The definition of antipower introduced by Fici et al. (ICALP 2016) captures the notion of being the opposite of a power : a sequence of k pairwise distinct blocks of the same length. Recently, Alamro et al. (CPM 2019) defined a string to... more
The definition of antipower introduced by Fici et al. (ICALP 2016) captures the notion of being the opposite of a power : a sequence of k pairwise distinct blocks of the same length. Recently, Alamro et al. (CPM 2019) defined a string to... more
The definition of antipower introduced by Fici et al. (ICALP 2016) captures the notion of being the opposite of a power: a sequence of k pairwise distinct blocks of the same length. Recently, Alamro et al. (CPM 2019) defined a string to... more
Primal-dual is an elegant and powerful method in optimization and in the design of algorithms. The main idea of the method is to construct feasible primal and dual solutions interactively and an algorithm, together with the analysis, are... more
We consider the semi-online multiprocessor scheduling problem with m identical, parallel machines to minimize the makespan, where the jobs arrive in decreasing order of processing times. The famous Longest Processing Time (LPT) algorithm... more
We consider the problem of scheduling packets of different lengths via a directed communication link prone to jamming errors. Dynamic packet arrivals and errors are modelled by an adversary. We focus on estimating relative throughput of... more
Although there are efficient algorithms for many problems in graph theory, there remain intractable problems that require time exponential in the number of vertices. Fortunately, many of these algorithms can be implemented in parallel to... more
In this paper, we study online maximization and minimization knapsack problems with limited cuts, in which (1) items are given one by one over time, i.e., after a decision is made on the current item, the next one is given, (2) items are... more
We consider the natural extension of the well-known single disk caching problem to the parallel disk I/O model (PDM) [17]. The main challenge is to achieve as much parallelism as possible and avoid I/O bottlenecks. We are given a fast... more
We study online interval coloring problems with bandwidth. We are interested in some variants motivated by bin packing problems. Specifically we consider open-end coloring, cardinality constrained coloring, coloring with vector... more
It is well known that the Earliest-Deadline-First (EDF) and the Least-Laxity-First (LLF) algorithms are optimal algorithms for the problem of preemptively scheduling jobs that arrive over time on a single machine to minimize maximum... more
We study the following on-line model for set-covering: elements of a ground set of size n arrive one-by-one and with any such element ci, arrives also the name of some set Si0 containing ci and covering the most of the uncovered ground... more
We survey results on self-organizing data structures for the search problem and concentrate on two very popular structures: the unsorted linear list, and the binary search tree. For the problem of maintaining unsorted lists, also known as... more
We consider the problem of online robot navigation in an unfamiliar two-dimensional environment, using comparatively limited sensing information. In particular, the robot has local sensors to detect the proximity of obstacles and permit... more
Query optimization that involves expensive predicates have received considerable attention in the database community. Typically, the output to a database query is a set of tuples that satisfy certain conditions, and, with expensive... more
Query optimization that involves expensive predicates has received considerable attention in the database community. Typically, the output to a database query is a set of tuples that satisfy certain conditions, and, with expensive... more
We introduce an online version of the multiselection problem, in which q selection queries are requested on an unsorted array of n elements. We provide the first online algorithm that is 1competitive with Kaligosi et al.[ICALP 2005] in... more
It is shown that the problem of maintaining the topological order of the nodes of a directed acyclic graph while inserting m edges can be solved in O (min{ m 3/2 log n , m 3/2 + n 2 log n }) time, an improvement over the best known result... more
In this paper, we construct all 3-connected binary matroids with circumference equal to 6 or 7 having large rank.
