Open City

71 papers
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Open City refers to an urban planning and governance concept that emphasizes transparency, inclusivity, and citizen participation in decision-making processes. It advocates for accessible public spaces, collaborative urban development, and the integration of technology to enhance civic engagement and improve the quality of life for all residents.
On one level, sustainable urban development has been the focus attention of most of the planners for the past few years. It is a huge field of interest that needs not only being well studied, but also being implied to all cities all over... more
Nel sistema urbano planetario in cui viviamo, le città si configurano come punti di accumulazione, producendo spazialità in riferimento all'alterità. Con gli effetti della mondializzazione, che vedono il configurarsi di città-mondo e... more
Since the beginning of the 2000s, Medellín/Colombia has undergone a well-publicised urban transformation, both in the city centre and in the peripheral informal settlements, turning the city from one of the most dangerous hotspots of a... more
Contemporary studies that look into the formation of urban space show a strong tendency to refer to multiplicity, pluralism and diversity as opposed to a homogeneity that result from the decisions of certain individuals or a homogeneous... more
With a Latourian Actor-Network Theory approach, Urban Design on the Move follows a young design team's transformative journey of implementing the Europan 4 winning project at Heraklion's old city waterfront in Crete, Greece. During the... more
The future of strategic brownfield regeneration in England-between urban intensification and green infrastructure provision. In M. Schrenk, V.
Concepts of ‘smart’ or ‘intelligent’ cities currently enjoy great popularity. They offer frameworks for interpreting certain linkages between information and communication technology (ICT) and urban development, and put forward a... more
Good urban design is not about how places look like, but rather about the art of making places for people and creating public spaces that work for the whole community. Urban spaces suppose to be designed for pedestrians and are expected... more
Before industrial revolution, city's identity was based on their continental specifications and life patterns according those specifications. That is geography that determining economic and livelihood processes, specified social... more
The Phalène (moth) or Poetic Act is a mode of poetry as collective action formulated by the poet Godofredo Iommi at the end of the 1950s in Valparaíso, Chile. The poet organised the first Poetic Acts with a group of architects and... more
El estado de arte del color en la Escuela de Arquitectura y Diseño de Valparaíso no ha sido reconocido. Desde su fundación se analiza el fenómeno cromático en sus proyectos como un hecho experimentable de la acción de la luz sobre la... more
In this paper, I engage with Charles Baudelaire and Walter Benjamin's idea of the flâneur in order to articulate my own concept of the memory flâneur. I argue that while wandering through a city's memorial sites may have been implied in... more
The master plan has been a critical instrument for shaping the development of cities worldwide. This article delves into the impact of a well-designed master plan on shaping and transforming the structure of a city, while also exploring... more
City planners and urban designers often argue that downtown development/re-development plans can be best understood when providing two different categories of products; the regulating plan consisting of general controls and diagrams, and... more
The event at the Stadtwerkstatt in Berlin was held to discuss how to establish a paradigmatic shift in urban development towards the 'open city'. The subtitle of the event was, hence, Exploring Challenges and Opportunities of Openness and... more
Em 1939, três artistas argentinos, Godofredo Iommi, Efrain Tomas Bó e Juan Raul Young junto a três brasileiros, Gerardo Melo Mourão, Abdias do Nascimiento e Napoleão Lopes Filho, planejavam viajar a Europa. Seus interesses literários... more
The master plan has been a critical instrument for shaping the development of cities worldwide. This article delves into the impact of a well-designed master plan on shaping and transforming the structure of a city, while also exploring... more
Land ownership is crucial, especially if the projects being developed are governmentfunded development projects. The establishment of new cities is one of the statesponsored projects that have an impact on urban spatial reorganization.... more
El presente texto analiza y compara dos proyectos: Atti Fondamentali: Vita, de Superstudio, y Digestible Gulf Stream, de Philippe Rahm, con el objetivo de reflexionar acerca de ellos no solamente como proyectos utópicos que subvierten los... more
El estado de arte del color en la Escuela de Arquitectura y Diseño de Valparaíso no ha sido reconocido. Desde su fundación se analiza el fenómeno cromático en sus proyectos como un hecho experimentable de la acción de la luz sobre la... more
ES La Escuela de Arquitectura y Diseño de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso en Chile ha desarrollado a lo largo de su corta historia una serie de imaginativas iniciativas que le han merecido un importante y justificado... more
ES El estado de arte del color en la Escuela de Arquitectura y Diseño de Valparaíso no ha sido reconocido. Desde su fundación se analiza el fenómeno cromático en sus proyectos como un hecho experimentable de la acción de la luz sobre la... more
