Oil Extraction

197 papers
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Oil extraction is the process of retrieving crude oil from underground reservoirs through various techniques, including drilling and pumping. This field encompasses geological exploration, extraction technology, and environmental considerations, aiming to efficiently and sustainably access hydrocarbon resources for energy production and industrial use.
This research study focuses on the production of biodiesel from palm kernel oil and coconut oil. The biodiesel was prepared by trans-esterification of the oils (unsaturated fatty acid) with an alcohol in the presence of a catalyst to give... more
In this work the kinetics of oil extraction from spring canola seeds subjected to a hydrothermal pretreatment with direct steam (393 K, 5 min) was studied. The differences between the seed internal structure generated by the application... more
In the last 15 years, Ecuador has expanded its mining frontier in the Amazon at a pace and scale not seen before; this expansion has required the state to modify legal frameworks and institutions to increase territorial control in areas... more
Since ancient times plants have been used as source of therapeutic agents. Plants are playing a significant role in the indigenous system of medicine to combat diseases. Plants are the richest sources of bioactive organic chemicals on... more
The application of nanotechnology in Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) has shown significant potential in improving oil displacement efficiency. Various types of nanoparticles, including silica, carbon nanotubes, polymer, and metal oxide... more
Protecting Landscapes in Madagascar Interpretations of the Mandrare Valley An Exploration of a concept to bridge the gaps between science and the humanities in an effort to integrate different forms of knowledge for the management of the... more
Globally, biofuels are produced from the agricultural sources or biomass which contains higher feed stock material and agricultural component. These sources are used as a good source for the good yield of biofuels that results to higher... more
This study had as aims the extraction, purification and characterization of moringa oil for everyday applications with backing scientific. The average oil yield was of 23.92%, using the techniques: mechanical pressing (11.36%) and by with... more
Avocado oil has generated growing interest among consumers due to its nutritional and technological characteristics, which is evidenced by an increase in the number of scientific articles that have been published on it. The purpose of the... more
Response surface methodology (RSM) was applied to study the optimum condition of mango seed kernel oil (MSKO) extraction with n-hexane. In the present paper, for the first time, we provide an optimal condition of MSKO extraction to obtain... more
mirage Influencia del Tiempo, Tamaño de Partícula y Proporción Solido Liquido en la Extracción de Aceite Crudo de la Almendra de Durazno (Prunus Pérsica). DSpace/Manakin Repository. Login. ...
In a world grappling with climate change, resource depletion, and increasing poverty due to economic imbalances, the old model of resource extraction is not sustainable. Furthermore, building sustainable and lasting relationships between... more
The entire process of olive oil extraction involves the breakage of olive fruits to obtain a paste, the kneading of the paste, a centrifugation, and a further cleaning, performed by a disc stack centrifuge, to separate the residual water.... more
Over the last few years, vegetable oils have become an integral food part of the vast majority of the planet's population. In order to preserve all valuable substances in vegetable oils, it is necessary to correctly choose the rational... more
The oil from Moringa Oleifera seed from Nigeria was extracted using three difference methods which involves Cold pressure method (CPM), Extraction with Pet-ether (P.E) and Ethanol: Chloroform100(E.C) (1:1). The extracted oils were... more
Castor plant grows naturally in the wild over a wide range of geographical regions in Nigeria and it has an oilseed which has no much use. Production of biodiesel from this oil bearing plant offers potential of converting this waste seed... more
les eaux usées à des températures différentes (10 ± 2°C et 22 ± 2°C). Les espèces ayant une production potentiellement élevée en lipides ont été sélectionnées. L'utilisation des eaux usées, comme milieu de culture, diminue le coût de... more
Mini extrusion technology is a relatively new technology that offers fast timing and processing of food products. This technology paired with the advantageous properties and growing demand for soybeans can lead to a larger span of uses... more
Sunflower oil is extremely important and widely used in the food industry, pharmaceutics, cosmetology, and numerous technical fields. The main purpose of this research is to propose a novel design of a crew-type press for sunflower oil... more
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The majority of fuel ethanol in the United States is produced by using the dry-grind corn ethanol process. The corn oil that is contained in the coproduct, distillers' dried grains with solubles (DDGS), can be recovered for use as a... more
Tratamiento enzimático en la extracción de aceite y obtención de antioxidantes a partir de semilla de onagra, Oenothera biennis, por prensado en frío.
