Recent papers in Offshoring
Much has been written about the outsourcing phenomenon. Most authors have attempted to measure and/or minimize its effects or show that "in the long run" the benefits will outweigh the costs. Many authors have described the best way to... more
The paper investigates the diversified patterns of outsourcing in the Lombardy region and relates them to the probability of introducing product and process innovation. Based on a large firm-level survey, we show that outsourcing... more
Offshore outsourcing to vendors in foreign countries causes unique challenges which need to be understood and managed effectively. This paper explores cultural differences in IS offshoring arrangements involving German client... more
Dies ist eine Arbeit über die verschieden Methoden der Produktionsverlagerung. Ziel war es die jeweiligen Methoden voneinander abzugrenzen und deren Chancen und Risiken auszuarbeiten. Die Arbeit ist auf Deutsch geschrieben. Jegliche... more
have posed in their short conceptual paper in this issue. Dynamics of German backshoring activities over the past 15 years are described and differences in motivations between the main backshoring modes are depicted. Further implications... more
The offshoring of knowledge services has become the stuff of newspaper headlines and U.S. presidential debates. Here, we view the antecedents of the current state of affairs. In the 1980s services offshoring was a trivial portion of the... more
The research is about the different shoring models, unveiling mostly the benefits of using offshoring or nearshoring models. Aim of this research to differentiate the two models and try to find the drivers of extending the nearshoring... more
OPEN ACCESS: Purpose Recently, many firms have reshored manufacturing activities back to their home countries to increase customer perceptions of product... more
Business Process Outsourcing is the leveraging of technology or specialist process vendors to provide and manage an organization's critical and/or non-critical enterprise processes and applications. Outsourcing, Offshore-Outsourcing and... more
‘Herbert Marcuse and the Legacy of One Dimensional Man’, International Herbert Marcuse Society Conference,
Within a higher-dimensional incomplete specialization Heckscher-Ohlin framework, we first develop a gravity model that views bilateral gravity equations as statistical relationships constrained on countries' multilateral specialization... more
Dengan merujuk negara berikut,
bincangkan kelebihan dan potensi negara tersebut
sebagai lokasi untuk penyumberan luar pesisir
pantai (offshoring/outsourcing) perkhidmatan
perniagaan (business) - INDIA
bincangkan kelebihan dan potensi negara tersebut
sebagai lokasi untuk penyumberan luar pesisir
pantai (offshoring/outsourcing) perkhidmatan
perniagaan (business) - INDIA
La globalización neoliberal fomentó una paradójica tensión entre las supuestas tendencias hacia la homogeneización y uniformización social, y la aparición de nuevas desigualdades sociales. La sociedad actual, lejos de experimentar las... more
This study attempts to increase the understanding of how offshoring influences the introduction of new products and services. Focusing on the offshoring of those business functions that provide direct knowledge inputs for innovation... more
The recognition that innovation occurs in networks of heterogeneous actors and requires broad systemic support beyond knowledge brokering has resulted in a changing landscape in the intermediary domain in the increasingly market-driven... more
In the face of utopian discussions on global citizenship and cosmopolitan identities, this article argues that the concept of off shoring provides insights into rising realities in elite mobility and the formation of expat communities. I... more
This study investigates estimation errors due to hidden costs—the costs of implementation that are neglected in strategic decision-making processes—in the context of services offshoring. Based on data from the Offshoring Research Network,... more
The objective of this study is to explore factors that affect employee engagement in financial offshore organizations in India. Sixty employees involved in offshoring financial services were interviewed. Thematic analysis was used to... more
ABSTRACT Research and Development (R&D) offshoring in emerging countries has increased greatly in the last decade. The literature on this topic has been mostly interested in the motivations and determinants, while the effects on home... more
Traditional structural change theories study the dynamics of inter-sector labour-reallocation in autarky models. We analyse how model-results change if open economy setting is assumed, where we focus on the impacts of intermediate trade... more
0 7 4 0 -7 4 5 9 / 0 6 / $ 2 0 . 0 0 © 2 0 0 6 I E E E focus ments engineering life cycle related to global software development. RE is a software project's most critical phase; 2,3 the RE phase's success is essential for the project's... more
