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      GermanistikGermanistische Mediävistik
Wolfgang Pauli: "Die wichtigste und zugleich schwierigste Aufgabe unserer Zeit scheint mir die Arbeit an der Konstruktion einer neuen Wirklichkeitsvorstellung zu sein." Offenbar funktioniert "unsere Wirklichkeit" nicht besonders gut.... more
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      Karl MannheimFriedrich NietzscheImmanuel KantPhilosophie
Фрейя и Фригг являются, пожалуй, наиболее часто уопоминаемыми богинями германо-скандинавского пантеона. Цель статьи - раскрыть их сложные взаимоотношения в исторической перспективе. Автор предпринимает попытку проанализировать все... more
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      ReligionMythology And FolkloreMythologyHistory of Religion
Статья раскрывает роль коней в религиозных практиках и пердставлениях германских народов. Особое внимание в этом вопросе автор предлагает уделить археологическим источникам, а именно - массовым конным захоронениям в могильниках франкской... more
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      ArchaeologyHistory of ReligionFunerary ArchaeologyHistory of Religions
В статье поднимается ряд вопросов методологического характера,в частности обсуждаются основания разграничения источника и предмета в религиоведческих исследованиях. Автор предлагает варианты решения данного вопроса на материале... more
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      ReligionHistory of ReligionPrehistoric religion and r ritual aReligious Studies (Theory And Methodology)
T. F. Tout has been overshadowed by his contemporary F. W. Maitland to no small degree because of continuing reverence for Maitland's 'literary genius', 1 against which Tout's self-confessed 'patient and plodding working out of apparently... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryMiddle English literature and culture
The world map of the Nordic myths Jotunheim, Jotunhem or Giant Home is in Norse mythology the world of giants and other evil powers, located beyond Asgard and Middle-earth. An interpretation of the world of giants: Between Asgard and... more
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    • Nordic Studies
INDICE IV L'horridus dIetro casa ria Berg, Bringing the Wilderness into the Domus. Loca horrida in Roman Domestic Decor simone foresta, L'orrida assenza e il felice ritorno del princeps. La natura nell'elaborazione augustea tra ansie e... more
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      Latin LiteratureCeltic StudiesPerceptions of the PastLucan
Министерство культуры Нижегородской области Институт международных отношений и мировой истории ННГУ им. Н.И. Лобачевского Нижегородская государственная областная универсальная научная библиотека им. В.И. Ленина НАСЛЕДИЕ В.Г. КОРОЛЕНКО... more
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Vaner betyder kärleksgudar och asar betyder ljusgudar: Man har tolkat van som glänsande eller mörk men med tanke på existensen av kärleksgudinnan Freja och kärleksguden Frej i centrum av dem, verkar van betyda kärlek och vänskap.
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    • Old Nordic/Germanic Religions
I've been charged by the Gods to try and bring people upon the heathen path. For the Gods wished to be worshipped. In order to be the leader I am suppose to become, I've has to dive into the lore and knowledge of Asatru. This journey will... more
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Sommaren 2022 gjorde Arkeologisk museum, UiS, arkeologiske og geofysiske undersøkingar på garden Gunnarshaug i Torvastad, nord for Avaldsnes. Resultata av nye undersøkingar i skipsgrava Storhaug, og påvisinga av ei ny skipsgrav i... more
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      Burial mounds (Archaeology)Viking Age ScandinaviaHistory of Archaeological Research
This is the case in Indic and Iranian too, and, though they bear different names, the functions and characteristics of Avestan Ātar and Indic Agni are very similar, as stated by West 3 : "In its scope it is entirely comparable to Vedic... more
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      Ancient Indo-European LanguagesIndo-European StudiesPoeticsAvestan (Languages And Linguistics)
What did the body mean for inhabitants of the medieval Norse-speaking world? How was the physical body viewed? Where did the boundary lie between corporality and the psychological or spiritual aspects of humanity? And how did such an... more
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      Old Norse LiteratureThe BodyEmotionsOld Norse literature and culture
As a controversial female character of the end of the fourth century AD, Empress Justina suffers a hostile literary tradition, as the sharp quill of Christian authors always deliver her a denigrating portrait. One might wonder how the... more
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      Late AntiquityAncient roman empressesAmbrose of MilanJezebel
Was muss ich tun, um das Leben im kommenden Zeitalter zu erben?