This paper addresses the problem of traffic grooming in wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) rings where connection requests arrive online. Each request specifies a pair of nodes that wish to communicate and also the desired bandwidth... more
Splay and randomized search trees (RSTs) are self‐balancing binary tree structures with little or no space overhead compared to a standard binary search tree (BST). Both trees are intended for use in applications where node accesses are... more
Dans cet article, nous considérons l'allocation dynamique (online) d'un très grand nombre de tâches identiques et indépendantes sur une plate-forme maîtres-esclaves. Initialement, plusieurs noeuds maîtres possèdent ou génèrent les tâches... more
In this paper, we consider the problem of the online allocation of a very large number of identical tasks on a master-slave platform. Initially, several masters hold or generate tasks that are transfered and processed by slave nodes. The... more
We consider an online version of the conflict-free coloring of a set of points on the line, where each newly inserted point must be assigned a color upon insertion, and at all times the coloring has to be conflict-free, in the sense that... more
Parallelism plays a significant role in high-performance computing systems, from large clusters of computers to chip-multithreading (CMT) processors. Performance of the parallel systems comes not only from concurrently running more... more
The emergence of systems with non-volatile main memory (NVRAM) increases the need for persistent concurrent objects. Of specific interest are recoverable implementations that, in addition to being robust to crash-failures, are also... more
We present the concept of on-line processing as an effective approach to overcome the data distribution overhead in parallel real-time implementation of low level vision. On-line processing refers to pipelining each input item with the... more
In recent years, there has been a lot of interest in Quality of Service (QoS) networks. In regular IP networks, packets are indistinguishable and in case of overload any packet may be dropped. In a commercial environment, it is much more... more
We consider the on-line load balancing problem where there are m identical machines (servers). Jobs arrive at arbitrary times, where each job has a weight and a duration. A job has to be assigned upon its arrival to exactly one of the... more
We consider the problem of scheduling on parallel uniformly related machines, where preemptions are allowed and the machines are controlled by selfish agents. Our goal is to minimize the makespan, whereas the goal of the agents is to... more
A generalized paging problem is considered. Each request is expressed as a set of u pages. In order to satisfy the request, at least one of these pages must be in the cache. Therefore, on a page fault, the algorithm must load into the... more
The problem of scheduling jobs that arrive over time on a single machine is well-studied. We study the preemptive model and the model with restarts. We p rovide lower bounds for deterministic and randomized algorithms for several... more
We prove an exact lower bound of 2 1 m on the competitive ratio of any deterministic algorithm for load balancing of temporary tasks on m identical machines. We also show a lower bound of 2 1 m for randomized algorithms for small m and 2... more
We study a new kind of online bin packing with conflicts, motivated by a problem arising when scheduling jobs on the Grid. In this bin packing problem, the set of items is given at the beginning, together with a set of conflicts on pairs... more
Given a set of m identical bins of size 1, the online input consists of a (potentially, infinite) stream of items in (0, 1]. Each item is to be assigned to a bin upon arrival. The goal is to cover all bins, that is, to reach a situation... more
Batching has been studied extensively in the offline case, but applications such as manufacturing or TCP acknowledgment often require online solutions. We consider online batching problems, where the order of jobs to be batched is fixed... more
In the variable-sized online bin packing problem, one has to assign items to bins one by one. The bins are drawn from some fixed set of sizes, and the goal is to minimize the sum of the sizes of the bins used. We present new algorithms... more
The relative worst-order ratio is a measure of the quality of online algorithms. In contrast to the competitive ratio, this measure compares two online algorithms directly instead of using an intermediate comparison with an optimal... more
The following scheduling problem is studied: We are given a set of tasks with release times, deadlines, and profit rates. The objective is to determine a 1-processor preemptive schedule of the given tasks that maximizes the overall... more
We consider load balancing of temporary tasks on m machines in the restricted assignment model. It is known that the best competitive ratio for this problem is ). This bound is not achieved by the greedy algorithm whose competitive ratio... more
We consider the Unrestricted Bin Packing problem where we have bins of equal size and a sequence of items. The goal is to maximize the number of items that are packed in the bins by an on-line algorithm. We investigate the power of... more
We introduce a data stream model of computation for Graph Drawing, where a source produces a graph one edge at a time. When an edge is produced, it is immediately drawn and its drawing can not be altered. The drawing has an image... more
We consider an online version of the conflict-free coloring of a set of points on the line, where each newly inserted point must be assigned a color upon insertion, and at all times the coloring has to be conflict-free, in the sense that... more
We consider online scheduling algorithms in the dynamic speed scaling model, where a processor can scale its speed between 0 and some maximum speed T. The processor uses energy at rate s α when run at speed s, where α > 1 is a constant.... more
Optimum o-line algorithms for the list update problem are investigated. The list update problem involves implementing a dictionary of items as a linear list. Several characterizations of optimum algorithms are given; these lead to optimum... more
We survey results on self-organizing data structures for the search problem and concentrate on two very popular structures: the unsorted linear list, and the binary search tree. For the problem of maintaining unsorted lists, also known as... more