The aim of the current paper is to investigate the land uses kinds and posts in the sub-urban areas of the Athenians basin, that have during the past ten years mutating in urban areas. The paper will focus on the kind and the way new land... more
Even though Teju Cole’s debut novel, Open City, has often been analyzed within the spectrum of themes such as racialization and ethnicity, its relevance in the post-9/11 canon is worthy of attention. As such, this contribution seeks to... more
Landscape, infrastructure and architecture are considered three different spatial disciplines and scales. Over the past decades, Stan Allen (1999, 2010) focused on developing an interdisciplinary dialectic into a theoretical discourse and... more
to integral project 1.5 References 2 Public support 2.1 A tailored consultation structure 2.2 The consultation structure applied to the Kalkense Meersen Cluster 2.3 Stakeholders 2.4 Agriculture and expropriations 2.5 Procedures and... more
Cities worldwide are being confronted with perpetual economic challenges, flows of migration, and increasing vulnerability to the consequences of global changes. Within contemporary urban lines of conflict, the 'open city' has... more
With the advancement of digital and sensor technologies, architecture as well as planning domains are continuously endeavoring to reach new horizons. Various kinds of sensor networks are producing data, which can be relevant for urban... more
Amereida constituye un movimiento universitario, gestado desde un poema y una particular coyuntura histórica que, junto con una confluencia de situaciones biográficas, culturales, artísticas y teóricas, permitió, entre otras cosas, la... more
Cities worldwide are being confronted with perpetual economic challenges, flows of migration, and increasing vulnerability to the consequences of global changes. Within contemporary urban lines of conflict, the 'open city' has... more
Contemporary urbanization, as a process extended beyond the cities, requires original design practices to contribute to the critical understanding and visualization of the multiple spatial and temporal layers that shape the territories.... more
1 ABSTRACT Social and urban stratification can pose a serious threat on attracting the masses into urban spaces, hence on sustainable existence of urban fabrics. This can further develop into possible safety and security risks on their... more
En la actualidad, el proceso de crecimiento urbano ante la globalización va ligado al fenómeno de expansión urbana, como primer proceso de la tendencia expansióndensificación, la cual se distingue por sus manifestaciones en la... more
A very alive and promising participatory planning process is on the run in the neighbourhood of Tor Sapienza in Rome. In the blocks settlement called Morandi, approximately 500 hundred families live in a modernistic settlement designed... more
According to statistics published by united nation WHO, 10 percent of earth populations are consisted of people who are disabled. Irregular physical city space and lack of adaption with needs of disabled people cause huge social and... more
Este trabajo estudia el concepto de signo en el pintor Francisco Méndez y en el escultor Claudio Girola, miembros de la Escuela de Arquitectura de Valparaíso. Se ocupará de con- textualizar esta práctica, entendida como un gesto plástico... more
City planners and urban designers often argue that downtown development/re-development plans can be best understood when providing two different categories of products; the regulating plan consisting of general controls and diagrams, and... more
The world population is rising very fast, in fact, now about half live in urban centres. Census data in 2010 indicate that cities are home to 3.5 billion people, which is 50.5 percent of the world. The growth of cities is one of the most... more
Cities worldwide are being confronted with perpetual economic challenges, flows of migration, and increasing vulnerability to the consequences of global changes. Within contemporary urban lines of conflict, the 'open city' has... more
The author argues that in order to fruitfully explore the city within the cultural-studies framework one must first accurately define the city as an object of knowledge, which only highlights the problematic nature of the boundaries of... more
Cities worldwide are being confronted with perpetual economic challenges, flows of migration, and increasing vulnerability to the consequences of global changes. Within contemporary urban lines of conflict, the 'open city' has... more
The 21st century is known as the century of urbanization. Numerous debates are currently taking place to definecities and what they should aspire to be. A number of terms have appeared in this arena,such as sustainable city, eco-city and... more
Teju Cole’s Open City is often read as the quintessential Western cosmopolitan novel. But despite the protagonist’s fixation with European aestheticism, the presence of African antecedents looms almost as an unacknowledged shadow in the... more
The 21st century is the century of City and Urbanization. As urban communities spread and populations grow, the impact on the natural environment escalates. The hydrological cycle is among the environmental aspects most impacted by... more
Community is an integral part of human social fabric; without a sense of belonging societies can no longer function properly. This paper investigates a low income residential area in El Fayrouz, an area located between the city of... more