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      German StudiesOrthodox TheologyJewish HistoryHolocaust Studies
Zur idg. Wurzel *tep-'warm sein' (IEW1069ff.) gehören die folgenden keltischen Belege: 1) air. tee 2 , te 'heiß' < *tepents, PL teit < *tepentes (= ai. Part, täpant-, lat. tepens). Vgl. die air. Abstraktbildung te(i)te < *tep(e)ntiiä... more
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    • Language Culture and Communication
Wandeln Sie in den Fußstapfen prähistorischer und antiker Menschen Wie Ramachandran, der Neurowissenschaftler, betont, besteht ein primärer Prozess des menschlichen Geistes darin, Modelle der Welt zu schaffen und Kunstwerke in der Welt zu... more
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      SociologyPsychologyCognitive PsychologyMythology
However, it is extremely rare for a previously completely unknown work to come to light. However, this happened with the discovery of the song about the wedding of Hürnen Seyfried together with a previously unknown print of the song of... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryNordic StudiesMedieval Studies
Jeder Mensch ist ein Geschöpf der Zeit, in der er lebt, und nur wenige sind in der Lage, sich über die Vorstellungen der Zeit zu erheben. - Voltaire Mannheim und historische Synergien: Mannheims Argument war ziemlich gesunder... more
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      SociologyCognitive ScienceAnthropologyIndigenous Studies
Maybe the time has now come to embrace a darker, mysterious side of the North European mythos, distorted, multi-faceted and enthralling: The Wild Hunt.
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      Mythology And FolkloreAnglo-Saxon StudiesViking Age
Ethnicity and identity have formed a major focus in late antique and early medieval archaeology and history. Wide-ranging debates between the so-called Vienna and Toronto Schools have had massive impacts beyond early medieval history, as... more
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      Anglo-Saxon StudiesGermanic linguisticsEarly Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval Art
Alessandro Casale bemerkt: „Indigene Gesellschaften in Nord- und Südamerika haben Traumtheorien und -interpretationen, die eine philosophische Ordnung über die Natur des Universums offenbaren.“ Das steht im Einklang mit der Forschung zur... more
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      Sociology of ReligionGerman StudiesIndigenous StudiesGerman Idealism
Ebook, tutti i volumi (dal 1974) sono disponibili tramite Torrossa (libri completi e singoli capitoli), disponibile anche con accesso su range IP:
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      Medieval ArchaeologyProcesses of Conversion (Christianization)Late Antique GaulOld Nordic/Germanic Religions
Even if it is often assumed that the Nibelungen saga, the most famous saga of the Germanic mythology, goes back to the time of the Migration Period, the plot points back to a much further time, namely the Chalcolithic Age. Here you have... more
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      Medieval StudiesGermanic linguisticsCyprus StudiesMedieval Scandinavia
Keď v predvečer peloponézskej vojny vyslovil aténsky vodca Perikles varovanie, že sa väčšmi obáva aténskych vlastných omylov ako zámerov nepriateľa, nemohol tušiť, akými jasnozrivými sa tieto jeho slová stanú. Dokonale to demonštruje aj... more
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      Ancient Greek HistoryAncient Weapons and WarfarePeloponnesian War
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      Old Germanic LanguagesElder Futhark RunesGold bracteatesOld Nordic/Germanic Religions
IN THIS FOURTH AND PENULTIMATE ARTICLE in this sub-series focused on Archangel Michael’s and Archangel Vidar’s roles in bridging the Fifth and Sixth cultural Epochs we will expand our overview to include the Second cultural period, which... more
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      AnthroposophyRudolf SteinerAngelologyAngels
The Roman emperor as the ultimate source of gold was remembered in the alliterative poetry of Germanic peoples. The practice of honouring barbarian kings with heavy medals showing the picture of the emperor is reflected by cheisuring in... more
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      Germanic PhilologyElder Futhark RunesGold bracteatesOld Nordic/Germanic Religions
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      Roman ArtEarly Christian Art and Iconography
On October 10, 1352, a battle took place near the Thracian city of Didymoteichon, which marked the first important victory of the Ottoman Turks in Europe. The results of this military encounter contributed to definitive Ottoman settlement... more
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      Byzantine StudiesByzantine HistoryLate Byzantine and Early Ottoman Era
This article is the first in a three-part series that explores the borrowing of Proto-Germanic *þur(i)saz into Middle Proto-Finnic as *tur(i)sas, which designated a water monster and in Karelian epic parallels Þórr's fishing for the World... more
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      PhilologyMythology And FolkloreMythologyLanguages and Linguistics
