Oil Palm
Recent papers in Oil Palm
This paper describes the development of a low cost coaxial moisture sensor for the determination of moisture content (30% to 80% wet-weight basis) of the oil palm fruits of various degree of fruit ripeness. The sensor operating between 1... more
A solução dos problemas na Amazônia não são independentes, mas conectada com outras partes do País e do mundo. A redução dos desmatamentos e queimadas na Amazônia depende do desenvolvimento de atividades agrícolas adequadas nas áreas já... more
The study examined the factors influencing economic performance of palm oil production in Abak Local Government Area of Akwa-Ibom State, Nigeria. The study was based on primary data collected with the aid of pre-tested questionnaire from... more
The potential secondary hazards of two anti-coagulant rodenticides commonly used in Malaysian oil palm plantations were evaluated through feeding trials with captive barn owls. A total of 12 adult barn owls (six pairs) were assigned to... more
Oil palm fibres have been used as reinforcement in phenol formaldehyde resin. In order to improve the interfacial properties, the fibres were subjected to different chemical modifications such as mercerisation, acrylonitrile grafting,... more
Cold tolerant (CT) or altitude adapted oil palm hybrid tenera seed, bred in Costa Rica, have been successfully adapted to higher, cooler areas of Africa, including Cameroon, Zambia, Kenya, Malawi, and Ethiopia. The plants can tolerate... more
The clarification operation in a palm oil mill is an important processing step that should be carefully handled with as much care as possible. As the oil loss in the clarification processes is a major source of oil loss in the overall... more
The environmental effect of globalization has been discussed broadly in the last decades. In the European Environ- mental Agency's third assessment of Europe's Environment they conclude that the EU has stabilized its own... more
An experimental investigation on the quality improvement of oil palm shell (OPS) as a coarse aggregate in lightweight concrete was conducted using several pre-treatment methods, and the pre-treated OPS aggregates were exposed to severe... more
A method for environmental assessment of agricultural land use is outlined. Environmental objectives and indicators of the land use quality are defined. The method is tested in case studies of cultivated vegetable oil crops: Swedish rape... more
Interception of light by a canopy is a fundamental requirement for crop growth and is important for biomass production and plant growth modeling. Solar radiation is an important parameter for photosynthesis and evapotranspiration. These... more
At present Malaysia is the largest exporter of palm oil in the international market. In the process of extraction of palm oil from oil palm fruit, biomass materials such as palm empty fruit bunch (EFB) and palm pressed fibre (PPF) are... more
Carbon blacks (CB), derived from bamboo stem (BS-CB), coconut shells (CNS-CB) and oil palm empty fiber bunch (EFB-CB), were obtained by pyrolysis of fibers at 700°C, characterized and used as filler in epoxy composites. The results... more
Plants produced vegetatively in tissue culture may differ from the plants from which they have been derived. Two major classes of off-types occur: genetic ones and epigenetic ones. This review is about epigenetic aberrations. We discuss... more
The potential of water extracts produced from rice straw (RST) and empty fruit bunch of oil palm (EFB) composts fortified with Trichoderma harzianum for the control of Choanephora wet rot of okra caused by Choanephora cucurbitarum was... more
Oil palm shell (OPS) is a waste lightweight aggregate originating from the palm oil industry, which is approximately 50% lighter than conventional aggregate. In this study, crushed old OPS was used as coarse aggregate. Compressive... more
Molecular markers have a useful role in oil palm improvement as conventional breeding is limited by the large size of the palm and its long generation interval. The starting point for such applications is DNA extraction using young,... more
The expansion of industrial oil palm cultivation threatens tropical biodiversity globally, especially in developing countries. Driven by plans to generate economic revenue, large-scale plantations are emerging in Southeast Asia, Africa... more
This paper presents an analysis of the performance of four agroforestry systems common in the southern part of Sumatra (Jambi and Lampung). The systems analysed are rubber agroforestry, cinnamon multicropping, oil palm monoculture and... more
