Old Javanese
Recent papers in Old Javanese
This article, divided into two parts, traces and discusses two pairs of analogies invoked in Sanskrit(ic) literature to articulate the paradox of God's oneness and multiplicity vis-à-vis the souls and the manifest world, reflecting the... more
Kyai Omyang Jimbe minangka arane sawijining keris kang ampuh lan akeh digoleki de-ning para kolektor/pandhemen barang antik, utawa barang kang ana tuah/kasiyate. Saliyane dipercaya duwe kagunan kang minulya kanggo nglancarake rejeki,... more
Захаров А.О, Надпись из Чанггала 732 г. и некоторые вопросы древнеяванской истории // Восток. Афро-азиатские общества: история и современность. 2010. № 2. С. 34–45 = Zakharov, Anton O., "Nadpis iz Changgala 732 g. i nekotorye voprosy... more
The book presents an edition, English translation and study of the Dharma Pātañjala, a previously unpublished Old Javanese-Sanskrit Śaiva scripture transmitted through a single palm-leaf codex of West Javanese origin dating back to the... more
Zakharov, Anton O. Political History and Political organisation of Southeast Indochina and the Malay-Indonesian Archipelago in the First Millennium AD: Habilitation Thesis, Moscow: Institute of Oriental Studies, 2013, 565 pp., ill. (in... more
Sejarah mencatat kalau tanah Nusantara pernah menjadi salah satu mercusuar Tantra dunia. Dari jaman ke jaman paradigma spiritual tersebut lah yang menjadi pegangan para raja, pandita dan penekun spiritual Nusantara. Kemudian, jauh setelah... more
The chapter builds on the work of previous scholars on the Esoteric Buddhist mantra in Sanskrit inscribed on a circa 8th-century gold foil recovered from the Ratu Boko prominence in Central Java, and identifies two hitherto unnoticed... more
Collected articles by Andrea Acri on Javanese Śaivism and Balinese Hinduism from 2006 to 2019, translated into Bahasa Indonesia.
This article, divided into two parts, traces and discusses two pairs of analogies invoked in Sanskrit(ic) literature to articulate the paradox of God's oneness and multiplicity vis-à-vis the souls and the manifest world, reflecting the... more
A widespread scholarly opinion has sanctioned the view that ‘Hinduism’ in Java and Bali was fundamentally syncretic in character, forming a blend of Śaiva and Bauddha elements. What has been generally termed the ‘religion of Śiva-Buddha’... more
On the basis of evidence gathered from Old Javanese textual sources and Central Javanese temple reliefs, I proposed to identify some figures of itinerant ascetics-cum-performers—the vidus—as localised Javanese counterparts of Indic... more
The paper focuses on an aspect of the ancient history of Java, Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula, namely the role of the Śailendra dynasty. It analyses the main sources mentioning this clan, i.e. Central Javanese and Indian inscriptions,... more
This essay focuses on the concept of saṃvega in Buddhist, Jainism, and the theistic traditions of Pātañjala Yoga and early Śaiva Siddhānta. Given the similarity of themes shared by the textual sources of those traditions, I argue in... more
"The Javanese Way of Law" seeks to show that traditional legal practice on Java at the beginning of the colonial period relied not on juridical texts or codes but on Javanese maxims called sloka or saloka (Sanskrit śloka, ‘stanza,... more
Mradapa awit saking keparengipun sedherek Taufan Permana (Ipang), kula ingkang kapitedhan sinaraya hambuka wiwaraning suka pinangka jejering panganggit, keparenga hangaturaken urut- urutanipun sarasilah Trah Djiwan, minangka wujud darma... more
This article takes as a point of departure the first Sanskrit verse of the Sanskrit-Old Javanese Śaiva scripture Bhuvanakośa, which has come down to us in Balinese palm-leaf manuscripts. It argues that this verse forms an introductory... more
"Epigraphy, Political History and Collective Action in Ancient Java", in Mai Lin Tjoa-Bonatz, Andreas Reinecke, and Dominik Bonatz (eds.) Connecting Empires and States: Selected Papers from the 13th International Conference of the... more
This article aims at providing a fresh perspective on the modern, reformed version of ‘Balinese Hinduism’ that came to the fore on the island since the early 20th century. It describes certain important elements of doctrinal continuity... more
In this article we argue, contrarily to the dominant scholarly opinion, that Balinese ritual practice is informed by Old Javanese texts, and ultimately rests on the metaphysical and ontological categories of Tantric Śaiva traditions. As a... more
The Kakawin Ramayana, arguably the oldest Old Javanese epic text in Indic metres (circa 9th century AD), holds a unique position in the literary heritage of Indonesia. The poem has retained a remarkable vitality through the centuries in... more
The Nalanda-Sriwijaya Centre Working Paper Series has been established to provide an avenue for swift publication and wide dissemination of research conducted or presented within the Centre, and of studies engaging fields of enquiry of... more
The region of insular Southeast Asia, which for the scope of the present chapter largely coincides with the archipelagic state of the Republic of Indonesia, has been the theatre of the complex and long-lasting phenomenon of linguistic,... more
Bṛhaspati is one of the earliest historical figures of the Śaiva Siddhānta. Although his works have not survived to us, fragments of textual evidence are found as quotations scattered over the Śaiva commentarial literature. These... more
di- is a frequent passive marker in various West Indonesian languages. There are strong indications that Malay di- originated through cliticisation of the preposition di. However, modern Javanese di- ultimately developed from an earlier... more
The fascinating yet still underexplored world of manuscripts hailing from Southeast Asia, including the nation-state of Indonesia, has received some impetus in recent years, thanks to the new appreciation for this written heritage by... more
The paper calls the attention of Javanists, and Indonesianists at large, to theoretical as well as practical issues connected with conventions for the Romanisation of Old Javanese, Old Malay, Old Sundanese and other Indonesian languages... more
Her studies focus on ancient and traditional Javanese art and culture, based on recurrent visits in situ. She has published various articles on her specific research subject-the ancient East Javanese temple reliefs, and is a co-author of... more
This article highlights a parallel between a verse-quarter of the Sanskrit colophon of the Tanjung Tanah codex, the oldest Malay manuscript known so far, and the opening verse of the Bhuvanakośa, a Sanskrit-Old Javanese text from Bali. On... more
This is an introduction to my master thesis, a critical edition of 15th Old-Javanese prose, Bhīma Svarga.
Zakharov, Anton O. Political History and Political Organisation of Indonesia in Early Middle Ages (the 5th – early 10th centuries), Moscow: Institute of Oriental Studies, Institute of the Eastern Countries, 2012. 201 pp.... more
This article describes a manuscript entitled Samadhining Anglayarakěn Anak Mitra (SAAM) that became a part of a compendium manuscript of National Library of Indonesia’s collection with call number L 109 peti 9. This Buda’s manuscript has... more