During Bronze Age, the shallow Tollense River (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Germany) flowed through a flat landscape dominated by Carex reeds and open water surfaces overgrown with aquatic plants . Nevertheless, this apparently calm... more
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      Population GeneticsBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)ArchaeogeneticsBronze Age Archaeology
Alles beginnt, wenn das Jahr endet, aber nicht alles endet, wenn das Jahr beginnt. Wie die Schlange, die sich in den Schwanz beißt, konfrontieren und töten menschliche Gesellschaften weiterhin einander. Wir Menschen bewegen uns in einem... more
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    • Friedens Und Konfliktforschung
An innovative interpretative hypothesis is proposed for the mysterious inscription recurring in churches across north-west Tuscany, which not only decrypts its literal meaning, but also provides an organic contextualisation. Thus, new... more
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      Cultural HistoryHistorical LinguisticsMedieval HistoryWriting Systems & Decipherment
In 2020, a treasure hunter unearthed a magnificent gold treasure in a village called Vindelev in Denmark, dating from the mid-5th century. Right from the middle of the Migration Period between the 4th and 6th century, when various groups... more
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      German StudiesMythologyNordic StudiesNordic History
new update
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      MythologySlavic LanguagesAlbanian StudiesGermanic linguistics
Bucheingänge, Fiktion und Wahrheit gedruckter niederländischer Historien im europäischen Kontext "With poetry" Book beginnings, fiction and truth in printed Dutch 'histories' in a European context kurzfassung: In der Zeit des... more
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      PoetryLiterary studies
Die altnordische Runeninschrift von Eggja betrifft das indogermanische Thema 'die Sonne nicht sehen' = 'tot sein'.
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      Indo-EuropeanOld Nordic/Germanic Religions
This article documents the increasing use of the English curse word fuck worldwide, as well as its degree of adaption into the host language, its syntactic function, and its meaning and its strength as taboo. Comparing the use of fuck... more
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      SociologyCognitive ScienceLinguisticsIntercultural Pragmatics
Geschichte der Katholischen Kirche Sossenheim in 3 Teilen vom Beginn der Christianisierung Bonifatiusweg mit Etappe Sossenheim (Bonifatius-kreuz Denkmalgruppe 1513 bei den Sossenheimer Kreuzen) Erster-wähnung 1213 Gerichtsstätte und... more
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      Missionary HistoryPastoral Care and CounsellingMittelalterliche GeschichteEinstürzende Neubauten
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De menselijke spraak baseert op vijf onafhankelijke, actieve bronnen, die men articulatiepunt (ook wel plaats van articulatie) noemt. Deze articuatiepunten moeten al vroeg in de prehistorische tijd de mens bekend zijn geweest, die zich... more
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      Germanic linguisticsOld Germanic LanguagesAncient Greek HistoryGermanic Mythology
First attempt at an edition of the Old High German Merseburger Zaubersprüche.
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval StudiesGermanic linguisticsCodicology
In his 1989 book on Alsatian folk pottery, Georges Klein published a Julleuchter found in Obernai ; he wrongly thought that it was made in Alsace in the 19th century. Fifteen years later, another study on Alsatian pottery by Bernard... more
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      Neo-Paganism and Western EsotericismEsotericismNazismHeinrich Himmler
Stockholm Studies in Comparative Religion (SSCR) (ISSN 2002-4606) is a peer-reviewed series initiated by Åke Hultkrantz in 1961. While its earlier emphasis lay in ethnographic-comparative approaches to religion, the series now covers a... more
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      MythologyLived ReligionMythsSnorra Edda
Kapittel 11 Laeraren i skulefolkets stordomstid: Om ein einskild laerar sitt forhold til presten og til skuledemokratiet ������������������265 Kristin Hatlebrekke Kapittel 12 Levd hverdagsreligion... more
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Den tyske orientalisten og eksegeten Johann David Michaelis (1717-1791) spelte ei viktig rolle i arbeidet med å avskaffe bruken av gamaltestamentlege tekstar som rettskjelde i skandinavisk rettspraksis. Den katolske kyrkja hadde før... more
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    • Self Organizing Map
В статье рассматривается вопрос о том, какое влияние на интеллектуальную и культурную атмосферу Нижнего Новгорода оказал В.И. Даль, выбравший это место в 1849 году для продолжения службы в качестве управляющего Удельной конторой. Очерчен... more
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      русская литератураВладимир Иванович ДальНижний Новгород
В литературе по музееведению сложились определенные стереотипы относительно процессов музейного строительства и реформирования Государственного Эрмитажа, происходившего в 1920–1930-е гг. Благодаря масштабной работе по цифровой... more
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      Museum StudiesMuseumsState Hermitage