حول مفهوم العلم المفتوح، وأدوار المؤسسات الجامعية والبحثية تجاهه، والمؤشرات المرتبطة به أمثال الوصول المفتوح، المصدر المفتوح، علم المواطن، الشفافية، العلم المغلق، البيانات المفتوحة، والثقة في العلم، والثقة... more
The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship of fluid intelligence (gf) with trait Openness and Conscientiousness. A total of 2658 participants completed the NEO PI-R [Costa Jr, P. T. & MCrae, R. (1985). Revised NEO... more
Introduction to Hermeneutics ‒ Monographic reference volume, which can also be used as a university textbook; an outline and exposition of the antecedents, formation process, and content of philosophical hermeneutics, based on the... more
The present work is a design look back about contemporary times and some changes caused by technologies and the new forms of collective actions in support of ideas that permit to access, distribution of good, products and services for... more
Since Ghana discovered oil in large commercial quantities in 2007, many have questioned whether the country can avoid the resource curse. Defined as the inability of resource rich developing nations to benefit from such resource compared... more
A recent survey of professional communication practitioners (Blythe, Lauer, & Curran, 2014) shows the broad range of technologies they use to collaborate across an equally broad range of topics and communication purposes. Responses to the... more
В издании представлено Священное писание открытой религии и другая Богослужебная литература религиозной веры в наивысшую ценность человека – религии открытой души и вечного духовного движения творения Бога как человеческого идеала,... more