Recent papers in Oceans
In today's world the oil and gas industries play major roles in energy consumption. Nations depend heavily on these resources despite their major disadvantage: They are not renewable. As the demand for renewable energy increases, it is... more
There are problems controlling autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) because they are nonlinear and coupled and have external environmental disturbances acting on the vehicle. More difficulties arise when the vehicle tasks require precise... more
Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and... more
Because marine hydrokinetic (MHK) turbine technologies are still in their infancy, their impacts on the environment remain largely unknown. Although few empirical data exist for MHK technologies, more data are available for other man-made... more
Underwater robotics projects offer an excellent medium for discovery based engineering and science learning. The challenge of building underwater robotic vehicles and manipulators engages and stimulates students while encompassing a very... more
Exposure to natural environments can have calming and stress-reducing effects on humans. Moreover, previous studies suggest that these benefits may be greater in areas with higher species richness. Our study took advantage of a... more
The ocean is a vast series of diverse yet interconnected ecosystems. Ocean waters cover the majority of the planet and are home to countless varieties of life. The volume of living space provided by the seas is 168 times greater than... more
A Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) can be an underwater robot. A simple ROV has been developed that can be built by grade-school children using off-the-shelf and off-the-Internet parts. PVC pipe is used for the frame, bilge pump motors for... more
This paper reports the design of a new remotely operated underwater vehicle (ROV), which has been developed at the Underwater Systems and Technology Laboratory (USTL) -University of Porto. This design is contextualized on the KOS project... more
Nine ocean wave energy conversion techniques are described and discussed. These techniques i nclude the use of heaving and pitching bodies, cavity resonators, wave focusing, pressure devices surging devices, paddles, outriggers and... more
Following Barcode vs Plastic Waste, supermarkets would be responsible for all plastic recollection associated with products they sell, while Public Administration would maintain the duty of control: a barcode which identifies any item... more
La surexploitation désigne un état de prélèvement des ressources naturelles qui dépasse la capacité de renouvellement naturel. En d’autres termes, une surexploitation continue peut conduire à la complète destruction d’une ressource. La... more
El clima de la Tierra ha cambiado muchas veces de maneras diferentes a través de su historia geológica, y hablamos de unos miles de años. Hoy en día existe una “presunción” que señala a la actividad humana, principalmente bajo la forma... more
In the twenty-first century, human-caused changes are being recorded at an unprecedented scale in the oceans, radically transforming our perception of the oceans and seas. Initially seen as a space outside of society, the ocean has become... more
Over the next ten years, the United Nations has invited the global community to think about, and make decisions concerning, the future of our oceans in a way that has not been afforded to other significant revolutions in our human... more
http://www.bekapital.com/#!The-Ocean-Wild-like-an-Organ-Played-Jack-Kerouac%E2%80%99s-World-Ocean/c1ze1/5564437c0cf21fee13b63719 The first road Jack Kerouac dreamed of as path to the world and as an awakening call to his vocation as... more
Recently linear synchronous generator for the exploitation of sea wave energy has been proposed. That solution does not require reactive power to magnetize but needs permanent magnets to assure the excitation. The electrical energy... more
This paper describes the implementation of a novel prototypical Underwater Augmented Reality (UWAR) system that provides visual aids to increase commercial divers' capability to detect, perceive, and understand elements in underwater... more
Phylotectonics is the study of descendant/antecedent relationships between continents, paleocontinents, and terranes based on their plate tectonic history. This "Tectonic Tree" diagram illustrates the phylotectonic relationships of the... more
In this work the mission control and supervision system developed for the ROAZ Autonomous Surface Vehicle is presented. Complexity in mission requirements coupled with flexibility lead to the design of a modular hierarchical mission... more
Oceans, Space and Society: Towards a Blue Sociology Felicity Picken, Palgrave Macmillan Press. Oceans remain among the least measured, formatted and socialised spaces on Earth (Latour 2005). While marine-related sciences,... more
Increased interest in oceans is leading to new and renewed global governance efforts directed toward ocean issues in areas of food production, biodiversity conservation, industrialization, global environmental change, and pollution.... more
The South African government launched Operation Phakisa in October 2014 to enhance the country's blue economy, or maritime or oceans economy. The presentation focuses on the blue economy and South Africa's extended continental shelf claims,
The early 1990s brought sweeping changes to the ways in which uses of the ocean are governed in Canada. At that time, the federal government signalled its intention to move away from the highly centralized fisheries management regime that... more
The hunting of small cetaceans (i.e., all toothed whales, except the sperm whale) for food or fishing bait is far more widespread than most people realise. While in recent years public attention has focused on hunts in Japan (specifically... more
The i n t r o d u c t i o n of deep ocean multibeam mappinq systems such a s Sea Bean to the oceanographic community h a s r e s u l t e d i n a more than hundred-fold i n c r e a s e i n s u r v e y r e s o l u t i o n , a n d h a s p r... more
Plastics, owing to their various beneficial properties (durability, flexibility and lightweight nature), are widely regarded as the workhorse material of our modern society. Being ubiquitously and increasingly present over the past 60... more
Plastics are nowadays considered to be the workhorse material of our modern society with an ubiquitous presence that has increased manifold over the past 60 years, providing several benefits to the global economy. However, inappropriate... more
The called today "Athlantic Ocean" was not designed in the Antiquity by the addition of these two concepts. They mean two different conceptions of the world. There were also another expressiones for designe it, like "Exterior sea ". El... more
The Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) has developed an AUV docking station for a 21-inch (54 cm) diameter AUV. The system was designed for operation with cabled undersea observatories in water depths up to 4 km deep and has... more
The Global PlasTic breakdown: how MicroPlasTics are shreddinG ocean healTh What's happening to sea life as plastics are shredded into smaller and smaller pieces? TinY ParTicles, biG ProbleMs Smaller particles are especially "sticky,"... more
Bay, CA in the summer of 2006 and Dabob Bay, WA in the summer of 2007, a team of scientists and engineers from MIT outfitted an on-board winch and CTD system onto a SCOUT autonomous surface craft (ASC). Along with allowing both... more
How might we better care for, and with, the harbour? What modes of transdisciplinary practice, within and outside academia, including art and activism, might best support this care-work? These were driving questions for the Sustaining the... more
The use of unmanned marine robotic vehicles in bathymetric surveys is discussed. This paper presents recent results in autonomous bathymetric missions with the ROAZ autonomous surface vehicle. In particular, robotic surface vehicles such... more
The oceanic turn offers an elaboration of and corrective to various theories of world literature. Oceans constitute the inaugural global space and chime with models of world literature as a circulatory system, but they also trouble such... more
This report demystifies the Blue Economy and why it matters. While focusing on the Caribbean, it lays out a global blue economy governance framework that is being used by countries across the world to better balance ocean health and... more
The past three decades have seen a growing interest in underwater acoustic communications. Continued research over the years has resulted in improved performance and robustness as compared to the initial communication systems. Research... more