Recent papers in On
In this work, a post IP structure is proposed, which eliminates the use of network and transport layers in networks with layer 2 connectivity. The goal is to optimize the network structure for distributed systems at the next generation... more
We examined whether endorsing hyper-masculine attitudes positively related to the psychological well-being of adolescent boys (N 5 233) in an extreme son preference community, in Tamilnadu, India. A survey with masculinity and measures of... more
3D optical scanning systems are used more and more for quality control purposes. The effective utilization of such systems needs an efficient virtual planning of the product acquisition viewpoints. Literature shows how 3D CAD product... more
The i-protocol, an optimized sliding-window protocol for GNU uucp, first came to our attention in 1995 when we used the Concurrency Factory's local model checker to detect, locate, and correct a non-trivial livelock in version 1.04 of the... more
Extensive sibling conflict is predictive of multiple poor adjustment outcomes during adolescence and early adulthood, but the frequency and developmental impact of such conflict may be conditional on ineffective parenting. Thus, sibling... more
This study examined the ways in which cultural orientation (communalism and material well-being) and empathy influence the moral reasoning of African American middle to late adolescents. Specifically, this study utilized path analysis to... more
designed a portable museum to bring on the road educational activities focused on the understanding of geomagnetism, plate tectonics, seismology and seismic hazard. Here the main experiments, models and exhibits which have been... more
This study examined the mediating processes linking assertiveness and decision making to early adolescent substance initiation, along with the moderating effect of gender on those processes. Models specifying negative expectancies and... more
self-help home for mentally ill people, Minsk Mazowiecki Background: Posttraumatic Diagnostic Scale (PDS) is a self-descriptive measure developed to provide information regarding posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) diagnosis and symptom... more
This paper discusses on a comparative study towards solution for solving Travelling Salesman Problem based on three techniques proposed namely exhaustive, heuristic and genetic algorithm. Each solution is to cater on finding an optimal... more
is article describes a study in which eighth grade students in one school learned to create multimedia mini-documentaries in a six-week history unit on early 19 th -century U.S. history. e authors examined content knowledge tests, group... more
The optimization of space management contributes to efficiency and success to the most organisations. Research for space management plays important role to ensure the related organisation will achieve the target of its business goal. This... more
We describe the design of an experimental location-based pervasive game entitled "Savannah". Players use GPStracked handheld computers to experience a virtual savannah that appears to be overlaid on a football pitch sized grassy field.... more
- by Keri Facer
- On
This paper gives an overview of the Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) analysis research performed by the
This paper is an attempt to provide a medium for contributing to OCB knowledge base. Though essentially literature based, however, it tries to clarify ambiguity and confusion surrounding the conceptual underpinnings and thus understanding... more
The optimization of space management contributes to efficiency and success to the most organisations. Research for space management plays important role to ensure the related organisation will achieve the target of its business goal. This... more
The increasing usage of robots in manufacturing operations is due to its flexibility and its ability to be reprogrammed easily when the old task changes. The main obstacle in the robotics applications is to minimize the positional errors... more
This paper reviews the literature on computer uses in second language and foreign language learning from 1990 to 2000 inclusive. Given the strong interest in technology use for language learning, it is important to look at how technology... more
Chapter 4 from a Bible commentary on the Book of Daniel written from an evangelical (non-critical) perspective. To download a pdf version (where the fonts come out best), either sign up to academia.com or email me.
Chapter 0 (i.e., the introduction) from a commentary on the Book of Daniel written from an evangelical (non-critical) perspective. To download a pdf version (where the fonts come out best), either sign up to academia.com or email me.
Chapter 5 from a Bible commentary on the Book of Daniel written from an evangelical (non-critical) perspective. To download a pdf version (where the fonts come out best), either sign up to academia.com or email me.
Self-reported attachment styles with mother, father, best friend, and romantic partner were assessed longitudinally across adolescence. Three cohorts (ages 13, 16, and 19 years; N 5 373) from a community sample were followed across 2... more
Traditionally, customer relationship management (CRM) software has been used for managing customers with aimed for established the customer database. Most of hypermarket business has been applied CRM software as a platform for analyzing... more
System aspects of an anti-intruder multistatic radar based on impulse radio ultrawideband (UWB) technology are addressed. The investigated system is composed of one transmitting node and at least three receiving nodes, positioned in the... more
Boost topology is analyzed and its performance is compared against those of the regular single-switch Buck-Boost topology. Results from computer simulations demonstrate the benefits of using the 4-switch approach than the conventional... more
In this paper, we describe the challenge of adequately characterizing and measuring experiences associated with playing digital games. We discuss the applicability of traditional usability metrics to user-centred game design, and... more
The paper presents requirements, architecture and implementation of a hardware platform consisting of different modules, the current progress of research with development of sensor nodes for this ASE-BAN and the corresponding software.... more
We investigate parenting characteristics and adolescent peer support as potential moderators of the effects of childhood exposure to intimate partner violence (IPV) on adolescent outcomes. Lehigh Longitudinal Study (N=416) data include... more
The main purpose of this research is to analyze the role of consumer identification with the company and consumer involvement with the social cause in consumer behavioural responses to Cause-related Marketing. A theoretical model was... more
Complaint handling becomes as an important part for minimizing user dissatisfaction among the customers in an organisation, both in private or public sector. In higher learning institution, students, academic staff, and non-academic... more
Procurement is one of the major aspects for an enterprise to improve its supply chain management and hence enterprise performance. The advent of Internet has introduced e-commerce and drastically changing the way procurement is done to... more
The Internet of Things (IoT) has recently received considerable interest from both academia and industry that are working on technologies to develop the future Internet. It is a joint and complex discipline that requires synergetic... more