Oil Spill
Recent papers in Oil Spill
Microbial concentrations of denitrifiers, pseudomonads, and monoaromatic petroleum hydrocarbon (BTX) degraders were significantly higher (p Ͻ 0.1) in soil samples from the rhizosphere of poplar trees than in adjacent agricultural soils,... more
Atmospheric mercury pollution was recognized after a large oil spill on the west coast of Korea on 7 December 2007. In this study, the concentrations of gaseous elemental mercury (GEM: Hg 0 ) in air were measured both shortly after the... more
Traditionally, the toxic effects of petroleum have been investigated by conducting studies in the absence of ultraviolet radiation (UV). Photomediated toxicity is often not considered, and the toxic effects of an oil spill can be grossly... more
for their cooperation and assistance. This report is one of a series of reports on numerical simulation of oil slicks in inland waterways. The series coordinator is Steven F. Daly, CRREL.
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This paper reports on oil classification with fluorescence spectroscopy. The investigations are part of the development of a laser-based remote sensor (laser fluorosensor) to be used for the detec- tion and classification of oil spills on... more
Petroliferous activities in Brazil have an accelerated development in the last years. As a consequence, the incidence of environmental accidents such as oil spills and contamination of soils has increased significantly. Therefore, it is... more
The Straits of Malacca, along the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia, is one of the busiest waterways in the world with about 2000 vessels passing through it per month, of which about 25 percent are oil tankers of varying sizes . In the... more
The long-term fate of petroleum hydrocarbons in marsh sediments (West Falmouth, MA) contaminated in 1969 by the spill of the barge Florida was investigated. A 36-cmlong sediment core was collected in August 2000, and sediment extracts... more
In order to mimic the biological effects of an oil spill in Arctic waters, we examined several types of biomarkers (genes, enzymes, metabolites, and DNA damage) in polar cod Boreogadus saida experimentally exposed to the water soluble... more
Oil and water fluorescence properties were studied under their excitation by 266 and 355 nm light, corresponding to the fourth and third harmonics of a Nd:YAG laser.
On August 11, 2006 more than 2 million liters of Bunker C oil spilled in southern Guimaras Island, central Philippines. Over 200 kilometers of coastline have been affected including the traditional livelihood in the island. The immediate... more
Three sorbents were compared in order to determine their potential for oil spill cleanup. Polypropylene nonwoven web, rice hull, and bagasse with two different particle sizes were evaluated in terms of oil sorption capacities and oil... more
Les marées noires font partie des catastrophes industrielles les plus spectaculaires et aux conséquences environnementales et économiques les plus visibles et directes. Au travers de trois marées noires majeures qui ont touché la Bretagne... more
Oil-contaminated soil (OCS) results from leaking underground storage tanks, oil spills on clean soils, or soils surrounding petroleum refineries and crude oil wells. In Oman, Petroleum Development Oman (PDO) generates more than 50,000... more
In this work the development and the application of an operational management tool for the Greek Seas is described. This tool consists of a three-dimensional¯oating pollutant prediction model coupled with a weather, a hydrodynamic and a... more
Approximately 1 year after the Gulf War oil spill we examined the distribution, species composition, abundance and productivity of seagrasses in several oil contaminated bays along the northeastern coastline of Saudi Arabia. The most... more
This study investigates the probabilities of vessel safety and pollution inspections by type of vessel by the U.S. Coast Guard based upon individual vessel inspections for the years 1992-2001. Probit estimates of vessel safety (versus... more
Although science widely recognizes the importance of the Western edge of the Amazon Basin for Earth’s ecological systems, it remains a region of oil extraction, with drilling sites dating back to the mid-twentieth century. The oil economy... more
After the conclusion of emergency response efforts for the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) oil spill in fall of 2010, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) initiated the natural resource damage assessment (NRDA) process. The... more
We studied the effects of the Prestige oil spill on Ría de Vigo bacterial abundance, production and community structure by using mesocosms (ca. 3500 l) filled with water from the center of the Ría, to which we added a realistic... more
The ecotoxicological effects of oil spill from the grounded vessel MV River Princess on the intertidal benthic organisms of Sinquerim -Candolim beach at Goa were investigated. An intertidal expanse of 1km on either side of the grounded... more
This work presents how the traditional economy and the ecological economics treat the environment and which tools they use to integrate the environmental problem into the economical context. In this context, the present work evaluates the... more
Oil spill dispersants are used to enhance the rate of natural dispersion of an oil spill at sea. Dispersants remove the oil slick from the sea surface and dilute the oil as small droplets in the water column. The large increase in the... more
Jacobi, C.M. and Schaeffer-Novelli, Y., 1990. Oil spills in mangroves: a conceptual model based on long-term field observations. Ecol. Modelling, 52:53-59 A conceptual model is proposed for evaluating residence time of oil in mangrove... more
The purpose of this study is to determine the risky areas by simulating trajectory of ship based oil spill in Bay of Izmir. To get well informed about fate, this study makes the best possible use one trajectory model. PISCES 2 (Potential... more
The purpose of this study is to investigate the oil spill and predict the future accidents likely to be encountered around the Bay of Izmir. To get well informed about this fate this study makes the best possible use of trajectory model.... more
This study presents a stepwise concept to assess the in situ microbial mineralization of petroleum hydrocarbons (PHC) in aquifers. A new graphical method based on stable carbon isotope ratios (δ 13 C) was developed to verify the origin of... more
Cleaning methods employed in last oil spills usually require direct contact or the intervention of external agents that can lead to additional contamination and damage of treated surfaces. As an alternative, a laser-based methodology is... more
The discovery of oil in 2007 and its subsequent production in 2010 is expected to have a positive impact on the economy of Ghana. The living conditions of the ordinary Ghanaian is expected to relatively improve with the massive... more
A state-of-the-art review of numerical oil spill trajecwry and fate modeling is presented to include advection, spreading, evaporation, dissolution, dispersion, emulsification, biodegradation and sedimentation. This paper represents an... more
Abstract This work deals with modified wheat straw’s oil adsorptivity in the case of oil spills on freshwater (e.g. lake water or stream water) after the use of chemical dispersant. Wheat straw, a common lignocellulosic agricultural... more
Shanghai Oil Spill: China's Huangpu River of Democracy
Although oil activities generate numerous forms of environmental impact on biological communities, studies of these impacts on Brazilian coastal ecosystems are rare. Results of tests for the content of oil in sediments and organisms... more
La seconda fermata lungo questo itinerario ecologico sulle magistrali della Nuova Via della Seta è in Uzbekistan: risorse idriche, idrocarburi e inquinamento
Compositional alterations of oil (MF380) spilled in mangrove sediments was studied over 4 years with an emphasis on weathering of PAH. Sediment cores were sampled yearly in three mangrove forests in Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro, two of... more
Examples are presented of different techniques which are in use, or could be used, to monitor the fate and effects of oil pollution in Dutch marine waters by oil spills and chronic contamination by rivers, processing water from the oil... more