Palm oil is one of the richest sources of tocotrienols and may contain other non-tocopherol vitamin E congeners. The vitamin E profiles of fully ripened fruit mesocarp of three Elaeis Guineensis, two Elaeis Oleifera and one Hybrid OxG... more
This work is a study of the predictive group contribution methods, to evaluate its reliability compared with literature data and results between similar methods. Fatty acids constituents of palm and castor oil, and mixtures of them, were... more
Este trabajo consiste en la extracion mec´nica y caracterizacion fisico-Quimica del aceite de arachis hypogaea L. (Mani), variedad Georgia 06-G. La extraccion se realizo con una prensa hidraulica a escala de laboratorio con capacidad de... more
Este trabajo consiste en la extracion mec´nica y caracterizacion fisico-Quimica del aceite de arachis hypogaea L. (Mani), variedad Georgia 06-G. La extraccion se realizo con una prensa hidraulica a escala de laboratorio con capacidad de... more
Calendula officinalis L. is globally known for its medicinal importance. It has an extremely wide range of use, due to its certain properties and is well adapted to temperate climatic regions and is easy to grow. In present study, 12... more
This study examined the physicochemical characteristics and antioxidant activities of oils extracted from gingerbread plum kernels grown in two different areas (Niger and Guinea). The oil contents were found to be significantly different... more
Fatty acids esters have a wide application as bioplasticizers and biolubricants in different industries, obtained mainly in classic batch reactors, through an equilibrium complex reaction, that involves high temperatures, long reaction... more
The objective of this research was to evaluate the quality parameters and the chromatographic, thermogravimetric, and spectroscopic profile of Patauá oil (Oenocarpus bataua). All analyses were performed according to the Recommended... more
Illicium verum Hook essential oil (EO) is composed mainly of trans-anethole (TA), which has therapeutic potential. The extraction is usually by hydrodistillation, taking long hours, leaving the process costly and product with lower... more
This study aimed at optimizing the soxhlet extraction process for baobab (adansonia digitata) oil extraction from its seeds kernel. Normal hexane, petroleum ether, and ethanol were considered as the extraction solvents at 60, 65, and 70 o... more
The kinetics of essential oil recovery from lemon grass was investigated using an experimentally validated first order kinetic model. Essential oil recovery was accomplished in a steam distillation equipment using 100g of plant material... more
Oil was extracted from the seed of Cassia sieberiana Lusing soxhlet apparatus. The oil yield was 9.26±0.01% and the colour of the seed oil was dark yellow. The results of the physico-chemical analysis revealed the following; acid value,... more
To investigate the potential use of Jatropha curcas L. seed oil, dried Jatropha curcas L. seeds were crushed to release the kernels and oil was extracted using Soxhlet apparatus and the physicochemical characteristics of the oil... more
This work was carried out in collaboration among all authors. Author AAW designed the study, performed the analysis, wrote the protocol and wrote the first draft of the manuscript and did literature searches. Author HIM managed the... more
Over the last few years, vegetable oils have become an integral food part of the vast majority of the planet's population. In order to preserve all valuable substances in vegetable oils, it is necessary to correctly choose the rational... more
a RÉSUMÉ. Les citoyens peuvent décider du bien commun. Ce postulat, défendu par Jacques Testart, biologiste de la reproduction et critique de la science, invite à réfléchir sur l'implication des citoyens dans les processus décisionnels... more
Les citoyens peuvent décider du bien commun. Ce postulat, défendu par Jacques Testart, biologiste de lareproduction et critique de la science, invite à réfléchir sur l’implication des citoyens dans les processus décisionnels visant divers... more
This research investigates the physicochemical, phytochemical, and fatty acid composition of Neocaryamacrophylla seed oil. The paper aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the properties and applications of Neocarya... more
La educación es transformadora y a partir de sus conocimientos y aprendizajes se fueron desarrollando métodos y técnicas de quién, para quién y cómo enseñar. Hoy en pleno Antropoceno hay muchos desafíos para el futuro de la educación. Sin... more
El aceite de Milpesillos (Oenocarpus mapora), fruto perteneciente a la familia Arecaceae, posee un alto contenido de ácidos grasos poliinsaturados y un atractivo perfil como ingrediente natural. Se evaluó tres métodos para su obtención:... more
This article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but has not been through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and proofreading process, which may lead to differences between this version and the final... more
Agradecimentos à Oldesa-principalmente ao Marco Aurélio Santos e José Bonfim-por permitir a visita à usina e coleta de fotos e dados para a elaboração deste documento.
stabilized by phospholipids have been known for several The equilibrium phase behavior and the macroemulsion type decades, the stabilization mechanism remains controversial and stability of oil-water-lecithin mixtures was studied. For... more
Due to the abundance of Cocosnucifera L. (coconut) in southern part of Nigeria and considering its high consumption, this work was carried out to determine the potential applications of the seed kernel by investigating the physicochemical... more