A rapid method for the quantitative determination of the hydroxyl value (OHV) of palm-based polyols by Attenuated Total Reflectant-Fourier Transform Infra-red Spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) with partial least square regression (PLS) was... more
Triaxial compression tests were conducted to evaluate the response of randomly distributed fibre on the strength of reinforced silty sand. In this study, oil palm empty fruit bunch (OPEFB) fibre was mixed with silty sand soil to... more
Formation of compost from oil palm empty fruit bunches (EFB) and decanter cake slurry by adding palm oil mill effluent (POME) with regular turning operation was investigated. The experiment was conducted in a commercial composting plant... more
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To enhance the use of the abundant biomass generated by the palm oil industry in Malaysia a study was conducted in view of exploring the papermaking potential of this industrial byproduct. Fiber strands from the frond of oil palm trees... more
A life cycle assessment of hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO) biofuel was performed. The study was commissioned by Volvo Technology Corporation and Volvo Penta Corporation as part of an effort to gain a better understanding of the... more
Oil palm trunk is a major lignocellulosic-rich, solid waste material generated from palm-oil upstream industry. The activated carbons prepared from oil palm trunk pretreated with phosphoric acid with the ratio of the acid to the precursor... more
Over the last few years, the tropical peatlands of SE Asia have received both environmental and political international attention particularly since the failure of the Mega Rice Project on the vast peatlands in Central Kalimantan,... more
Energy conservation helps to reduce the cost of energy generation particularly in oil palm mills. The purpose of this study is to identify and analyse the energy and mass balance, the cost of production, energy conservation and... more
Oil palm is one of the major economic crops in many countries. Malaysia alone produces about 47% of the world's palm oil supply and can be considered as the world's largest producer and exporter of palm oil. Malaysia also generates huge... more
Chaya leaf meal (CLM) (Cnidoscolus aconitifolius (Mill.) Johnston) was evaluated as a poultry feed ingredient in a series of two pilot studies. In experiment I, diets containing 0, 25, 50 and 75 g CLM kg À1 were fed, ad libitum, to 480... more
Soaps made from blends of distilled palm stearin (PS) and palm (PK) kernel fatty acids were evaluated for total fatty matter, sodium chloride content, moisture content, hardness, Hunter whiteness, foamability, iodine value, titer value,... more
In Malaysia, there has been interest in the utilization of palm oil and oil palm biomass for the production of environmental friendly biofuels. A biorefinery based on palm oil and oil palm biomass for the production of biofuels has been... more
Malaysia is blessed with abundant natural resources and bears a favorable climate for commercial cultivation of crops such as oil palm. In Malaysia the total plantation area of oil palm was 4,487,957 ha in 2008. It has been reported that... more
Solid waste management is one of the challenging problems worldwide and it is becoming more complex by the increase in population and subsequently the waste generated. In Malaysia, among industrial solid waste palm oil mill waste (POMW)... more
Sawdust is a waste product from the timber industry. Research work carried out on the ash derived from the sawdust has confirmed its pozzolanic properties with a pozzolanic index value of 75.9%. This material compares favourably with fly... more
At present Malaysia is the largest exporter of palm oil in the international market. In the process of extraction of palm oil from oil palm fruit, biomass materials such as palm empty fruit bunch (EFB) and palm pressed fibre (PPF) are... more
Seven vegetable oils viz., sunflower (Heliunthus annus, L.), mustard (Brassica juncea Cross ), groundnut (Arachis hypogaea, L.), sesame (Sesamum indicum L.), soybean [Glycine max L. (Merril)], olive (Olea europea) and oil palm (Elaeis... more
Biofuels have had bad press in recent years. There are primarily two distinct issues. The biofuel crops with the best yields (such as sugarcane or oil palm) grow in tropical countries where habitat destruction has occurred in association... more
A new analytical method was developed for the determination of soap in palm and groundnut oils by FTIR spectroscopy. Soap from 0 to 80 mg/kg oil was produced in situ in the oils by adding sodium hydroxide. The FTIR spectroscopy was with a... more