Oil and Gas Law
Recent papers in Oil and Gas Law
This paper will discuss the political and legal aspects of the maritime disputes in the Eastern Mediterranean and the factors relevant to their conciliation. The first part of the paper introduces the Mediterranean Sea and the relevance... more
(with Madeleine J. Lewis) Conditions precedent to Farmout Agreements (FOA) are critical in ensuring that an agreement is fulfilled under conditions that are protective of the parties' interests in the agreement. Conditions precedent... more
Compressed gas sampling for microorganisms is an important part of contamination control assessment. This paper addresses topics related to microbial assessment of compressed gases. These include gas purity including moisture... more
Greentown Oil Field Unit
Proposed Unit and Approval of the United States Government
Bureau of Land Management
Proposed Unit and Approval of the United States Government
Bureau of Land Management
Oil and gas project are currently characterised by increasing complexity. The process of contracting a project appropriately in early project stage is very crucial to securing its success this can be attributed to the difficulty... more
Tanzania and the East African region at large is endowed with significant hydrocarbon
(with Cătălin-Gabriel Stănescu, Wan Mohd Zulhafiz,
Felipe Rodrigues Caldas Feres, Waniss Almashri Otman)
Felipe Rodrigues Caldas Feres, Waniss Almashri Otman)
Industrial control systems are nowadays exposed in environments with rapid and unstable parameter changes and uses measuring equipments with critical output sensitivity. In the case of thermal gas analyzer, measurement errors are... more
ABSRACT Title: The Legal Status of Kenyan women and ways of improvement This paper in a detailed comparative analysis of the domestic laws and International treaties ratified by Kenya, looks into the legal position of a Kenyan woman at... more
Project finance is a pervasive method of financing in developing countries. It has a significant advantage over traditional financing approaches. In the era of the globalization of business and investment, where the demand for energy has... more
This paper seeks to review the proposed bill seeking to amend the Nigerian Oil Spill Detection and Response Agency Act with a view to identifying loopholes, inadequacies and proposing suggestions.
Analisar o processo normativo nas agências reguladoras é uma tarefa que não pode se restringir apenas a esse aspecto, mas que deve ser precedida do entendimento de suas origens, remontadas historicamente em outros países, tanto quanto no... more
The author aims to present the broadest possible context of the Baltic Pipe project, including legal, and to some extent, economic considerations, which ought to be scrutinized along with the broader geopolitical considerations... more
The trend of pollutant industries as a new and voluntary regulatory tool has increased due to ineffectiveness governmental regulations and their weaknesses in improving the environment. The oil and gas industry is no exception. the aim of... more
Analytical framework and methodology Disclaimer: This material has been funded by UK aid from the UK government; however the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the UK government's official policies. Please note that the... more
Republic Act (RA) 8479 was passed into law in 1998. It paved the way for the deregulation of the downstream oil industry. RA 8479 has two objectives: to ensure a truly competitive market under a regime of fair prices, and to ensure... more
This article discusses the shifting roles of the Norwegian state as landlord and entrepreneur in developing and maintaining its national oil and gas industry. Drawing from endogenous-growth and small-state theories, the article discusses... more
La verità è ordinare correttamente i nomi nelle nostre affermazioni. Chi cerca la verità deve ricordare a cosa si riferisce ogni nome di cui si serve e collocarlo coerentemente. Thomas Hobbes SOMMARIO: 1. "Parole" e "cose" nel diritto... more
Crude Oil Transportation By Sea
A work in progress...
با کاهش انرژی طبیعی همراه نفت و افت فشار جریانی چاه و به دنبال آن کاهش دبی تولیدی، سیستم های فرازآوری
مصنوعی جهت افزایش انرژی و انتقال سیال تولیدی به سطح، به عنوان یکی از مهمترین گزینه های تولید مورد توجه و
استفاده قرار می گیرند. چ
مصنوعی جهت افزایش انرژی و انتقال سیال تولیدی به سطح، به عنوان یکی از مهمترین گزینه های تولید مورد توجه و
استفاده قرار می گیرند. چ
O conteúdo local aplicado ao setor de petróleo e gás consiste em uma garantia de participação da indústria brasileira na fase de desenvolvimento e exploração por meio do suprimento da demanda de bens e serviços. Tal política, aplicada... more
(with Fernanda Delgado and Pedro Neves)
Indonesia is blessed with numerous variants of energy resources; both renewable and nonrenewable sources. From the plethora of alternatives, natural gas is among those energy resources which are gaining popularity, as evidenced by the... more
This paper focuses on the contractual mechanisms that will help to achieve a fair allocation of risk between operators and contractors in the oil and gas projects. Companies that are actively dealing with a wide range of activities which... more
Ensayo elaborado en Enero del 2013.
Dispute Resolution in Oil and Gas Contracting via ADR expert determination method. Under what circumstances, in the context of English law, does a court set aside ED binding findings
'There is no doubt that the modern concession contract (MCC) and licensing regimes require a competitive bidding system to be used for awarding companies the exploration and production rights, whereas the risk service contract (RSC)... more
Different oil producing countries adopt different types of oil and gas agreements to regulate their relationships with international oil and gas companies. These countries tailor petroleum fiscal regimes to fit their own desires. However,... more
T.C. Petrol İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü Tarafından hazırlanan 1995 yılına ait raporda Cumhuriyet öncesi ve Cumhuriyet sonrası karada ve denizde yapılan petrol arama çıkarma vb. tüm süreçleri açıklayan kapsayıcı özel bir rapor.
ABSTRACT The Alternative Dispute Resolution mechanism has served as a tool for conflict resolution in different spheres of the economy worldwide through the process of negotiation, mediation, arbitration, conciliation, and mini-trial. It... more
The Joint Operating Agreement (JOA), the constitutional document of an unincorporated joint venture is, excluding the License, the most important legal instrument for oil operations in the United Kingdom Continental Shelf (UKCS). As an... more
A B S T R A C T Myanmar's political and economic transformation and drastic expansion of foreign direct investment in natural resource sector necessitate systematic safeguards to mitigate impacts from its development activities. Myanmar... more
In the past 150 years the O&G industry has evolved abruptly both in technological terms and in economic importance . The industry now drills in almost every environment and under extreme conditions. What was little more than mining for... more
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo estudar os chamados contratos de risco celebrados en-tre empresas multinacionais e a Petrobrás para exploração, avaliação e desenvolvimento de poços de petróleo em áreas selecionadas da bacia sedimentar... more
The Nigerian oil industry has continued to play a significant role in the nation’s drive towards economic growth and development. The sector has become the mainstay of the economy, pivoting other sectors and accounting for about 90% of... more
In an appeal case submitted to the House of Lords related to the Piper Alpha disaster, Lord Bingham restated two points relating to the offshore oil and gas industry: (1) It is plain beyond doubt that an Oil Platform is a dangerous place... more