Recent papers in Odonata
Larvae of almost all of the 5,680 species of the insect order Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies) are dependent on freshwater habitats. Both larvae and adults are predators. The order is relatively well studied, and the actual number of... more
Numerous natural surfaces possess superhydrophobicity and self-cleaning properties that would be extremely beneficial when applied in industry. Dragonfly wings are one example of such surfaces, and while their general surface structure is... more
We evaluated the influence of environmental integrity and the potential as bioindicator of larval stages of species of Trichoptera in 20 streams of first to fourth order in the Pindaı´ba river basin, Mato Grosso, Central Brazil. We... more
As warm-adapted insects of tropical origin, Odonata cope with cold periods by seasonal regulation and diapause. A model for larval-overwintering species is proposed with three response patterns related to the timing of emergence, which... more
Defaunation, originally conceived as the loss of large vertebrates due to hunting or fragmentation, has been widely used in conservation studies yet the term has been arbitrarily used and poorly defined. Here we refine this term by... more
Dieser Bestimmungsschlüssel beschreibt alle Libellenarten in Nord- und Mitteleuropa. Um die Ausbreitung der Arten aufgrund der Klimaerwärmung abzubilden, wurde der Schlüssel auf Nord-Spanien, Nord-Italien und die istrische Halbinsel... more
Diversity of Odonata and their habitat preference was studied in a landscape between Kaziranga National Park and Karbi Hills of Assam. During study period we recorded total 82 species of odonates from 51 genera and 10 families out of... more
The Odonata collection in the Macedonian Museum of Natural History is the most comprehensive collection of this insect order in Macedonia. It is comprised of 1344 specimens, belonging to 46 species. The oldest specimens were collected in... more
Following field studies in 2018 the Odonata fauna of Society Islands, French Polynesia is reviewed and the validity of all records analysed. An updated species list is provided, bringing the number of breeding species recorded from this... more
Two records of 99 of Ischnura damselflies devouring mature conspecific cfcf have been so far reported. In Ischnura graellsii (Rambur 1842), 6 observations of 99 devouring mature conspecific dfcf were made in natural populations.... more
Three new basal species of Odonatoptera from the upper Serpukhovian (325-324 Ma) of Guandacol 1 locality, Quebrada de las Libélulas, Guandacol Formation, La Rioja province, central West Argentina, are described. Two known species also... more
Capung (Odonata) berperan penting bagi keberlagsungan ekosistem yaitu sebagai agen pengendali hayati dan bioindikator lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari keanekaragaman capung (Odonata) pada ekositem berbeda yaitu... more
The present study was conducted to study species richness of Odonata (Insecta) in Kolkata and Howrah, West Bengal. Results document eighty Odonate species including four new records viz., Rhodothemis rufa (Rambur, 1842), Trithemis festiva... more
In recent decades the interest in the Odonata species has increased in Spanish society. However, this growth has not yet resulted in the creation of a national professional body that is composed of experts, nor has it resulted in the... more
1) [email protected], (2) [email protected] RESUMEN Conocer la flora de un territorio ocupa un lugar destacado a la hora de abordar la conservación del medio natural. Con este objetivo se ha realizado un estudio de la flora vascular del... more
Agriocnemis splendidissima (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) is reported for the first time from Jhargram district of Chotanagpur Plateau region in West Bengal, India. Six other species of odonates are also reported from the study site.
In the year of 2008, the Project Entomofauna of Turkey was begun privately. The main aim was to compile the hitherto recorded taxa of pterygot insects in Turkey. For this purpose, 24 pterygot orders in Turkey, their family, genus and... more
Dragonflies and damselflies (Odonata) species diversity was studied in the Seloo city from 2011 to 2021. Its geographical location is 20083'73''N; 78070'70''E; 265 m. A total of 62 species of odonates belonging to 2 Suborders and 8... more
Norbert Menke, Christian Göcking, Nina Grönhagen, Ralf Joest,
Mathias Lohr, Matthias Olthoff & Klaus-Jürgen Conze
unter Mitarbeit von
Christoph Artmeyer, Ulrich Haese & Sebastian Hennigs
Mathias Lohr, Matthias Olthoff & Klaus-Jürgen Conze
unter Mitarbeit von
Christoph Artmeyer, Ulrich Haese & Sebastian Hennigs
– Dragonfly research in the West Balkans experienced significant boost in recent years, also due to the establishment of the Balkan OdonatOlogical Meetings (BOOM) in 2011. The main goal of BOOM is to contribute to research and protection... more
1. The Ephemeroptera fauna of the World consists of 42 families, 400 genera and 3000 species, while the Ephemeroptera fauna of the Turkey consists of 14 families, 39 genera, 138 species and 5 subspecies. 2. The Ephemeroptera species of... more
Türkiye Kızböcekleri ve Kızböceği Adlandırması
Population ecology is concerned with estimates of the composition and size of populations and the processes that determine their dynamics. To this aim, population ecologists must track wild animals over their lifetimes, and this task is... more
Riassunto -La biodiversità all'interno del Parco Regionale di Migliarino, San Rossore, Massaciuccoli è da tempo soggetta a studi di monitoraggio. Lo scopo di questo studio è di sopperire alle carenze riguardanti gli Odonati all'interno... more
Urbanization causes fragmentation creating "islands" of natural habitat. The resulting fragmented landscapes represent a challenge for migratory and resident species because of decreased connectivity among fragments. We examined the... more