This paper examines management whipsawing practices in the European auto industry based on more than 200 interviews and a comparison of three auto makers. We identify four distinct ways in which managers stage competition between plants... more
This book provides a vibrant depiction of actual offshoring practices. The authors put forth eight cases in rich detail. These accounts of real-world scenarios highlight critical questions for academic research. In addition to eight... more
Global production sharing is determined by international cost differences and frictions related to the costs of unbundling stages spatially. The interaction between these forces depends on engineering details of the production process... more
The impact of culture on knowledge management in international teams is an important topic which is still not well understood. We want to contribute to the discussion by presenting two case studies of small software teams involved in... more
Over the last decades outsourcing has established itself as widely accepted management practice. Information systems researchers have spent considerable effort in studying the outsourcing phenomenon and theorizing about it. Through the... more
The growing offshoring process is the result of the fragmentation of production processes and the creation of global supply chains. This process has increased final and intermediate imports, but also the distance that goods travel in... more
Comunicacion presentada en el XIII Encuentro de Economia Aplicada, Sevilla, 10-11 junio 2010.
The offshoring is nowadays one of main competitive strategies used by companies from different industries. Therefore rising markets are becoming more and more attractive locations for enterprises from the BPO/SSC sector.... more
A simple model of offshoring is used to integrate the complex gallery of results that exist in the theoretical offshoring/fragmentation literature. The paper depicts offshoring as 'shadow migration' and shows that this allows... more
Due to the expanding trend to globalise software development organisations need to understand and address issues which previously did not arise. Cultural distance has been identified as one of these key issues. This paper presents the... more
The seemingly unlimited availability of science and engineering (S&E) talent in emerging economies and the increasing difficulties of finding such talent in advanced economies have given rise to a new trend: the global sourcing of S&E... more
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Jest to recenzja książki "Offshoring" Johna Urry wydanej przez PWN w 2015 roku. Zjawisko Offshoringu jest w recenzji rozpatrywane jako "uciekanie kapitału" poza granice wpływu klasy pracującej.
The evidence on growing inequality in OECD countries has raised an important debate over its main drivers, pointing out an increasing importance of capital-labour conflict. In this contribution, we aim at disentangling the role of some of... more
Details 74 projects - 11 Buyouts, 20 terminations and 43 with major problems, plus many bailouts. 28% of PFI/PPP contracts by capital value have been to subject to buyout, termination or major problems. The public cost of buyouts,... more
Economists and other social scientists are calling for a reassessment of the impact of international trade on labor markets in developed and developing countries. Classical models of globalization and trade, based upon the international... more
This paper presents a psychological contract perspective on the use of the open source development model as a global sourcing strategy-opensourcing, as we term it here-whereby commercial companies and open source communities collaborate... more
After observing the growth of the Indian and Filipino Business Processing Outsourcing sectors, Kenyan policy-makers and managers made substantial investments in international internet infrastructure and BPO marketing campaigns. While... more
This paper reviews a growing literature investigating how 'immigrant' diversity relates to urban economic performance. As distinct from the labor-supply focus of much of the economics of immigration, this paper reviews work that examines... more
In an increasingly competitive business environment characterized by more globalization, deregulation and technological advances, companies have been looking for ways of differentiating their products and services and also rethinking... more
The objective of this study is to explore factors that affect employee engagement in financial offshore organizations in India. Sixty employees involved in offshoring financial services were interviewed. Thematic analysis was used to... more
Given the complexity of sourcing choices in R&D, driven by conflicting points of difference, scholars have struggled to formulate clear theoretical predictions about which sourcing choices lead to superior performance. Our study... more
n investigation of ownership and scale of offshoring of 'Non-Profit Distributing' and 'Hub' private finance infrastructure projects in Scotland. Identifies public sector pension fund investment in these projects and makes a series of... more