Recent papers in Oedipus
An overview of the literary classic, "The Oedipus Cycle", major themes, events and a discussion of its components.
Most contemporary political theorists who have interpreted Sophocles' Antigone have focused on the fearsome clash between Antigone and Creon. The relationship between Antigone and her weaker, more cautious sister Ismene has not garnered... more
Spiridon le muet a été réédité (sans les illustrations) par les soins de Christian Laucou, aux éditions Des Barbares, Paris, 2008. Nous ne connaîtrons jamais le mythe d'OEdipe, tel qu'il aurait existé dans sa transmission orale. Nous ne... more
The article focuses on the solo performance "El Romancero de Edipo", created by Eugenio Barba together with the Spanish actor Toni Cots, and staged in several countries between 1984 to 1990. The performance was the very first monologue... more
L'auteure propose dans cet article une interprétation originale du mythe d'Electre et Oreste. Cet épisode de la tragédie grecque, pourrait‑il constituer, du point de vue de la psychanalyse, un cas princeps et structural ? Pourrait‑on... more
André Gide was among the French intellectuals who, in the beginning of the 20 th century, attempted a completely new approach to the Greek myth. A typical example of his work is Thésée, a novel where he practically de-mystifies the... more
About some instances of women’s suicide in Seneca’s writings and their relationship with both Ovid and Euripides
Oedipus the King is a play originally written by Sophocles. While Sophocles develops the mental images along quite specific lines, the imagery of light and darkness used literally of sight and blindness and metaphorically of knowledge,... more
Cfr. collegamento https://amzn.to/39KqePH Il presente documento contiene un saggio della parafrasi e del commento del testo euripideo delle Supplici, che comparirà nel volume di prossima pubblicazione : LE TRAGEDIE TEBANE – Volume II... more
Can Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex really be transformed into a love story, as in Steven Berkoff’s drama entitled Greek? This article will show that, although Greek may be viewed by some critics as simply a provocative drama by no means intended... more
John Milton’s Paradise Lost does not by definition call for a psychoanalytic approach as Freud’s theory was non-existent until the late nineteenth century, and so Paradise Lost was not meant to be read through a psychoanalytic lens.... more
La traduzione dell'Edipo a Colono di Sofocle è un'avventura straordinaria, ed emozionante. Non solo perché con questa tragedia Sofocle chiude idealmente la vicenda terrena ed umana di Edipo, vicenda ch'egli aveva già narrato -... more
Brief Information about Project Project Title: The Oedipus complex (Evaluation by a 1st grade psychology student) Duration of the Project: 3 months Information about Investigator Name (surname, first name) Topal, İzem Ayşegül Student No:... more
this working paper concerns the figurative examination (short version)
Translation of Sophocles' Oedipus the Tyrant, Antigone, Oedipus at Colonus, with notes and commentary by Jamey Hecht. From the Introduction: "Greek tragedy is a kind ofscripture that teaches us by showing, not telling, what we need to... more
Το άρθρο εξετάζει μια περίπτωση ανεπίλυτου οιδιπόδειου συμπλέγματος, όπως παρουσιάζεται στο διήγημα του Μένη Κουμανταρέα «Το Λουτρό», από τη συλλογή Τα μηχανάκια (1962). Σε συνάρτηση με τη θεωρία του οιδιπόδειου συμπλέγματος, η οποία... more
St. John's College, Dean's Lecture Series, 2 November 2018
The Ancient Greek myth as displayed in the tragedy by Sophocles “Oedipus Rex” tells about the dramatic figure of Oedipus, who unwittingly became the king of Thebes by killing his own father Laius, and married his mother, queen Jocasta.... more
This is a short essay on the significance of catharsis in the work of Oedipus and other plays, based on Aristotle's ideas of a perfect play.
A hermeneutical comparison of Sophocles' Oedipus Rex and Spielberg's Minority Report.
The Mythological Background to Sophocles' Oedipus 2) Sophocles as a Playwright 3) Interpretations of the Oedipus 4) Sophocles' Oedipus and the Greek Enlightenment
Die biblische Erzählung der Akkeda (Bindung Isaaks) wird hier als biblische Bearbeitung oder "Tikkung" (Reparation) des griechischen Oedipus-Thematik interpretiert.
Реферат. В статье обсуждены проблемы происхождения и развития в пост- Фрейдовскую эпоху концептов Эдипов комплекс, и "сексуальная аддикция", как культурных феноменов, построенных на широко распространенных сюжетах. На клинических... more
The 'entry point' into the history of psychoanalysis in India could be offered by 'Savage Freud', practiced proto-psychiatry in a mental hospital, taught psychology and psychoanalysis in the Calcutta University and wrote... more
RESUMO A partir da tragédia do grego Sófocles, “Oedipus Rex”, Freud construiu sua teoria do complexo de Édipo, considerado por ele como a pedra fundamental do edifício da psicanálise e seus trabalhos acerca do inconsciente demonstram... more
The focus of this paper is the analysis of Amélie Nothomb’s (born 1966) novella Tuer le père (‘Kill the Father’) (2011) regarding its classical influence. This work is a recre- ation of the ancient Greek myth of Oedipus. The author... more
"Amata, giacerò al suo fianco, al fianco di colui che amo" (Ant. 73). È notte: Antigone e la sorella Ismene sono sole, di fronte al palazzo reale. Creonte ha appena vietato di tributare onori funebri a Polinice: il suo corpo dovrà essere... more
Throughout ancient literature, Pride has always been associated with evil – the Bible branded it as a cardinal sin with its victims subject to eternal damnation, and in the world of Dante Alighieri, the proud were punished in the deep... more
In approaching this issue, it will be helpful to use two analytically distinct methods, to wit, the diachronic, which allows us to speculate about how the myth reached the hands of Lydgate (Guerin 2005, 183–191); and the synchronic, to... more
In the second stasimon of Sophocles’ Oedipus Coloneus the chorus describes the clash between Theseus and the Thebans. In Soph. OC 1054 ms. L, the families r (R Q) and z (Zn Zo) attest the adjective ἐγρεμάχαν referred to Theseus, whereas... more
Σκοπός της διπλωματικής εργασίας είναι να διερευνηθούν ο βαθμός αναπαράστασης της αιμομικτικής σχέσης του Οιδίποδα και της μητέρας του στον κινηματογράφο και ο τρόπος με τον οποίο η ψυχαναλυτική θεωρία συνέργησε στην απεικόνισή της. Στο... more
The present study offers a comparison between two myths concerning incest: Oedipus in Senecan tragedy on one side, Myrrha in Ovid Metamorphoses 10 on the other. The two narratives share many topics regarding structure, characters and... more
A look at the concept of fate, hubris, and truth using Oedipus and Othello as examples.
What this dissertation seeks to evoke is a theory of community based in an analysis of the work of four contemporary philosophers:
The language of incest in Sophocles' OT (and OC). Paper for "Psiche" (Società Psicoanalitica Italiana)
ÖZET "Freud ve Lacan Bağlamında Kastrasyon Karmaşasının İncelenmesi" başlıklı çalışma üç bölümden oluşmaktadır: